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Monday, September 30, 2019
Analyse the UK shower industry, value proposition of Quartz-Aqualisa’s revolutionary shower, marketing strategies employed by Aqualisa
This document analyses the UK shower industry, value proposition of Quartz-Aqualisa's revolutionary shower, marketing strategies employed by Aqualisa and suggests ways to make them more effective. The UK Shower Market – Product Offers and the Customer Behaviour The current market size of all different kinds of showers offered in UK was more than 1.8 million units valuing more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 Billion.1 Only 60% of the bathrooms in UK had a shower whereas all bathrooms had a bathtub. Prevalent problems in plumbing systems and showers The plumbing in UK was predominantly of the Victorian era. These systems were gravity fed which resulted in non uniform pressure and flow resulting in temperature fluctuations. The flow rates were around 3-4 litres per minute against the standard flow rates of 18 litres per minute in the USA. Also the showers broke down frequently and were difficult to repair as the seals used to get jammed and needed replacement. The replacement of the broken/worn down showers accounted for nearly 50% market.2 The users were having poor knowledge about the showers, available brands and options. These problems influenced the UK shower market and therefore shaped the consumer behaviour and the products available in the market. Market Segments The shower market can be broadly segmented in two categories – User and Non-Users. Refer Appendix Exhibit 1. USERS Premium users looked for style, performance, service and life. Standard users looked for performance, life and service of the shower. Value users looked for price, convenience and models that did not require major excavation and modifications in their bathrooms. NON-USERS Plumbers: Plumbers interacted through variety of ways with the end users- directly or indirectly. They maintained strong relationships with the manufacturers of the showers. They played a key role in the sale of the showers.3 Developers : They were the property developers in the UK. They preferred reliable showers which could work under multiple settings. They were price sensitive. They had direct contacts with the manufacturers or depended on the independent plumbers. DIY: These are large retail outlets which targeted customers who are primarily looking for ease of installation and inexpensive models. There were substantial sales taking place through this channel.4 Different Models and the Product Offers Based on the problems that existed, the market segmentation and the factors influencing decision making, three main types of showers were available in the market – Electric Showers, Mixer Showers and the Power Showers. They were targeted at different market segments under different brand names by manufactures. Quartz Value Proposition There will be two Value Propositions Statements5 based on the market segmentation – one for Users and the other one for Non Users. Refer Appendix Exhibit 3 It is considered that the Quartz Showers will be chosen over the competitive Mixer and the Power Showers. This is because of- Superior Design: Quartz range was designed to overcome the limitations of the Mixer and Power Showers, therefore in long term they will replace them completely. Current market share:6 Aqualisa has only 20 % and 16.7% of the current market share in the mixer showers and the power showers category. It is ranked 2nd and 5th respectively in these two categories. These two sectors offer the maximum growth potential and possibility of capturing new market share. Total costs:7 The initial cost of the Quartz showers are higher than both the Mixer Shower and the Power Showers, however installation of Mixer Showers require additional expenditure. It needs 2 man-days of the plumber which costs atleast 640à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (considering à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½40 per hour and 8 hours per day). Additionally, the plumbers charge the cost of excavation- labour and materials extra. Therefore the total costs of ownership of Quartz Standard showers turn out to be cheaper. Multiple Brand Strategy: Gainsborough, Aqualisa and ShowerMax Based on the market segmentation shown above, Aqualisa uses three different brands to position and serve its target markets optimally. The use of different brands is a positioning policy so that Aqualisa can determine its Marketing Mix8 for each target market segment in order to occupy a clear, distinctive and attractive position in the minds of the consumers relative to the competing brands and products.9 It is made clear from the figure below that the three different brands (shown by different colours) have three different products, price range, promotional channels and distribution channels. The Marketing Framework10 – Positioning Strategy and 4Ps Quartz : Mainstream or Niche Aqualisa spent nearly à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.8 Million over a period of 3 years to develop Quartz. This is close to 10% of