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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Perfect Constitution Essay - 2443 Words
A More Perfect Constitution Begins with Congressional Term Limits Professor Larry Sabato is the founder of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia presents 23 proposals to revitalize our Constitution and Make America a Fairer Country. His book provides insight for a hard fought debate. Whether you like his suggestions or not or you agree with him or not, you have to respect anyone that can outwardly state that the United States Constitution as it has been handed down is â€Å"outdated.†This quest for reform I’m sure would anger many political conservatives who believe that the Constitution that we know today, is not in need of any reform, and is just the true document that is has always been and should remain. There a few†¦show more content†¦Do we presume to place the blame solely on our presidents, or do we consider the fact that the executive branch of government is much bigger than just the president, and how does that affect the running of the government in totality; more so the continuity of our government and the legislative branch. Continuity of government, just like business continuity plans of a corporation have existed since the 1950’s with overbearing threat of the USA v. USSR nuclear war prompted President Truman to develop a plan to ensure that the infrastructure of the government continued to operate under catastrophic conditions. Admittedly even though these efforts continued after Truman, some of these programs were allowed to lapse after the fall of the Soviet Union. Due to terrorist attacks in the mid 1990’s, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order requiring all departments and agencies to develop contingency plans for resuming critical functions following a disaster. George W. Bushs administration also tried to reestablish Continuity of Government programs. Progress has been made in some areas, but the progress does not include Congress in the event of a critical event. Article I of the Constitution gives all legislative powers to the Congress. Congress consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, both Senators and Representatives chosen through anShow MoreRelatedA More Perfect Constitution : Why The Constitution Must Be Revised1821 Words  | 8 PagesFor more than 200 years, the U.S. Constitution has been used to run the government of the United States, and it is what constructed and shaped America into the country it is today. The founding fathers had established a constitution that would create a perfect union, establish justice, insure tranquility, provide defense, promote welfare, and secure the liberty of American citizens. The constitution has done exactly what the founders have intended, but with a fast-growing population and a developingRead MoreThe Constitution Is The Perfect Balance Between Liberty And Power1505 Words  | 7 PagesHamilton once said, â€Å"The Constitution is the perfect balance between libe rty and power,†but not every person agreed with him, they are called the anti-federalists. As federalists, Alexander Hamilton and others believed it was time for a new strong national government; they believed it was time for the ratification of the Constitution. Of course, the anti-federalists did not agree with them, which led to a debate between them and the federalists over the ratification of the Constitution. Before theRead More A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution2293 Words  | 10 PagesA More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution Introduction Located on the third floor of the National Museum of American History, A More Perfect Union documents the forced relocation of thousands of Japanese Americans during World War II. The exhibit focuses on the violation of constitutional rights that occurred during this process. The purposes of this review are as follows: describe the scope, purpose, and message of the exhibit, analyze how that message is organizedRead MoreThe Consequences And Complications Of A More Perfect Union1019 Words  | 5 Pages The constitution to say the least was ambitious and tried its best to create a happy compromise amongst the lawyers who gathered for its framing. In result the founders could did not seek to answer every question that the constitution proposed. To do so would have been near impossible and would have caused conflict amongst the diverse opinions at the convention. Instead in such thing as the preamble to the constitution phrases where put broadly for a reason. This can be seen in suchRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States1388 Words  | 6 PagesInterpretation of the Constitution is one of the biggest conflicts within the United States–the highly contentious issue of states’ rights resulted from two different interpretations of what powers should belong to the federal government versus what powers belong to the individ ual states. No issue has ever caused as much turmoil as the issue of states’ rights–but one side must have more valid arguments. Should the federal government’s power be superior, or should the authority of the individual statesRead MoreAp Gov Unit 31006 Words  | 5 PagesWhat important purposes are served by the right to amend the Constitution guaranteed by Article V? Evaluate James Madison’s claim in Federalist 43 that the Constitution â€Å"guards equally against the extreme facility which would render the Constitution too mutable, and that extreme difficulty which might perpetuate its discovered faults.†Some critics of the amending process contend that amendments, once proposed, should be submitted to popular vote, bypassing state legislatures. Do you agree or disagreeRead MoreThe Development of the American Constitution Essay510 Words  | 3 Pagescountry. The Constitution was then born. The Constitution provided the structure of government and power that was needed to achieve a strong union. This structure â€Å"saved†the American republic from collapse while under the Articles of Confederation. George Washington himself called the end of the Articles a â€Å"happy termination†(Document A). He commended Henry Knox and hoped that good would come from the Constitution that was now put in place. Good has most definitely come from the Constitution. WouldRead MoreHow Democratic Is The American Constitution Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pagesis the American Constitution? is how effective the Constitution is at promoting the ideals of a democracy. For Dahl, there are several issues surrounding the Constitution, from its drafting, to its ideology, to its relevance. By analyzing Dahl’s critiques of the Constitution in terms of the parallels that exist between factions and the two-party system, the issue of unequal representation, and the necessity for the Framers to compromise on their ideals to ratify the Constitution, Dahl defined aRead MoreFramers of the Constitution1047 Words  | 5 PagesThe Framers of the Constitution and the Republicanism The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Even though it is the supreme law of the land, it is not well defined; it isn’t specific on multiple areas. Because of that, the constitution has been misjudged and miss interpreted in the past. However, there are certain parts were the Constitution is specific. It is partially specific on elements of the Constitution that embodies the republican principle of limited government, the three institutionsRead MoreWhy The U.s. Constitution845 Words  | 4 Pagesthat will influence and shape the future of our society. That is why the U.S. Constitution was put in place it is a stable of change, because the founders knew nothing in the world is completely perfect, yet with time things will change and the people must adapt to the times. The preamble introduces the constitution, and states that the government comes from the people. Its general purposes are in order to form a more perfect union we have to â€Å"Establish justice, insu re domestic tranquility, provide for
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Labor Party Of Australia - 2448 Words
YEAR 10 COMMERCE My vote would go towards the Labor Party of Australia as they not only agree with my beliefs but also offer a balance between the left wing and right wing of politics, whilst being a bit more to the socialist side. Putting the interests of the working class and the middle class first, they promote equality, aiming to provide a fair go and greater opportunity for all Australians by introducing more public services. As a democratic socialist party, they believe that public needs should be met before the wants of individuals, and that Australians should be compassionate to those in need. Labor also recognises the dangers of climate change and plan to stop it. The Labor party aims to improve the working man’s life by protecting the rights and conditions of the Australian workforce in both the capital cities and regional areas of Australia. The Nationals party have instead, more concentration on the regional residents which seems unreasonable as they only make up less than a third of the population. Labor stands firm to the belief that for working Australians to be free and equal citizens, the need for civil and political as well as economical and industrial rights are undeniable, including the right to strike and to be heard in politics. As opposed to Liberal, Labor intends to protect the minimum wage and weekend penalty rate, as they understand the negative impact which abolishment can cause to some of Australia’s lowest income earners. I would vote for them,Show MoreRelatedThe Australian Government Essay1381 Words  | 6 Pagesabout the Australian government because I really don’t hear much about Australia. It cur rently has a pretty interesting story to tell when it comes to their government. I became a bit interested in Australian politics when I saw a political animated cartoon on the internet that depicted Kevin Rudd, the last Prime Minister, on a news television show and it was quite humorous. I am going to give a quick history lesson on Australia then go into how the government formed and came to be. Then I will talkRead MoreAustralia s Parliamentary Democracy And If It Is Effective1287 Words  | 6 PagesAustralia, a country with a population of more than 22 million has quite the complex governmental system. Australia is known as a federation, a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy all in one. As a result, Australia has a queen, who resides in the United Kingdom, but is represented by a Governor-General in Australia. Following, a Prime Minister governs the country. In addition, there is a two-chamber Commonwealth Parliament that makes the laws. This diverse governme nt is often referredRead MoreThe Issue Of Asylum Seekers1060 Words  | 5 Pagesdignity first is integral. Whilst both political parties have very similar policies in regards to the topical issues, which are in essence going partially against the Church’s stance and human dignity. Australia has the economy, land, low population and living style to support more asylum seekers/refugees, especially when we have a ranking of 48 in the world on the scale of how many refugees we currently have accepted. With both political parties having fairly similar opinions on the refugee situationRead MoreThe Era Of New And Improved Cultural Identity1488 Words  | 6 Pagestime, the threats to our free country was a real possibility. The threat of Communism came into play, splitting the Labor party and bringing in the ANZUS treaty to combat that. In addition to that, Australia got involved in the Korean War in fear of Communism tearing our government apart. Girls donned short skirts and boys donned army greens, it was the decade of change in Australia and still affects our governmental decisions today. Retrospect investigates this era of change in depth in this editorialRead MoreEssay on Australian Multiculturalism and Immigration1397 Words  | 6 Pagesbipartisan consensus amongst all major political parties surrounding immigration and national security. Australia’s Immigration policy was initially established off two main driving forces- a need to industrialise and a need to populate. Initially Immigration policy was largely a derivative of racial prejudice, supporting ‘White supremacy’ and the creation of a solely British Society. Such ideologies were formalised through the ‘White Australia Policy’, the Immigration Restriction Act (1901)Read MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The Environment933 Words  | 4 Pages On April 11, 2014, Cyclone Ita roared through Queensland, Australia leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. One of the strongest Category 5 storms ever recorded, winds were recorded at over 110 miles per hour before landfall. While destruction in Queensland and the surrounding areas was immense, the offshore damage to the Great Barrier Reef was catastrophic. Many places of the reef were left with no living coral structures and entire portions of the ecosystem were erased from the seabed (Zolfagharifard)Read MoreAsylum Seeker Language Analysis856 Words  | 4 PagesLanguage Analysis ‘Australia still dancing to Howard’s tune on asylum seekers’ The piece written by Michael Gordon in The Age on October 19 2011, argues that ten years after the Australian federal election that sparked the asylum seeker controversy, asylum seekers are still being demonised and alienated by both of Australia’s major political parties. Gordon writes in an assertive, controlled and a somewhat concerned tone throughout the article with his target audience aimed at ‘The Age’ readersRead Moreâ€Å"What Role Do Minor Parties Perform in the Australian Political System?†1542 Words  | 7 Pagesrole of the minor parties within the Australian political system can be as their title suggests, quite minor. On the other hand, a minor party can influence the political proceedings of this country in more ways than one. Minor parties can highlight socio-economic problems that quite often fly under the radar of the larger political parties, or simply can broaden electoral debate. Often spawning from a social, or in the case of the Gr eens, an environmental movement, minor parties tend to only lastRead MoreCapital, Size Of Population Living Within The Capital1697 Words  | 7 Pages(2014) Distribution of GDP (composition, by sector of origin): agriculture: 4%, industry: 27.3%, services: 68.8% (2012) Inflation (CPI): 1.7% (2015) Urban Population: 12.8 million, 0.55% (2013) Population below poverty line: 2,265,000, 12.5% (2010) Labor force participation rate: 12.15 million (2012) Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Ranking (and score): 3 (82.4) (2015) The Environmental Performance Index is measured by nine core indicators and graded on a scale from 0 to 100. They are then comparedRead MoreThe Expectancy Indicator Of Australia1362 Words  | 6 Pagesyears old. In comparison to America’s record high of 78.8, this is a huge difference in time. I believe that the expectancy of life in Australia is longer than most other counties due to the Environment Performance Index that was discussed above. I think that there is a direct and precise correlation between a clean environment and a clean body. Overall, Australia is also less densely populated, even in the bigger cities, this reduces the spread of disease, sickness, fumes, and other environmental
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ifrs Advantages and Disadvantages free essay sample
In 1999 the Europeian Commission presented its financial services action plan, the implementation of which should contribute to the unification of integrated market for financial services in the EU by 2005. In the areas of financial reporting the action plan proposed that all listed companies report under the same accounting framework (Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, April 2011, Vol. 2 No12). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) promises transparent, comparable and consistent financial information to guide investors in making optimal investment decisions (Jacob amp; Madu, 2004). IFRS are standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). IFRS were adopted in 2001 by the European Union and all stock exchange listed companies were required to use them for reporting purposes after the start of fiscal year 2005 (Soderstorm amp; Sun, 2007, p. 675). This paper will consider the advantages and disadvantages of IFRS. Theory: Advantages of IFRS There are several advantages that have been presented in public forums, scholarly articles, news accounts, and other places where discussion of public issues are conducted. We will write a custom essay sample on Ifrs Advantages and Disadvantages or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A discussion of some of the major advantages follow: IFRS promise more accurate, comprehensive and timely financial statement (International Accounting Policy forum, 2006); this means that all accounting information must be relevant, reliable, comparable, and consistent. For information to be relevant, it needs to be significant enough to influence business decisions. The information should help confirm or correct users’ expectations. However it must be timely to be relevant. (Jane L. Reimers, 2011, p . 53) When the information is reliable, you can depend on it and you can verify its accuracy (Jane L. Reimers, 2011, p . 53) . In order to be reliable the information in the financial statements must be a faithful representation of what you want to accomplish, otherwise it could mislead investors. Comparability means that investors will be able to compare the corresponding financial information between two similar companies(Jane L. Reimers, 2011, p . 53). By this way, in putting together financial statements, accountants must allow for meaningful comparisons. Consistency is the characteristic that makes it possible to track a company’s performance or financial condition from one year to the next. In other words if the company uses the same accounting methods from period to period we are able to make meaningful comparisons. (Jane L. Reimers, 2011, p . 53) By eliminating many international differences in accounting standards, IFRS eliminate many of the adjustments people have made in order to make companies’ financials more comparable internationally. The adoption of IFRS reduced the cost for investors to process financial information. The gain would be extremely important for institutions that create large financial database. International Accounting Policy Forum, 2006). IFRS raises efficiency and it reduces the cost of processing financial information, which the stock market incorporates it in prices. Most investors can be expected to gain from increased market efficiency(International Accounting Policy Forum, 2006). By reducing international differences the accounting standards assists for removing the barriers to cross- border acquisitions, which in theory will rewar d investors with increased takeover premiums (International Accounting Policy Forum, 2006). Disadvantages of IFRS Like everything in life IFRS has disadvantages too. As , I stated above there are several disadvantages that have been presented in public forums, scholarly articles, news accounts, and other places where discussion of public issues are conducted. A discussion of some of the major advantages follows. Despite a belief by some of the inevitability of the global acceptance of IFRS, others believe that U. S. GAAP is the gold standard, and that a certain level of quality will be lost with full acceptance of IFRS. Further, certain U. S. ssuers without significant customers or operations outside the United States may resist IFRS because they may not have a market incentive to prepare IFRS financial statements. (http://www. ifrs. com/updates/aicpa/ifrs_faq. html#q6). A big disadvantage about companies in the US as well as in Macedonia nad the European Union adopting IFRS is that current and future accountants will have to relearn how to do their jobs. Also, IFRS does no t permit Last in First Out (LIFO) as an inventory cost method. However, it is to my knowledge that only a small number of companies, about ten percent still use LIFO. IFRS ideas regarding revenue recognition are more widespread than GAAP containing very little instruction specific to each industry. IFRS uses a single-step method for impairment write-downs compared to the two-step method U. S. GAAP supports. Under the single-step method, write downs are far more likely to take place. Overall, the main and most important difference is the fact that IFRS provides much less specific detail and has fewer requirements in reporting than GAAP does (http://ezinearticles. com/? International-Financial-Reporting-StandardsAdva tages-and-Disadvantagesamp;id=1679687) Manipulation. There is a downside to the flexibility that IFRS allows: companies can utilize only the methods they wish to, allowing the financial statements to show only desired results. This can lead to revenue or profit manipulation, can be used to hide financial problems in the company and can even encourage fraud. For example, changing the method of inventory valuation can bring more income in to the current years profit and loss statement, making the company appear more profitable than it really is. While IFRS requires that changes to the application of the rules must be justifiable, it is often possible for companies to invent reasons for making the changes. Stricter rules would ensure that all companies are valuing their statements the same way (Accounting and Business Research. International Accounting Policy Forum, pp. 29-30. 2006 ) ; (http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-505125_162-28241310/pros-and-cons-of-ifrs/? tag=bnetdomain) ; (http://www. ifrs. com/ifrs_faqs. html) Cost. A small company would be impacted by a countrys adoption of IFRS in the same way a larger one would.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Upton Sinclairs The Jungle Essays - Economic Ideologies,
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is the tale of a Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis Rudkus, and his family. Jurgis and his family move to the United States in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, only to find themselves ill-equipped for the transition in the workplace and in society in general. Jurgis faces countless social injustices, and through a series of such interactions, the theme of the book is revealed: the support of socialism over capitalism as an economic and social structure. Jurgis learns soon after transplanting his family that he alone cannot earn enough to support his entire family, in spite of the intensity of his valiant efforts to work harder. Soon his wife and the rest of his family are working as well, all attempting to chip in to cover family expenses. However, such exposure proves itself to be too dangerous and detrimental to the Rudkuses. Jurgis becomes hardened by his negative experiences as he realizes that, in a capitalist society like the one he was living in, there is no justice. Hard work is not justly rewarded, and often times corruption is rewarded in its place. Through and through, he sees that capitalist life is not fair. Soon he is injured on the job and is forced to stay home and out of work while his mangled foot heals. Jurgis is sidelined from work for two months, and upon his return he finds himself replaced by another worker. Desperate for a job, he takes a dreaded position at the glue factory. Hi wife is pregnant, his family is working themselves to the breaking point, and the bills are getting the best of them. Jurgis turns to drinking. Things get worse. He learns that his wife has been forced to have sex with her boss. Jurgis, in a rage, attacks the man at the Packing house and is arrested for battery. He spends a month in jail, at which time he meets Jack Duane, a character who introduces him to the easy life: a life of crime. Within a month of the time Jurgis gets out of jail, everyone has lost their jobs and the house they struggled so hard to keep is lost. Soon Ona is having a child, and because of the lack of funds to pay for proper care for her, both she and the child die in labor. His son drowns, many family members have died and the remainder are scattered with no semblance of the family they once were. Jurgis takes to the country to become a tramp, but as winter approaches he knows he must return to the city - to the jungle - once again. Jurgis becomes a beggar and a vagrant. After receiving $100 dollars from Freddie Jones, the son of rich Old Man Jones, he goes into a bar to get change and gets into another altercation, this time with the bartender, and is again arrested. Soon he turns to Jack Duane to enter the life of crime he had foreshadowed. Isolated from any remainders of his family, he begins to live the easy life of shortcuts and crooked paths. However, another chance encounter with Connor, his wife's boss and seducer, brings out his true self again, the man who stands up for his moral convictions, even when it harms him to do so. After beating the man again, he is arrested and jumps bail. By pure luck he wanders into a socialist meeting while looking for food and/or a place to sleep. There his life begins a change in earnest. He learns at that meeting what the working class can do to make a difference. Soon after he reunites with his daughter, Marjia, a drug-addicted prostitue struggling to support the family's remains. The story closes with a happy socialist ending: Jurgis gets a job at a hotel run by socialists and seals his fate. He goes on to become an avid socialist and he, the fighter, and Marjia, the victim, pick up the pieces of their lives to make everything better. I feel that this book is a ridiculously oversimplified look at socialism and a very sinister look at capitalism. While I applaud Sinclair's efforts to illustrate the injustices of capitalism,