the total revenue generated by the firm in the year 2000.11 Additional modules could be built upon the existing Quartz installations to provide sophisticated features with customised benefits e.g. horizontal Body Jet. The heavy expense, scalable plug-ins and the lower total costs of ownership suggest that Quartz was designed to be a mainstream product. Quartz – Why are they not selling? The sales of Quartz are not picking up for number of reasons: 1. Rogers Five Factors12 determine the rate of acceptance of an innovation in a market place. These Five Factors are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Quartz scored low on the compatibility because the plumbers who were selling and influencing the buying decisions of the consumers, were vary of use of electronics in the showers. Also, Aqualisa was not effectively offering trials/demonstrations to its users (except through showrooms) and plumbers in its marketing strategy and therefore loosing sales. Whenever, the plumber or the consumer was getting a demonstration it was resulting in a sale. 2. Associated Cost Savings: The lower total costs of ownerships were not clearly communicated to the plumbers and the end users to mitigate reluctance due to the higher initial price of Quartz. 3. Plumber mindset and long adoption times: No explicit efforts were taken to educate the plumbers. They were only communicated verbally about the additional benefits of the Quartz, however no workshops or trainings were carried out to overcome the reluctance of the plumbers. 4. Lack of clarity in the sales team and conflicting brands resulting in lower sales. The sales team lacked clarity on which product it had to promote- Quartz or the mainstream products-Aquavalve and Aquastream. Infact, Rawlinson and the national sales manager Tim Pestell had different views on Quartz' mainstream or niche nature. This resulted in lower push from sales team. 5. Only 10% of their time was devoted by Sales team on new prospects. This meant that they were limiting themselves to a smaller group of potential buyers. 6. Awareness: There were little actions taken to spread the benefits and the wow factor of the Quartz shower to the end consumers apart from a weekly advertisement in The Mail. What should Rawlinson do? To increase sales, it is necessary to understand the Decision Making Process (DMP)13 of the target market segments. The DMP of the users and the plumbers are different. For DIY and Developers, we would need to establish a separate strategy. Mapping the DMP Plumbers Users – Premium, Standard Unaware Unaware Awareness Awareness Reluctance Demonstration Trial Knowledge of benefits Purchase Purchase Positive Attitude/Reference Repeat Based on the DMP, our Marketing and Communications Strategy should be to increase awareness and trial/demonstrations. Further, the strategy should be based on the 6Ms model14 to consider all the aspects and maximize the output. 6Ms Model 1. Market: We have not targeting the user-value segment since it is not suitable for Quartz. 2. Mission: To achieve a sale of at least 100 units per day in the next 3-4 months to bring Quartz in the mainstream segment. The maximum time available till another competitor catches up with the innovation is estimated to be 2 years. 3. Message: The message has to be different for the Plumbers and the Users. The different messages will be the statement of benefits that are spelled out in the Value Proposition of Quartz. Refer Appendix Exhibit 2. 4. Media: 4.1 Advertising: Full fledged advertisement campaign have high costs15. Therefore advertisement expenditure will be limited. However, a new and cost effective media can be the back of the Shower Gel Bottles. This way Aqualisa will be able to reach the users and even the non-user market very effectively. A small pilot test can be carried out immediately to determine its possible impact and its cost. Internet advertisement is also an effective and a cheaper way to reach the end users. The Pay per click concept will help keep the advertising costs down. 4.2 Sales Team: A change in the marketing structure of Aqualisa is needed so that greater focus can be given on each channel. The suggested marketing structure is shown in Appendix Exhibit 4. 4.3 Channel Management & Sales Promotion: This is based on giving incentives and forming stronger commercial relationships with the channel partners to push16 the Quartz through different channels available. Plumbers: > Launch Event: Organise a launch cum training event for one full day where plumbers from different locations can be brought together and explained about the product. This should include a hands on training program so that they realise the ease and get rid of any misconceptions. This can be repeated if required. > Plumber Loyalty Program & Commissions: Plumbers association with Aqualisa can be made official. Plumbers can be given commission for every sale of Quartz. This will immediately get their attention and help eliminate any doubts. While advertising Quartz directly to the users, their names can appear as the list of authorised plumbers to fit/sell Quartz in the specific territory. In return, a small fee