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Symbolises innocence Essay Example
Symbolises innocence Essay Example Symbolises innocence Essay Symbolises innocence Essay Write about the use Blake makes of childrens voices in at least two other poems. I am using the innocence poems The Lamb and Infant Joy in order to compare the way Blake uses childrens voices with the experienced poem Infant Sorrow The Lamb is written like a religious hymn and is narrated by a small child. The Little Lamb in the poem symbolises Jesus. The structure of The Lamb is two simple stanzas each of ten lines. The first half of the poem represents the child talking to The Lamb the second half shows the Lamb replying to the small child. The first half of the poem also acts as a chorus, like in a religious hymn, the simple structure reflects the simplicity of the poem and the child. Infant Joy shows the joys of a child being born and the choosing of names. The poem is narrated by a two day old baby throughout. The poem shows the celebration of child birth and a child. The structure of Infant Joy is two simple stanzas, each of six lines, the structure if simple like the baby, this symbolises innocence. Infant Sorrow is the partner poem of Infant Joy ad is the complete opposite of it. It shows the pain and upset caused by child birth and shows the loneliness of the newborn baby. The structure of Infant Sorrow is two stanzas, each of four lines, which appears quite simple and innocence like however the lines are much longer than in Infant Joy. The poem is narrated by a new born baby. The three poems I have chosen have a lot of similarities, they are all narrated by children or babies but Blake changes his style of writing in each case. In Infant Joy the baby is but two days old, the baby appears happy and content as it is an innocence poem, throughout the poem the baby talks of its joy of being born. In The Lamb the small child is talking to Jesus, represented by The Lamb. The child asks questions of creation and then replies to itself. The Lamb is different to Infant Joy as the child is playing both parts, the lamb and the child therefore asking and answering its own questions where as in Infant Joy there is only one character, the baby, and therefore we only feel its emotions, the mother and father are not involved in the poem. Whereas in Infant Sorrow the mother and father play a main part, the baby talks of the upset and moaning of his mother and father shortly and it is born and shows how it is feeling lonely and controlled. Blake here is obviously creating a different child for each poem, and each child obviously has its own voice and opinions. Possibly, the babies in Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow are the same baby but Blake has given them different situations to live and cope in. Blake uses different language also in each of the poems, in The Lamb Blake uses archaic language to symbolise the relationship between the child, God and Jesus, Dost thou know who made thee, whereas in Infant Joy Blake uses innocent, positive words to symbolise that the baby is happy with its birth and excited at the fact that it will soon be named. Infant Sorrow is in complete contrast with the two other poems; Blake uses negative, experienced words of corruption and hatred to portray the emotions that the baby is feeling.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Cut To The Chase
Cut To The Chase Cut To The Chase Cut To The Chase By Sharon Cut to the chase is a common expression, meaning get to the point. Its an exhortation to omit flowery phrases and unnecessary preamble and focus on the core issue. This expression first appeared in newspapers in the 1940s, though it has an older origin in the American film industry. In the era of silent film, a romantic love story often ended in a thrilling chase sequence, which was the most exciting part of the film. At that time cut to chase was a script direction indicating that the chase was next in the sequence of events. One example cited is in the novel Hollywood Girl by Joseph McEvoy, where a character gives the script direction: Jannings escapes; cut to chase. Here are some quotations from newspapers: People could fight about the merits of the Duke’s films for years, but let’s cut to the chase. Here are five favorites, all perfect ways to celebrate his endearing talent. And, surprise, theyre not all Westerns. USA Today But, Peters thought, if you can tell in half a minute of meeting someone whether theres chemistry, then why not cut to the chase and just meet up? She crafted a new approach: an app where users can meet people without hassling with features on traditional online dating apps. LA Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Beautiful and Ugly WordsTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonSupervise vs. Monitor
Thursday, November 21, 2019
In your own practice, which of the classification systems would be Essay
In your own practice, which of the classification systems would be most advantageous - Essay Example As nursing developed into more of a calling and a profession, it also became clear that there needed to be a standard of nursing classification languages which would be readable through all the disciplines, not only for understanding cases and diagnoses, but also to help those who were conducting research and needed to be able to pick up the terms during case research. Currently, there are three nursing classification languages commonly in use and are also internationally based, helping with evidence-based communications across borders and also across the classifications. They are utilized within the standardized nursing languages (SNL) which consist of three components: assessment, problem identification and problem management (Allred, Smith & Flowers, 2004). The organization was founded in the U.S.A. in 1982, based on the National Conference Group task force that first organized in 1973 to develop a cohesive system for notating diagnoses. In 2002, NANDA became an international group, thus opening the doors to a more global sharing of over 200 evidence-based diagnoses through a common standardized nursing language (NANDA, 2012, web). This is used in addressing patient symptoms and reactions to illnesses and injuries and is recorded by nurses through a system of problems, etiology and signs/symptoms (PES). An example of a statement for a patient who has dizziness (problem) is that there is a lack of water intake under heavy physical exertion (etiology) and the patient has dry mouth and very little urine flow (signs) (Allred et al, 2004, p. 57). The NOC is comprised of over 190 patient outcomes that nurses can refer to and it is a three-layer processing system of seven domains, 29 classes of outcomes and 260 final outcomes. These are concerned with information regarding the patient’s surroundings and environment that encompasses family members, community and each has an assigned
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Clients Requiring Psychotropic Medication Essay
Clients Requiring Psychotropic Medication - Essay Example It has been demonstrated that the results of combined therapy are superior to either type of therapy used alone. This approach is used by practitioners as pharmacotherapy-oriented psychotherapy (American Counseling Association, 2008). A major indication for using medication when conducting counseling, particularly for those patients with major mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder is that psychotropic agents reduce anxiety and hostility. This improves the patient's capacity to communicate and to participate in the psychotherapeutic process involved in counseling. Another indication for such combined therapy is to relieve distress when the signs and the symptoms of the patient's disorder are so prominent that they require more rapid amelioration than psychotherapy alone may be able to offer. In fact there is a current consensus that each technique may facilitate the other; counseling may enable the patient to accept a much needed pharmacological agent, and the psychoactive drug may enable the patient to overcome resistance to entering or continuing counseling and psychotherapy (American Psychological Association, 2005). With the introduction of psychoactive medications ... theoretical issues about the value of medication in the overall treatment of a patient, as well as the practical issues of whether a psychotherapist can also be a medication provider. Consequently, there had been an idea of the counselors which saw medications as intrusive, unnecessary, and even harmful. Their belief was that relief was provided by talking with patients, understanding their problems, and assisting in resolving developmental conflicts and early life traumas. The biological school of mental health professionals began to assume that medication was the way to change brain functioning and that biological change was the only method leading to symptom relief. If the right combination of medication and/or medications could be found, the patient could eventually be "cured." In this framework, verbal therapy was superfluous and of relatively little value. Such clinicians also began to discount the importance of the prescriber/patient relationship, feeling that the only importa nt mechanism was the chemical effect of the medication (Antonuccio, D. O., Danton, W. G., & McClanahan, T. M., 2003). This debate still continues in a vestigial manner, but most clinicians now see value for both medications and psychotherapy in managing a mentally ill client. Both have importance and both can result in relief of symptoms, better when used together in a judicious manner. Often the combination of medication and verbal therapy is the most efficient route to rapid symptom relief. Today's therapeutic premise is that a combination of both forms of treatment, psychotropic medication and psychotherapy of various kinds, will not only be helpful, but also should be prescribed for many patients. While not all patients will opt for both therapies, it is the task of the clinician to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Child of Divorce Essay Example for Free
Child of Divorce Essay Divorce is becoming a norm in the society nowadays. This refers to the complete termination of marriage between the couple who demands for it. Through the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony, both parties are allowed to marry again (Gallagher, 1996). However, opposing views are prevailing regarding divorce. For those who are in favor of it, divorce can be regarded as the only legitimate remedy when happiness and affection are no longer provided in the marriage (Scanzoni 1965). For those who are against it, divorce causes psychological problems and damage to social cohesion (Diefenbach, 2007). Divorce is not just the story of the couple parting ways but it is more of a story of the children who are products of a divorced marriage. â€Å"Human children need parents longer than any other species and are totally dependent on parents for food, shelter, and protection for the first several years of life. This dependency spawns a fear of abandonment. In divorce, one of the parents leaves. When one parent leaves, the children feel rejected. The loss children feel at divorce is similar to that experienced when a parent dies. Divorce might actually be harder on children because it lacks the concrete cause and finality of death (Bryner, 2001). †This causes most of the children of divorce to be more aggressive, impulsive and develop antisocial behavior compared to children from intact families (Hetherington, 1999). Others also exhibit lower academic performance (Kelly, 1998). However, some children manage to develop without these deleterious effects of divorce. As a matter of fact, these children are found to have less stereotyped sex behavior, greater maturity and greater independence (Emery, 1995). The developmental stage of the child when the divorce of his parents occurs is predictive of the child’s behavior and reaction towards the situation. An infant or a toddler will not react at all to his parents’ divorce because he can’t still comprehend the situation. However, a preschooler will tend to blame himself as the culprit of his parents’ divorce. Because he feels guilty and fears that the remaining parent may also leave him, he becomes more possessive of his parent (Roseby, 1998). For a young school-aged child, the divorce of his parents gives him a sense of responsibility. He feels that he should bring his parents together again and think of strategies that will make his parents interact in any way (Lansky, 1996). On the other hand, older school-aged children tend to blame one parent and take the side of the other parent. They become anxious and worrisome of the situation which makes them prone to illnesses such as headaches, sleeping disorders, chest pains, diabetes and asthma (Kimball, 1994). The reaction is more deleterious with adolescents who entirely mask their reactions. They switch to other outlets such as peers, sex, alcohol and drugs because they hate being bothered by their parents’ lives (Thompson, 1998). I have a friend named Diane. Fourteen years ago, her parents separated by divorce. Back then, she was only turning three and didn’t know anything about the chaotic situation between her parents. She was left to the custody of her mother while her father was just obliged by the court to provide some financial assistance. Everything went well with this arrangement until she entered primary school where she had greater monetary needs. Unfortunately, her father had another family and was compelled to reduce the money sent to her. This was the reason why her mother was obligated to work in order to support her. Because her mother became busy in her work, Diane was always left with her grandmother whenever she was off from school. It was only through her grandmother that everything regarding her family became clear. She hated the fact that her own mother concealed their broken family from her and would always say that her father is just working in a far away place. She realized that she will never have his father back and that her fantasies of having a complete family would never be real. That time, she began to skip classes in school and whenever she would attend a lecture, she never participates in the recitation. She also failed our exams. I was really worried about the big change in her behavior because she used to be the top student of our class. I just learned about her family problem when she never attended classes for a week and her mother came to our school looking for her. One of our classmates revealed that Diane eloped with her boyfriend. I can’t forget the face of Diane’s mother crying and blaming herself for what had happened to her daughter. After that, I never saw Diane again. The last news I heard about her was that she is living with her mother again. She broke up with her boyfriend but gave birth to a baby boy, who, like her, is a child of divorce. Diane’s story is just one of the millions of stories which we can get from the life of a child from a broken family. In her case, the effects of divorce were appalling because of the lack of effective communication. It would have been better if both her parents explained to her the situation and the reasons why they should have divorce. When Diane learned that her parents were already divorced, she was very frustrated because she fantasized of having a complete family when her father returns from work. She also felt betrayal because her mother never told her what’s real. These extreme negative emotions changed her attitude and made her rebel against the situation. Also, Diane’s mother was very preoccupied in her work that’s why she was not able to keep an eye on the performance of her daughter in school. If only she did, maybe she was able to help Diane solve her emotional problems at an early stage. After all, divorce can really cause a big scar but it doesn’t really have to. References: Bryner, C. L. (2001). Children of Divorce. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Practice;14:201–10. Diefenbach, H. and Opp, K. D. (2007). When and Why Do People Think There Should Be a Divorce? http://rss. sagepub. com/cgi/content/abstract/19/4/485. Emery, R. E. and Coiro, M. J. (1995). Divorce: consequences for children. Pediatric Review;16:306 –10. Gallagher, M. (1996). The Abolition of Marriage. Regnery Publishing. Hetherington, E. M. and Stanley-Hagan M. (1999). The adjustment of children with divorced parents: a risk andresiliency perspective. Journal of Child Psychology; 40:129–40. Kelly, J. B. (1998). Marital conflict, divorce, and children’s adjustment. Child Adolescent Psychiatry;7:259 –71. Kimball, G. (1994). How to survive your parents’ divorce: kids’ advice to kids. Chico, California: Equality Press. Lansky, V. (1996). Divorce book for parents helping your child cope with divorce and its aftermath. Minnetonka, MN: Book Peddlers. Roseby, V. and Johnston J. R. (1998). Common developmental threats in high-conflict divorcing families. Child Adolescent Psychiatry;7:295–309. Scanzoni, J. (1965). A Reinquiry into Marital Disorganization. Journal of Marriage and the Family 27: 483–91. Thompson, P. (1998). Adolescents from families of divorce: vulnerability to physiological and psychological disturbances. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Service;36(3):34 –9.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Bernard Bolzano-Pedagogue Essay -- Biography Biographies
Bernard Bolzano-Pedagogue ABSTRACT: Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848), the famous logician and mathematician, worked from 1805-1819 as a religious professor at the Prague University. His studies focused on three main themes: (1) ethical education, including a rather liberal sexual education as well as the problems of the coexistence of Czechs and Germans in one country (with foresight into some of these matters before the rise of extreme nationalism); (2) social problems, where he formulated for the first time his social-utopian vision of human society based on the fundamental equality of people, ideas later gathered in his book, Von dem besten Staate; and (3) philosophy and religion, of which his lectures concentrate on the social function(s) of the Church and the social mission of the priesthood. Because of his opinions, he was disqualified from his professorship, resulting in a Church investigation against him. He was unable to return to the university, denied the right to publish in Austria, and relegated to li ve out his life as a private research worker. Bolzano's fate is similar to that of another pedagogue from Bohemia-Jan Patocka. Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848), presently a logician and mathematician of international repute, worked from 1805-1819 as a theological professor at the Prague University. This post he received immediately after he ended his mathematics and theology studies. In this period he had already published his first scientific study Betrachtungen à ¼ber einige Gegenstà ¤nde der Elementargeometrie (A reflection on some elementary geometry questions), which was his final dissertation study. In the study Lebensbeschreibung des Dr. B. Bolzano (Biography of Dr. B. Bolzano), he remembers, that it was not easy to dec... ...he pseudonym Charles Seasfield or the painter during the Biedermaier period - Frantiek Tkadlà k. He also cultivated many less well-known teachers, priests, doctors and lawyers, who concentrated on spreading culture and improving the general public education. Mostly through Bolzano, the future development of Czech education has been influenced by the Enlightenment. We can say it through the words of the Czech philosopher Jan Patoà £ka, whose life and status as a professor was very similar to Bolzano's: "Enlightenment, which does not only mean the intellectualism of man to things and the world, but the attempt to save man from enslavement, confusion and lies everywhere, where the intellect can save them entirely, not to ridicule with the depths of human existence - it is a part of the Czech destiny". (1) Notes Jan Patoà £ka: Our national program. Prague 1990. p.9
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kohler Company Essay
Kohler is one of the largest and oldest privately held companies in America. It started by manufacturing plumbing fixtures, famously inventing the first modern bathtub, and soon after began manufacturing small engines and generators. Today the company is also in the furniture and luxury resort business. Most of the company’s shares are held by members of the Kohler family, however 4% of the outstanding stock is owned by outsiders. Herbert Kohler Jr. , the CEO and Chairman of Kohler, would like to do what he can to keep Kohler stock within the Kohler family and its interests. This led to the 1998 recapitalization. In this restructuring of equity, family members and permitted transferees (Kohler Trusts, Kohler Foundations, ect. ) were given the option to exchange their stock for several different classes of stock, such as common stock, non voting stock, Series A and Series B. The shareholders not classified as a permitted transferee would either have to sell their shares for what an independent firm determines fair market value, or dissent and allow fair market value to be determined by a legal proceeding. The fair market price offered by Kohler in 1998 was $55,400. Kohler’s stock recently fetched between $100,000 to $135,000 and the two largest outside shareholders recently bought a combined 93 shares right around $100,000. So Gen, a mutual fund and largest outside shareholder, believed market value per share could be $400,000. Because of this discrepancy in price; outside shareholders decided to file suit against Kohler claiming the price of $55,400 undervalued the stock and was not fair market value. It is now April 2000 and Herbert Kohler Jr. must decide whether to settle with the plaintiffs or go to trail in 2 days. It was very possible that the court would determine fair market value to be much higher than price offered. Herbert also must consider that the IRS will use a court determined share price to determine the tax liability of Herbert’s deceased brother’s estate. The share price will also affect the way the Kohler Foundation could operate, since by law it must annually pledge %5 of its assets, which is mostly Kohler stock. Analysis: Much of the share price was driven by the speculation that Kohler might soon go public. Herbert thought this was the primary reason the shares were extremely overvalued. However, the assumption of a future IPO was inaccurate. One of the core values and strengths of Kohler is the private classification of equity. Kohler considers it a competitive advantage to not have to disclose its financial position to the public. Not only does it give away proprietary information to competitors, but public reporting also affects the way a company can make decisions. Kohler feels that many of the business decisions that made Kohler a success, such as investing in cast iron production at a time when the industry was moving away from it, would not have been possible if they were accountable to pubic shareholders. Without the possibility of an IPO a lower share price than what share prices recently traded for was could be justified. However, Herbert must also consider the effects of having the valuation be determined in court. The first drawback to this is how costly legal proceedings are. On top of lawyer fees and court costs, it could be very expensive to reconcile and audit all financial documents as well as pay for expert opinions concerning the valuation. Since there is no standard or correct metric to value a company, there is increased risk as to how the court will value the company. If Kohler decides to continue with the trial they are leaving themselves, the Kohler Foundation, and the Kohler estate open to a lot of uncontrollable risk. Recommendation: I recommend Kohler offer to settle with the plaintiffs at $140,000. Kohler should settle outside of court to mitigate the risk and cost associated with the trial. While the price is not ideal, settling outside of court allows Kohler to control the price at a manageable level. This will be the best way to hedge against risk and lookout for the interests of Kohler, the Family, and its charities. In order to settle Kohler must offer a price of $140,000 to give the mutual funds the return on investment they desire. Since the purpose of mutual fund is to create value for their investors, they are probably more than willing to take the matter to court if they feel they are not receiving a fair return. The per share price of $140,000 will give the mutual funds roughly a 20% return on investment which should be enough for them to consider the offer favorable.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Airasia Essay 7