can be charged to them for their official partnership. > References: Aqualisa can use references from respected plumbers to endorse the credibility of Quartz. > Going beyond the existing associated plumbers: To look and expand beyond the already known plumbers. Trade Shops: > Videos showing the entire installation process in a step wise manner and the associated cost savings to plumbers. > Early discounts: In-order to keep their commitment towards Quartz, certain Early Discounts schemes may be offered. > Training the Trade Shop staff to sell on Associated Cost Savings for the plumbers. The trade shop staff should be able to explain Quartz' benefits and how it is different from the earlier failed showers which used electronics. > Expand to other Trade Shops: Increase coverage to newer trade shops and territories. Showrooms & Distributors: > Expand to untapped Showrooms & Distributors in new geographies without conflicting the existing ones. > Early discounts 4.4 Integrated Marketing: Aqualisa's direct communication with end user should not result in direct business. The sales to the end users must be routed through authorised channels of showrooms and plumbers. Also the retail pricing for the plumbers and the showrooms will have to be same and fixed to avoid under-cutting. The idea is to create customer awareness and to use the Pull Strategy through either of the two channels. This will keep the current relationship with the channel partners intact. 5. Money: The entire Marketing communication and promotion strategy has been designed such that the initial cash outflow is less. Refer Appendix Exhibit 5 6. Measurement: It is extremely important to monitor closely how sales are picking up after taking all the initiatives. The restructuring of the marketing department suggested will help. Daily reports with key facts and figures will be made available to the Rawlinson who can then take suitable actions. Stripped down version for the Developers & DIY Aqualisa should develop a stripped down version of the Quartz for the DIY and Developers market(brand it under their existing Gainsborough & ShowerMax brands). Branding it under a different name will keep their Aqualisa brand intact. The fact that Quartz will become a platform on for subsequent hi-end solutions, it is recommended to concentrate on higher volumes than margins initially. Conclusion Close monitoring and implementations of the suggested schemes will help Aqualisa increase sales of Quartz to achieve its mainstream status. Appendix Exhibit 1 : Market Segment Exhibit 2: Various shower categories, Aqualisa's Offerings and the Channels used by them. Exhibit 3: Value Proposition of Quartz. Exhibit 4 : New Sales & Marketing Department Structure. Exhibit 5 : Marketing Communication and Promotion Expenditure. Exhibit 1: Market Segment UK Shower Market Segment Exhibit 3: Value Proposition of Quartz Value Proposition Statement17 for USERS Premium and Standard category Users who need bathroom showers will buy Quartz Standard Shower and Quartz Pumped Shower because it delivers water at good and stable pressures and temperatures, it is easy to use, it does not break down and has stunning looks. They will choose this over the Mixer and the Power Showers of other players such as Mira, Masco, Ideal Standard and Triton because we can uniquely offer remotely located water mixing mechanism that is electronically controlled and superior design from our focus on innovation, state art of testing facilities and engineering development team. Value Proposition Statement for NON USERS Plumbers who sell and influence buying decisions of bathroom showers will buy and recommend Quartz Standard Shower and Quartz Pumped Shower because it is easy to install, can be installed four times faster, does not need any excavation, offer a 5 year parts warranty, does not go wrong and need a second free visit. They will choose this over the Mixer and the Power Showers of other players such as Mira, Masco, Ideal Standard and Triton because we can uniquely offer remotely located water mixing mechanism that is electronically controlled and superior design from our focus on innovation, state art of testing facilities and engineering development team. Exhibit 4 : New Sales & Marketing Department Structure. Exhibit 5 : Marketing Communication and Promotion Expenditure. Less focus is given on advertisement and more focus is given on the push strategies. This way the maximum proportion of the marketing promotion expenditure occurs after the actual sales occur. Marketing Communications Media Expenditure type – Before / After Sale 1. Advertising on Shower Gels Before 2. Advertising on Internet (pay per click) Before the sale, but charged only on click not for placements 3. Advertising in Newspapers Before 4. Sales Restructuring – Extra Mktg. executives Before, however they will be used for closer monitoring of the implementation schemes and to push other products also. 5. Channels – Plumbers Commission After Plumber Loyalty Program Before Launch Event Before Trade Shops Early Discounts After Trade shops – staff training costs Before Showrooms – Early Discounts After Only in cases of Launch event and training programs there can be a substantial outflow earlier, however this is absolutely necessary to increase awareness in the Plumbers.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Differences in Cultural Conceptions of Intelligence