Company Background AirAsia Berhad as know as AirAsia is a Malaysian low-cost airline. It operates scheduled domestic and international uflights and is Asia's largest low fare, no frills airline. AirAsia pioneered low cost travelling in Asia. The airline was established in 1993 and started operations on 18 November 1996. A government-owned conglomerate DRB-Hicom originally founded it. On 2 December 2001, the heavily-indebted airline was purchased by former Time Warner executive Tony Fernandes's company Tune Air Sdn Bhd. AirAsia is the first airline in the region to implement fully ticketless travel and unassigned seats. However, as of 5 February 2009, AirAsia has implemented allocated seatings across all AirAsia flights, including in their sister airlines, Indonesia AirAsia and Thai AirAsia. In 2003, AirAsia opened a second hub at Senai International Airport in Johor Bahru near Singapore and launched its first international flight to Bangkok. AirAsia has since started a Thai subsidiary, added Singapore itself to the destination list, and commenced flights to Indonesia. Flights to Macau started in June 2004, while flights to Mainland China (Xiamen) and the Philippines (Manila) started in April 2005. Flights to Vietnam and Cambodia followed later in 2005 and to Brunei and Myanmar in 2006, the latter by Thai AirAsia. Its main base is the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). LCCT will initially handle 10 million passengers a year. Its affiliate airlines Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia have hubs at Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia, respectively. The airline is also considering founding Hong Kong AirAsia in the future. AirAsia's registered office is in Petaling Jaya, Selangor while its head office is on the grounds of Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, Selangor. AirAsia operates with the world’s lowest unit cost of US$0. 023/ASK and a passenger break-even load factor of 52%. It has hedged 100% of its fuel requirements for the next three years, achieves an aircraft turnaround time of 25 minutes, has a crew productivity level that is triple that of Malaysia Airlines and achieves an average aircraft utilisation rate of 13 hours a day. AirAsia is currently the largest single customer of the Airbus A320. AirAsia â€Å"Rock India†Campaign This new development is subsequent to AirAsia's huge success of Tiruchirapplalli (Trichy) followed-by Kolkata, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) recording an average of 80% load factor on all four existing routes. Thus, these new services will not only complement AirAsia's aggressive growth in India, but is also feeding more traffic into the country. The reason why AirAsia is choosing India market is because India market is second only to China in growth, as the India market is booming AirAsia has decided extending its footprint with the launch of its direct flights to 6 new routes in the first quarter of 2010. This new services to key metro cities include Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi from Kuala Lumpur and from Penang to Chennai. It is also noteworthy to highlight that AirAsia is the only airline from Malaysia which will be flying to Bangalore and Hyderabad from Kuala Lumpur and from Penang to Chennai. The Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad sectors will be serviced by AirAsia's A320 aircrafts, Mumbai and Delhi will be served by its long-haul affiliate, AirAsia X via its new Airbus A330 fleet. AirAsia is the only airline which connects to the most points in India from Malaysia with a total of 148 flights weekly. Segmentation To promote India tourism sport and stimulate new travel demands and further tap markets AirAsia is focus on working adult, families and backpackers. Especially to young working adults and families, to travel to Malaysia and thereafter use Kuala Lumpur as a gateway to over 130 routes in Asia, that includes regional ASEAN cities or long-haul sectors serviced by AirAsia X. And to achieve AirAsia objective â€Å"Now everyone can fly†AirAsia will support this by liberalizing the air travel with undisputed low-fares, opening-up the India market to the world and support businesses and more. Database Marketing Approximately 60% of overall bookings are made online through AirAsia website. The remaining 40% of bookings are done through Nationwide Call Centre, Preferred Travel Agents, AirAsia's Airport Stations and Sales Offices. Consumers who choose online purchase ticket have to fill up name, gender, occupation and others information and for consumers who wish to get latest news or promotion from AirAsia they can create an account and become a member of AirAsia. With all database that collect from online booking and sales office, AirAsia able to track their customer and segment them by Demographic segmentation. With these databases AirAsia able to retain consumer by sending E-gift voucher for them. The E-Gift Voucher is an innovative gift for all occasions as well as being a much-appreciated corporate gift for its high perceived value. ) Direct Marketing Offer Planning While everyone is focusing on China market, AirAsia develop and create a wonderful strategy and come out with special offering to their customer to successfully in their business by taken a first move a dvantage extends their business to India and have the advantage of being the first low cost airline in India with using Price Leadership Strategy to attract consumer form Malaysia or India. This allow it to establish itself before competition increases in this low cost segment, apart from competition that already exists across segments (low cost vs full service carriers). This is a major strength, as AirAsia will be laying down the rules and frameworks for the industry in a manner that suits its business and operational model. This also bring cross selling to AirAsia. To add value, AirAsia, under GoHoliday at www. airasiago. com, also offers some great online hotel deals to stretch the dollar where guests can choose their holiday lodgings from over 50,000 hotels, tour packages and ground transfers. Guests are also encouraged to purchase food, supersize their baggage, hot seats online to enjoy more discounts and savings through www. airasia. com. AirAsia's low-cost model, with its ultra low fares and modern fleet of comfortable and spacious aircraft, is undoubtedly an attractive consumer proposition, strong enough to compete with premium airlines. At any time after a booking has been made AirAsia may change their schedules or cancel, terminate, divert, postpone reschedule or delay any flight where they reasonably consider this to be justified by circumstances beyond their control or for reasons of safety or commercial reasons. Unfortunately the Terms and Conditions of AirAsia don't allow for a refund but to protect consumers in the event of such flight cancellation, AirAsia shall at their option, either carry consumer’s at the earliest opportunity on another of AirAsia scheduled services on which space is available without additional charge and, where necessary, extend the validity of consumer’s booking or choose to travel at another time, retain the value of consumer’s fare in a credit account for future travel provided that consumers must re-book within three month.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hussain Surname Meaning and Family History
Hussain Surname Meaning and Family History The surname Hussain originated from the Arabic personal name, Husayn, derived from the Arabic hasuna, meaning to be good or to be handsome or beautiful. Hasan, for which Hussain is a derivative, was the son of Ali and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Surname Origin: Muslim Alternate Surname Spellings: HUSAIN, HASAN, HUSAYN, HUSSEIN, HUSEIN, HUSAYIN, HUSSAYIN, HUSEYIN, HUSSEYIN, HUSEYN, HOSSAIN, HOSEIN, HOSSEIN, HUSSEYN Famous People with the Hussain Surname Maqbool Fida (M. F.) Husain: Indian painterRobert Hossein: French actor and directorSaddam Hussein: former dictator of IraqHussein bin Talal: King of Jordan from 1952–1999 Where Is the Surname HUSSAIN Most Common? According to surname distribution data from Forebears, Hussain is the 88th most common surname in the world, found most prevalently in Pakistan where over 3.2 million people bear the name and it ranks #2. Hussain is also the 2nd most common surname in the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, 3rd in Saudi Arabia, 4th in Quatar and 5th in Bahrain. WorldNames PublicProfiler, which does not include data from Pakistan, indicates that Hussain is also fairly common in the United Kingdom, especially in the English region of Yorkshire and Humberside, as well as in Oslo, Norway. Genealogy Resources for the Surname HUSSAIN Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Hussain family crest or coat of arms for the Hussain surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. FamilySearch - HUSSAIN Genealogy: Explore over 370,000 historical records which mention individuals with the Hussain surname, as well as online Hussain family trees on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Family Tree DNA Discovers Y-DNA Signature That Might Represent the Prophet Mohammed: An article in the TheNational highlights DNA testing of the male descendants of Mohammeds daughter Fatima through her two sons, Hassan and Hussein. GeneaNet - Hussain Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Hussain surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. Resources and Further Reading Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Things I Learned about Sales from Selling Gum
10 Things I Learned about Sales from Selling Gum On March 7th, I joined a new group to hone my sales skills. Sales Lab, a class at The Wright Foundation, is a place to get coaching and accountability around my sales activities. On my first day, I was asked to share about my business for a few minutes, and then the leader said these terrifying words: â€Å"Your first assignment †¦ is †¦ to sell gum. You must sell it for no less than 25 cents per piece, and you are to sell it in as many different ways as possible, for as much as possible.†My heart rate skyrocketed. Sell gum? Are you kidding me? I learned from my dad at a young age that gum chewing was a bad thing, and that I should never do it. I can count on my two hands the number of times I have chewed gum in my life. And now I was going to sell it? Wow, maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. Then I remembered that I am someone who does not get stopped by fear – and that I could start with baby steps. So I called a friend, who connected me with another friend who works at Wrigley. She gave me some ideas of what could work best for selling gum. She warned me that gum does not sell well online. People like to have it in front of them for impulse purchases. Further research entailed a Facebook message asking my friends what their favorite gum was, and I immediately went out and bought the most popular ones. I wanted to have desirable gum in my possession when I asked people to make those impulse purchases! (A Facebook post asking people to buy gum predictably got exactly 0 responses, confirming the â€Å"in-person†hypothesis. But I’m going to try to disprove it – see below.) Hitting the Streets to Sell My first idea of how to sell gum for high prices was to sell it for charity. I thought it would be a lot easier to sell for a cause than just to walk up to people and ask them to buy gum for 25 ¢/piece. I started carrying gum everywhere. My first sale was in my yoga studio, where one of my fellow yoginis told me she would buy the gum so I would shut up (all in fun). I accepted her $5 check to give to the Clean Lakes Alliance. I continued asking people I know, and a few I didn’t, if they would like to buy gum to support the Clean Lakes Alliance. Pretty much everyone is a fan of this charity, so I didn’t have to work too hard. I raised over $100 in just a few days. I also brought gum to my business planning workday with ActionCOACH. With their permission, I raised money for a charity they support, B1G1. One participant, Mason Tikkanen of Motus Financial, bought a pack of Extra Spearmint gum for $20. One of my favorite moments was when Mason’s girlfriend heard about the transaction and said, â€Å"Mason, I want you to buy me a pack of gum!†Out came another $20 for a single pack. Selling purely for myself was harder. What would make someone spend 25 ¢ per piece of gum (or $1 for 4 pieces) when they could buy a whole pack for $1? I noticed how much more fear came up for me when I was not leaning on charity as a justification for my high prices. I tried â€Å"I’m selling gum. How much would you like to buy?†That worked with people who knew what I was up to. In some situations, I promoted the feature of a â€Å"variety pack†– You could get 4 different flavors of gum for $1. That’s something you don’t get in the stores. And you can’t buy just one piece of gum in the stores either. I got some mileage from that as well as from â€Å"I’m doing this for a class.†10 Sales Lessons from Selling Gum I count my gum selling project as a success. Here’s a list of some of the things I learned, in addition to the above: Relationship is key. People I knew, or who had a common connection with me, were more likely to buy than people I did not know. Sales can build relationship. I had more in-depth conversations with some of the people I sold to than I ever had before. Follow-up is also good for relationship. One woman let me know she didn’t like the gum I sold her. I gave her a couple of free pieces and I had a happy customer! When I’m selling, I often feel very alive as I think of new, creative ideas, especially when they work – and I often feel hurt when I experience rejection. This is all part of the game. People spend money when they think they will make someone else happy, or when the money is going to charity. One woman started with a no, but then got excited about wrapping the gum in a bow and give it to her daughter, along with a sweet note. Giving free tastes leads to more sales. Many people do not carry cash, but they will pay by Venmo, PayPal, Chase QuickPay, etc. If they want to buy, they’ll find a way. People don’t buy under pressure. The best time to sell things is when people are hanging around and not trying to get somewhere. If you are a pet owner, be careful if you buy anything with Xylitol. As healthy as Xylitol might be for humans, it’s very harmful to pets! A huge majority of gum chewers want minty gum. That’s why the minty gum is so prominent in drug store aisles. Juicy Fruit just doesn’t take care of coffee breath. It’s often cheaper to buy gum in single packs than in multi-packs. No bulk discounts for consumers in this market. Wanna Play? My gum sales are going to end at the end of the day today, March 20th. You have a chance to buy some gum from me! No obligation of course, but if you think this would be fun, then please play with me! I have flavors like Orbit Wintermint, Extra Spearmint, Trident Strawberry, and Spry Peppermint, Spearmint, and Cinnamon. I’ll get different flavors if they are your favorites. If you’d like to have some fun with gum, pick 4 or more pieces you want and I’ll mail you a special package of your chosen gum. It will be in a cute bag and everything. Minimum purchase is $1 and you can buy as much as you want at minimum 25 ¢/piece. You can pay by Venmo (@Brenda-Bernstein), PayPal (brenda.bernstein@att.net), or Chase QuickPay (brenda.bernstein@att.net). I might be crazy, but life is all about risk, so I’m doing this! Curious to see how you respond. Category:Blog ArticleBy Brenda BernsteinMarch 19, 2018 2 Comments Larry says: March 20, 2018 at 8:45 am Lesson Number 1- Dont try to sell gum to someone who has been having major dental work. (Which is why I cant help you out this time.) Lesson Number 2 This one Ive learned from your posting. Sales of low cost items to consumers is quite different than sales of high cost items to businesses. (Back when I sold global computer online solutions to top corporations for GE, they gave us several sales courses that went into exact wording to use at various points, flowcharts, etc. that worked!) Lesson Number 3 I wish I could remember how I sold the most of some similar item when I came in first for my Hebrew School, a long time ago. Lesson Number 4 My mother (of blessed memory) took up gum chewing when she gave up smoking. So perhaps finding a source of people who quit smoking might be one approach. I do agree that building relationships is important. The question is whether you can successfully do that remotely over social networking? Log in to Reply Brenda Bernstein says: March 20, 2018 at 8:57 am Thanks for your insights, Larry! True no gum for anyone with dental issues. It sticks to things. Regarding the relationships over social networking, I believe its possible. When I sent out an offer last week to get my LinkedIn Profile Review service for $50 for a limited time, 10 people stepped up to take advantage of the offer. I believe they felt a level of relationship and trust with me because of my ongoing writing and visibility. Many of them had been following me for years. When I spoke with them, I felt like we knew each other on some level, even though our only connection is that they have been reading my blog. That level of connection might not be enough to sell gum, but well see! Log in to Reply
Sunday, November 3, 2019
History of group therapy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
History of group therapy - Research Paper Example Individuals in the group therapy have the advantage of using both the therapist as well as the other member of the group to share the problems that one has and attempts to find a solution to them. This is particularly because the members in each group are at different levels of coping with the situational difficulties and are doing so at different rates as well. When an individual observes how the others in the group cope with sufferings that they undergo, they gain hope and inspiration of enduring and overcoming the hardships. The use of group therapy emerged because of a feeling by several psychologists that many problems that individual faced in their daily undertakings were social in nature. Patients suffering from a similar disease were encouraged to group together to provide each other with mutual support. Such groups developed into social work groups at different social centers. These would later develop into the present support group by different development agencies. Managin g post-traumatic stress disorders Human beings have a unique nature when it comes to handling personal issues. One common scenario that is witnessed in any emerging therapy group is that every new member feels isolated and completely different from the others in the group. These beginners have a problem in developing good relations with the others in the group and that spirit of love is completely withdrawn from them. However, if the group therapy is effectively carried out, such emotions can be completely drained from the minds of these individuals. An effective group therapy will enable these individuals to understand that they are not very different from the others and that they are not actually desperate and lonely, as they believe. The abuses to which females are subjected during their childhood and at adult age do have along-term impact on their psychosocial development. Those who have had childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault often exhibit different kinds of psychia tric problems that are believed to be associated to these assaults. Posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) refer to the overall effect of both childhood and adult sexual distress that are believed to cause the psychiatric problems seen in such females. The situation results in poor regulation, attention, relations with others, as well as how one understands oneself. The condition is hard to manage owing to its complexity and the long period before a treatment is provided after the sexual abuse. It is because of the complexity in the kind of healthcare that these individuals need that use of group therapy ha been adopted. However, some clinicians propose that the group therapy be conducted only after an individual therapy. Armstrong and Rose (1997) carried out an investigation on how group psychotherapy could be effective in managing the posttraumatic disorders that affect members of a family (p1). They observed that therapy enables women to perceive their roles in the societal contex t. It was also observed that the females that were adopting the so-called feminist principles carried on well with their marital partners. It enabled them to remove the traditional perception on their roles in the society thereby promoting an unrestricted relationship (Armstrong & Rose 1997, p5). Group therapy involves the provision of
Friday, November 1, 2019
CRITICAL APPROACHES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CRITICAL APPROACHES - Essay Example een from the scene that emphasizes on Emily’s status in being involved in teaching china painting which is considered to be done by the middle class and upper class people. With time we see Emily’s financial status deteriorate making her lose her respect with the high and mighty in her class. This led to an illusion by people of her class in the society because of the belief that everyone can make a success of themselves but their social status still remain no matter what happens. This is also seen from the fact that Emily still stayed at her parents’ home to maintain her class and feel as part of the class she was born in even though all was not well even though she was not getting any younger. When we analyze her relationship with Homer she accepted to go out dine and wine with him but refused to commit herself to him because of his low class status. She only became friends with Homer to make herself seem well behaved and not
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
John Deweys interest and effort in education Essay