There are many definitions of intelligence according to both formal and informal theories. Under formal theories, intelligence is associated to adaptation to the environment and the capability to learn. According to experts, there is an intelligence factor, referred to as g, which dictates all adaptive behaviors such as mental, verbal, creative and mechanical abilities. On the other hand, informal theories define intelligence using verbal, practical and social abilities. Conventional measurements of intelligence involve IQ (intelligence quotient) tests.However, different cultures define and measure intelligence differently. Western and Eastern cultures see intelligence in varying perspective according to important factors in each of these two societies (Sternberg et al, 2005). Western culture, such in the United States and most parts of Europe, traditionally defines intelligence as the mental capacity for analytical and reasoning as evidenced by strong performance in practical proble m solving, verbal and social skills.Accordingly, several tests in the United States are used to gauge a person’s intelligence. Examples are the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Cognitive Abilities Test, and School and College Abilities Tests (Sternberg, 2007). Eastern cultures have an entirely different conventional view of intelligence. In China, for example, intelligence covers righteousness, benevolence, humility, self-knowledge and character as some of the traits that are associated when describing intelligence in addition to cognitive abilities.Furthermore, in Taiwanese Chinese, there are five conceptions regarding intelligence. These are cognitive, interpersonal, intrapersonal, intellectual self-assertion, and self-effacement. With the above differences in the perception of intelligence in two representative cultures such as the Chinese (Eastern) and American (Western), comes equivalent parameters that should be remembered to measure abilities. Each has its own methods for testing linguistic, spatial and interpersonal skills (Sternberg, 2007).For testing linguistic capabilities, it is important to take into account the use of appropriate language medium. The two cultures agree on using their native tongues for assessing intelligence of members of the said cultures. The English language is prevalently used in American schools; on the other hand, Chinese characters are common in schools in China. The use of figures and characters in the latter language gives advantage to Chinese students in their spatial abilities whereas abstract thinking and imagination is inspired in American setting.Therefore, a glaring contrast in tests given to American and Chinese students lies in the presence or degree of creativity and spatial skills tests, respectively. As mentioned above, there is great advantage among Chinese with regards to spatial thinking skills which can be attributed to the use of characters and physical represent ations in their language. On the other hand, emphasis is given on the use of alphanumeric characters in Western culture which partly results in abstract reasoning. This is why there are more tests dealing with creative thinking in Western than in Chinese culture.With regards to interpersonal skills, teamwork and collaboration is highlighted in the Western culture while in Eastern culture, the importance of excelling and being independent in order to provide or be an example to other people takes precedence. In other words the difference lies in the Eastern focus on the self as exemplified in the Taoist tradition unlike the Western’s emphasis on unity. Therefore, Eastern culture test for how best to surpass one’s successes while Western culture evaluate a person’s ability to be productive within a group (Sternberg, 2007).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Why Are We Happy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Why Are We Happy - Essay Example In his speech, Gilbert had broken down happiness in two categories: Synthetic and Natural. As he noted, â€Å"Natural happiness is when we get what we wanted and Synthetic Happiness is what we make when we don’t get what we wanted.†(â€Å"TED Talks: Dan Gilbert asks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Normally, people will think that synthetic happiness is not true happiness but a defense mechanism to avoid hurting our egos. However, based on the studies that the speaker presented, it is scientifically proven that people tend to accept the end result of whatever decisions that they make no matter how unfortunate it is, and eventually become truly happy about it. To illustrate this, he exhibited a study between the percentage of happiness of lottery winners and paraplegics after a year. The data showed that the level of happiness between the two groups of people was equal. The lottery winners might have a higher level of happiness in the beginning but it evened out during the course of th e year. This is because the mind has the capacity to synthesize happiness thus it can alter the initial response to a situation into a better one. As Gilbert explained, â€Å"The fact is, year after they lose their leg, and a year after winning the lotto, lottery winners and paraplegics are equally happy with their lives†¦ The research that my laboratory has been doing†¦ had revealed something really startling to us. Something that we call the impact bias is the tendency for the simulator to work badly. For the simulator to make you believe that different outcomes are more different than the fact that they really are.