John Deweys interest and effort in education - Essay Example This scholarly work of John Dewey proves its significance from the time it’s conceived until this era more enhanced by technology. As a proponent of pragmatism (which means the realistic way to solving problems rather than obeying fixed rules) in the field of pedagogy, he is famous for the line: â€Å"Learning by doing.†In this book, Interest and Effort in Education, the main tenets that this author expresses are: the arguments between interest and effort, unified and divided activity,good teaching defined as â€Å"teaching of the future will make school life vital to youth, the provision of school experience wherein the child is wholeheartedly active in acquiring the ideas and skill needed to deal with the problems of his expanding life.†On the other hand â€Å"genuine interest is the accompaniment of identification, through action, of the self with some object or idea for the maintenance of self-initiated activity. Effort, as opposed to interest, implies a separation between the self and the fact to be mastered or task to be performed and sets up a habitual division of activities.†(Dewey, 1913, p. 14).Dewey describes in vivid and comprehensive detail of the educational setting of his time: its weaknesses and how his tenet could be of significance in the change that he hopes to develop. Moreover, his discussion on the strengths of the theory of interest and effort are equally well-compared contrasted.... It is an impressively structured work that is confident of its impact to the administrators and learners both. It discourages the society's continuous adherence to the already educational theories despite their weaknesses. He expresses the failure of most schools in maintaining student-motivation. Many students leave school for lack of interest. There are a lot of cases of school drop-outs that became successful in their chosen fields, most of them land in different business industries. Insufficient interesting training earned due to the goal of merely acquiring a certification or diploma, labeling them as "those who emerge from the schools, duly certified, too many are skillful merely in an outer show of information and manners which gives no surety that the major part of their inner impulses are capable of rational and easy self-direction." Dewey points out the true cause for student boredom and blames the unappealing method of teaching that stops students from continuing their education. The weakness of the schools rest on their inability to establish creative methods wherein students' personality , level and interest are well gauged. As Dewey puts it, "A child's character, knowledge and skill are not reconstructed by sitting in a room where events happen. Events must happen to him , in a way to bring a full and interested response. The teacher is only successful if there is a student response where change is visible. One of the striking points that Dewey stresses is "It is absurd to suppose that a child gets more intellectual or mental discipline when he goes at a matter unwillingly than when he goes at it out of the fullness of his heart." (Dewey, 1919,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Child Observation for Development Analysis
Child Observation for Development Analysis Kirsty Lynch Child Observation Study Introduction By the age of six, children are moving out of what Erikson called the initiative vs Guilt-purpose period and are moving into the industry vs inferiority-competence stage of their lives. This is a main developmental stage in the life of a child where many milestones are hoped to be achieved by. To demonstrate the developmental stage of a six year old child I have conducted this child observation study. The setting of this child observation takes place in what appears to be a computer room in a primary school. There are three students present in the room, two girls, Mackenzie and Isabella aged six and one boy, Noah who is also six years old. There is one female adult present in the observation, the children’s teacher. There are a small number of adults present in the background, this is because it is a communal computer room and these other adults are not part of the observation study. The activity that’s taking place is a teaching lesson in which the teacher is demonstra ting patterns to the children and asking the children, at first to work together to complete the pattern and then to individually finish the patterns themselves. The child who is the focus of this observation study is Noah, the six year old boy. Observations: Discussion: From observing Noah in his school environment, it is easier to see the developmental stage that he is at, the milestones that he has reached are quite evident and his developmental stage is quite clear and progressing well, however there are a few milestones which Noah should have reached by the age of six which it seems he has failed to reach, here I will discuss Noah’s Physical, Emotional and Cognitive development and I will link it in with developmental psychology to illustrate where Noah is at in his Development and where he should be. Physical Develop: Noah’s physical development seems to be normal for his age, in comparison to Isabella and Mackenzie he seems to be the same height and slightly broader which is normal for a boy of his age. By the age of six years old, children usually reach an average height of about three foot ten inches and they normally weigh about forty-six pounds. These are just average figures but from observing Noah he seems to fit into this profile, although it is hard to judge his weight from the observation, he appears a healthy weight for his height and age. At the age of six years old, children have a lot of energy and they enjoy engaging in activities which involve a lot of movement. In order to achieve these movements, children require the use of Gross motor skills (Clarke McDowel, 2006). It is evident that Noah has a lot of energy and that his gross motor skills are developing at an appropriate rate. Noah can’t sit easy, is constantly moving his arms and hands, he makes shapes with his hands and at one stage imitates a bird using hand movements. It can be seen that Noah has good muscle control and good co-ordination. Noah’s fine motor skills can also be seen. Fine motor skills require dexterity, which is the good use of hands and fingers. By six years of age children have reached the stage of being able to use many fine motor skills, such as tying their shoe laces, good hand control and good use of both of their hands (Clarke McDowel, 2006). Noah’s fine motor skills can be seen little by little throughout the observation, Noah uses both of his hands consistently to complete the puzzles and he has the ability to turn the shapes into objects, Noah does this when he makes the shape of a house out of the shapes on the table. Intellectual Development: Noah’s communication does not seem to be at the level that it should be at for a six year old child. By the age of six most children can maintain attention, concentrate and can sit quietly during activities. Noah however, lacked concentration and only paid attention when he was being giving attention for his turn; he was unable to hold his concentration during the other students turns. At times Noah’s speech was quite hard to understand, it was sometimes slightly slurred. A child of Noah’s age should have an extended vocabulary and should be able to explore the meaning and sounds of new words, their speech should be precise and clear by this age. Children tend to express themselves by using new words, making up stories and developing their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas together (Clarke McDowel, 2006). Noah did not seem to have an extended vocabulary and his speech seemed very limited at times, he only spoke when he was seeking attention or when he wanted acknowledgement or praise for completing a task. Emotional and Social Development: At six years of age children should be able to identify and convey feelings and interact with adults and other children. As children develop they learn how to show affection, manage aggravation and irritation and understand jealousy and sadness (Clarke McDowel, 2006). While Noah has reached most of this developmental stage there are a few points within this stage which Noah has not completely met yet. The milestones which Noah has achieved at this developmental stage in his emotional and social development are co-operation, solving problems, seeking attention and becoming competitive. Although he co-operated, most of the time, Noah was quite fidgety while awaiting his turn. Noah was quite competitive, which is normal for a child of his age, and he likes the attention to be focused on him. Noah asked the teacher to â€Å"look†at him a number of times and at one stage said â€Å"see, look, watch how fast I am†as he was seeking attention and praise from the teacher. His sense of security seems to be reliant on praise from adults that he trusts; in this case that was his teacher. However, Noah was also quite irritated when it was not his turn to complete the puzzle, he had to be asked a number of times to wait his turn, by this age Noah should have a sense of controlling irritation and following instructions set out by his teacher. Cognitive Development: Children play an enormous role in their own cognitive development. They do this by trying to understand what’s going on around them by organising, explaining, constructing, manipulating and predicting. We can see that Noah plays an active role in his cognitive development, he understands what is being asked of him, he knows what he is meant to do and constructs shapes and patterns with the pieces supplied by his teacher. At the age of six, children also see patterns in objects and actions of the world and they can often attempt to organize these patterns to try and explain the world. Noah demonstrates this when he sees a house in the shapes that are on the table, he then constructs a tree to go along with the house because in Noah’s perception of the world this is what is normal, houses, gardens, maybe trees in the garden or outside on the road. However, Noah also demonstrates some limitations in his cognitive development. Noah has trouble controlling his own attention, when the attention is on him Noah behaves and does what he is asked to do, he displays an intense interest in learning and takes pride in completing the patterns, but when it is Mackenzie or Isabella’s turn, Noah lacks attention, he is twisting and turning in his chair, fidgeting with his hands and looking around the room. Noah becomes slightly frustrated that he has to take turns, the attention isn’t on him and the learning does not come about as quickly as he would like because he has to wait. Developmental psychology: During the Initiative vs Guilt-purpose stage children desire to copy the actions of the people around them and they take initiative in creating a play situation. Noah has reached this developmental stage as he shows that he can take instructions and copy what the teacher does, the teacher demonstrates how to do the patterns and Noah is quick to copy what she does, he is able to complete the pattern and he is able to turn the task into a play situation, he illustrates this by building a house out of the shapes that he is working with. Noah has accomplished this milestone and is moving into the Industry vs Inferiority-competence stage, which is often referred to as the latency stage. This stage allows children to learn, create and accomplish a number of new skills and Knowledge and helps them to develop a sense of industry. Noah shows that he is competent in this stage by completing the patterns that the teacher gives him with ease and he takes pride in completing these tasks. However, this is also an incredibly social stage of development, where experiences of unresolved feelings of inferiority and inadequacy among other children can have problems in relation to competence and self-esteem. Noah seems to be constantly looking for attention, he can’t sit easy if it’s not his turn and if he is not been giving attention. He is constantly looking for acknowledgement and praise for completing his tasks, it’s as if he is trying to prove that he is capable and better than the other students at completing the task., he says â€Å"See, look, watch, watch how fast I am†. Freud says that during the Latency stage sexual urges remain subdued and that children tend to play and interact with the same sex peers. In this observation Noah is with the opposite sex, however, there is no indication as to whether Noah chooses to be in this group or whether the teacher specifically put him in this group for observational purposes. If Noah was placed in this group it could account for why he felt the need to prove his capability over the girls, it is hard to tell whether Noah would have acted the same if he was in a group with boys. Piaget’s preoperational stage is just coming to an end by the time a child is six years old. Piaget states that a child should have reached the milestone of being able to use basic logic but may still not be able to understand how other people perceive the environment (Crawford and Walker, 2003). Attachment: Attachment is the close, continuous relationship with at least one other person that children need in order to develop a confident, stable, integrated personality (Fawcett, 2009). Mary Ainsworth came up with the three different types of attachment that a child could experience; Securely attached being the usual, standard attachment where children explore by themselves and can sometimes show some signs of concern when they are separated from their parents but usually settle and continue to play. , Insecure Avoidant, where children seem indifferent on whether or not the parent is there and insecure ambivalent, where children experience great upset when the parent leaves and opposing reactions when the parent returns (Ainsworth et