†(â€Å"TED Talks: Dan Gilbert asks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). During the presentation, it can be observed that the speaker connects to the audience and everybody seems to be actually listening throughout the whole time. Noticeably, the three elements of effective arguments or appeals by Aristotle, ethos, pathos, and logos, were essentially delivered. Ethos refe rs to the appeal to the character of the speaker (Kennedy). It further demonstrates that if the speaker is credible, reliable or respected enough, his audience will actually believe the message that he’s trying to convey.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Renewable Energy Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Renewable Energy Master - Essay Example These are countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom amongst other developed countries. (Ruddiman 2005) The focus mainly has shifted to these countries due to their great contribution to carbon gases originating from their vast industries. Many countries have been responsive whereas others have remained adamant on their earlier stands and carbon pollution has remained as high as was first recorded. The case is however different with the United Kingdom which has established policies to oversee the reduction of carbon emissions from its industries. This campaign has not only been directed at the large scale producers but has also formed a mechanism whereby environmental consciousness is instilled to the very last individual in the consumption line. One way of making this ambitious plan work is tax cuts for those who have enacted measures of cutting down the measures; this is mainly seen in the commercial producers who receive these cuts based on the level of pollution cut. The other is compensation for use of alternative fuel besides fossil; which has been associated with high pollution levels over time. ... This policy was drawn up during the Kyoto agreement where countries were expected to cut the overall carbon emission. This is aggregated and the responsive industries are awarded depending on the level of carbon cut. (Held 2003) Though this has a universal appeal, the UK is a beneficiary and to some extent, it has helped bring the carbon emission level to a reasonably manageable level. The UK government has gone that extra mile towards achieving a healthy environment and one way of doing this is by controlling what is emitted into its environment. Having realised that the link between economic and environment situation is thin and that an effect on one has a considerable effect on the other, the government sought to have a mechanism that tied these two factors together. (Edwards 2001) The most sound was a mechanism where individuals achieve an economic consideration for effort put in taking care of the environment. This said the analysts who composed of various specialists, government representatives and economists embarked on finding that particular bit of environment to be subject to this ambitious plan. It proved a daunting task considering the vast nature and the multiplicity of elements contained in the environment. Especially coming up with one element that greatly affects the environment to an extent that an effect on it would mean an overall effect on the e ntire scope of the general climatic conditions. After careful consideration, the individuals borrowed from the wider Germany consideration of a boost in the renewable energy industry. Renewable energy Solar energy This is natural energy gotten from the sun. To make
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Biochemistry science field Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Biochemistry science field - Research Paper Example Therefore, it may be hypothesized that the use of cartilage in the promotion of endochondral regeneration of bones may leverage normal development and repair sequences resulting in a properly vascularized regenerate capable of integrating with the host tissues. Various tests have demonstrated that cartilage grafts are able to support the regeneration of vascularized and integrated bone tissues in vivo, while lineage tracing experiments have revealed graft derived regenerates. Mesenchymal stem cells are actually the pluripotent cells existing in numerous adult human tissues, for example bone marrow and adipose as well as synovial tissues, and since they originate from the mesoderm, they differentiate to become bones and cartilage as well as muscles and adipose