al, 1978). Children tend to view the person that they are attached to as a secure foundation, a source of reassurance and someone who encourages them and offers them guidance (Crawford and Walker, 2003). Noah shows this attachment with his teacher. He looks to his teacher for guidance when completing the patterns, and he seeks praise and encouragement from her upon completing the task, he asks her to â€Å"look†and â€Å"see†what he has done. It is difficult to determine Noah’s attachment with his teacher in such a short amount of time, he does not ignore the presence of his teacher, nor does he cling to his teacher, although Noah does seem to constantly be looking for the teachers attention, this could indicate a lack of attention at home, or having to seek attention at home. Tentative Conclusions: From observing Noah it is clear that his development is on the right track. Noah’s physical development is normal for his age and he has accomplished many of the physical milestones that a six year old should have accomplished. His intellectual development is at a slower development rate than the average child of Noah’s age. Speech and language therapy could be used in order to help Noah develop his speech and language to an appropriate level. Noah does not seem to engage in conversation much and with the help of a speech and language therapist this could encourage Noah to engage more in conversation with his peers and his teacher. Noah seems to enjoy play and he enjoys praise for completing tasks, Play Therapy could be a useful resource to help Noah understand how to control his irritations and to help him concentrate. Noah’s development is on the right track but with a little help from the likes of a speech and language therapist or a play therapy specialist, Noah’s development could be improved to an appropriate level for a six year old child. Reflexive Piece: When beginning this observation, I had my own idea of what a six year old child should be doing and how far along a six year olds development should be. I thought back to what I was like when I was six years old, I could remember being in school and doing well in school, but other than that my memory of being six was not great. However, I myself have two younger brothers, one who has just turned seven years old and one who is turning six this year. From my own experience of my younger brother’s developmental stages, I had a preconception that all six year olds behaved in a similar way and that most six year olds had met the same developmental markers. Some of my own professional experience also influenced me in the completion of this assignment. I had previously done a placement in The National Children’s Hospital and I worked alongside Play Specialists. The children I worked with were from infants to teenagers, but the majority of the children who were involved in the play therapy sessions were aged between four years old and nine years old. From working with those children the same age as Noah I could really see what Noah was excelling in and where Noah was lacking in some developmental stages. I had previously worked with a family whose child was at a slower developing rate than his peers and the work that I participated in with that family influenced my ideas of what could help Noah. This child was also six years of age but had not reached all of the milestones expected by the age of six; similarly, Noah had not reached some of the milestones that you would expect him to have reached. Word Count: 3,299 Bibliography: Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E. Wall, S., 1978. Patterns of Attachment: A psychological study of the strange ssituation. Hillsdale: NJ: Erlbaum. Clarke, P. McDowel, G., 2006. The Developing Child. Glencoe: McGraw-Hill. Crawford, K. Walker, J., 2003. Social Work and Human Development. s.l.:Learning Matters. Fawcett, M., 2009. Learning Through Child Observation. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Ingleby, E., 2006. Applied Psychology for Social Work. Glasgow: Learning Matters.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Difference Between Bullying and Harassment :: cyberbulling, code of conduct, schools
Bullying and harassment are two distinct words but have a quite similar meaning as well as effects. These effects result in people becoming overwhelmed and depressed because of the constant abuse whether verbal or physical from another person that does not consider the victim as of any value to this world. Although verbal and physical bullying have been taken care of most of the time, the number one type of bullying that has not yet been addressed and taken care of is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs online but, it is never taken care of by the school board because it is not happening in school and nothing is stated under the code of conduct to get involved with the situation. A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization that are to be followed. They are intended to help out an area by laying down ethics and support decisions made by people at the organization or work. A code of conduct exist everywhere whether businesses or schools, it is created to handle problems in a proper way. It is unbelievable to be know that the code of conduct does not state anything about the consequences for bullying and/or harassing an individual. They are not really required to be followed since it is just mostly expected behavior and can be easily broken without consequences. Although schools have a set of rules, they are rarely enforced and some don’t even do anything on when something occurs off campus. Cyber bullying is no different from verbal and physical bullying it has the same effects, it hurts innocent individuals and it should have the same consequences. Cyber bullying the majority of the time, occurs between the ages of 13-18. Most teens feel that by not telling someone that this is happening it will only make it worse, that the bullying will never stop. In the case of Megan Meier who was described by her parents as â€Å" bubbly, goofy†,was an average teenager who was full of life and had goals, that was before she committed suicide because of the effects of cyber bullying. In the Worse Cases of Bullying website it states â€Å" Met a boy, â€Å"Josh Evans†, online through her new Myspace account. Josh introduced himself via an email to her parents and, with their blessings, Megan continued her new friendship and soon became infatuated with him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Amish Birthing Paper
The religious and cultural beliefs of the Amish, have led to variations in health care practices that are different from main stream American culture. The Amish believe in simple lifestyles and being â€Å"separate from the world,†this is hallmark for the Amish. They don't use modern conveniences that we do, such as electricity, computers, cars, and phones. They travel by horse and buggy, and grow their own gardens and raise their own cattle for food/milk. Their days are filled with hard work and simple pleasures. Babies are a welcomed gift in the Amish culture and are viewed as a blessing rom God. They believe the # of children they have should be left in God's hands, this is why it's forbidden to use birth control, because it would interfere with God's will. Amish families tend to be large; 6-10 kids is common, and occasionally there are families with up to 20 children born to one mother. When a woman gets pregnant; therapeutic abortions, amniocentesis, and other invasive prenatal diagnostic testing (that some of us may use) is not acceptable. They are happy â€Å"to take what God gives them. †The Amish usually have homebirths or give birth at birthing centers with a midwife. The only time they do hospital births, is when there is risk to the mother or the child. At the hospitals, routine interventions of labor and delivery are not used. IVs are available, but optional. Fetal heart rate monitoring is done intermittently by doppler. Amish women usually labor quietly while husbands support them by rubbing their backs, cooling them with hand fans, and holding their hands. Labor tends to be shorter than average and happen peacefully with controlled pushing. Most mothers breastfeed and are anxious to feed the baby after elivery, but some produce no breastmilk at first, because of the huge workload and stress of a large family, and can't feed the baby until the next day. So in the mean time, they give the baby things like jello water or watermelon seed tea, which is supposed to be good for preventing jaundice. Also, they usually don't pick out names before the delivery; they wait and see â€Å"who the baby looks like†before they name him/her. Amish folk wisdom is also an integral part of their prenatal practices, such as walking under a clothes line will result in still birth, or crawling through a window or nder a table will cause the umbilical cord to be wrapped around the baby's neck. Complications such as pregnancy-induced HTN and diabetes (which is higher in Americans) is low in the Amish culture, most likely due to the well-nourished state of the mom, because she eats home-cooked and self-preserved foods (instead of fast food, which is convenient for us. The greatest risk factor for the pregnant women is development of painful varicose veins because of all the heavy work they do. In preparing for the childbirth process, a 5 week formula is sometimes used in the ast 5 weeks of pregnancy to tone and calm the uterus, quiet the nerves, ease pain, and help make labor easier and on time. This formula has also been known to help with menstrual disorders, morning sickness, and hot flashes. It has been passed down from one generation to the next. This formula consists of 5 herbs including: 1. Red Rasberry leaves: relieves nausea and pain in labor. 2. Butcher's Broom Root: this herb is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and thrombosis. 3. Black Cohosh Root: relieves spastic muscles, dilates peripheral blood vessels, and helps reduce B/P. These actions help the terus and other muscles during labor. 4. Dong Quai Root: it is an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect and helps to treat swelling prior to labor. During labor it eases smooth muscle contractions and gives a general sedative effect. 5. Squaw Vine Root: Used to prepare the uterus for childbirth and speed up delivery and encourage regular contractions. It has an antispasmodic action. (This is about the only pain relief/ medications that they use to help with pregnancy/delivery, besides maybe Tylenol. ) A person's life philosophy and religious views profoundly impact the childbirth and parenting experience. Having a positive attitude toward the birthing process, a healthy lifestyle, and adequate support makes childbirth a better experience for the patient. Some nursing interventions that could be used; since varicose veins are the greatest complication for pregnant Amish women (from all of their house work and laundry they do), I would remind her that she should take frequent rest periods from standing and elevate her legs. Maybe if she has older children, they could do some of the house work while mom rests. I would remind her that medication is available for pain relief if she chooses to accept it. I would provide her and her family a warm and comfortable environment, to make them feel at home. I would also encourage the family to bring in home-cooked meals to help her and her husband feel at home. After delivery, if the mother started to feel too tired, and needed some rest I would care for the baby for short periods of time, and help with diaper changes and baths. As I mentioned before, the mother sometimes can't lactate at first and isn't able to feed the baby, so as a nurse I would offer bottles of formula to her so she could feed the baby until shes able to produce er own breastmilk (whether she accepted it or not would be up to her and her husband). The only time an Amish woman gets to rest is right after she has the baby, so the families usually have a â€Å"helper†around for 6 weeks to care for the other children, clean, cook, and do laundry. So before the family leaves the hospital/birthing center, I would make sure they had someone lined up to help them out for at least 6 weeks after birth. I would also make sure she, as well as the family, understands instructions and reasons why interventions are offered.
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