tissues (Nolta, 2006). Mesenchymal stem cells from embryonic sources have demonstrated probabilities in science while at the same time creating a considerable amount of controversy. As a consequence, numerous researchers have put emphasis on adult stem cells or those isolated from human adults that may be transplanted in to tissues that are damaged. As a result of their multi-potent capability, mesenchymal stem cell lineages have been employed with success in animal models in the regeneration of articular cartilage and in human models in the regeneration of bones. Research done recently has shown that articular cartilage can be repaired through percutaneous introduction of mesenchymal stem cells. Th is paper aims at explaining how bone and cartilage can be differentiated from stem cells as well as considering the current research and development of this discipline. An experiment that sought to investigate conditions that can stimulate stem cells to differentiate into fat of bone cells while being encapsulated by hydrogels was conducted with polymer networks, which could simulate various conditions where the stem cells grow naturally. The first step in growing the new cartilage involved initiating
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Impact of technology on society Phone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Impact of technology on society Phone - Essay Example People use it in their daily lives for communicating with friends, family and colleagues. In the same way, it is used in business organizations as a most powerful communication tool. The basic purpose of this research is to analyze how this technology has changed the shape of society. This paper will discuss the past, present and future if this technology. In this scenario, this research will outline the applications of this technology in various areas of life and what role it plays in society. What is the technology? It is an admitted fact that the impact of the telephone on society started immediately after Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of telephone system. Basically, the major objective of Alexander Graham Bell was to build a telephone that could provide everyone (whether they are rich and poor) with a way of collaboration and communication and a capability of technology based systems by making use of the telephone. Without a doubt, the phone, which refers to an electri cal setup for copying in remote places the tones and articulations of a speaker's voice, was was basically emerged as the initial communication medium to support us to maintain relationships and dealings over long distances. In addition, Graham Bell also recommended potencies that admittedly sounded utopian. According to his viewpoints â€Å"it is believable that cables of telephone wires could be placed underground, or balanced above your head, allowing the communication with branch wires using private residences, country houses, shops, manufactories, etc." (Greatest Achievements3, 2012; Kang, 2005). History and Evolution In order to launch this product he took the help from the forerunner of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company that later on became one of the largest organizations of that time. However, it was split apart in 1989 in an attempt to resolve an antitrust outfit by the U.S. Justice Department, on the other hand AT&T took the ownership and spent hundreds of bil lions of dollars in purchasing machinery, generated yearly income reaching to approximately 2 percent of the daily used products of the US, and bought by more than a million people. In this scenario, AT&T's division changed the company’s situation radically, however the telephone's basic role in business and personal communications has only increased since the invention of this device. In fact, the current technology is giving Bell's invention a crowd of new powers (Greatest Achievements, 2012; Greatest Achievements, 2012; Kang, 2005). In addition, telephones were used by linking not only through wires but also through microwaves, optical fibers, communications satellites, computerized switching systems and networks of cellular towers that are used to establish connection between two callers on the earth simply and immediately. Additionally, the telephone is currently mediating billions of long distance communications and dealings on a daily basis-eight per person, approximat ely, in the United States. As Bell demonstrated in his catalog and it is a fact that it is "employed for almost every function and in every walk of life where speech is used," and its uses vary from idle chat to emergency calls. Moreover, with the passage of time the emergence of digital data such as text messages and pictures often moves in the same ways and routes as conversation. And it is believed that modern life and the telephone are inextricably tangled (Greatest Achieve
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Importance of Learning and Achievement in Life Regardless Essay
The Importance of Learning and Achievement in Life Regardless - Essay Example In the school year 2004-2005, the researcher had the privilege of working with the most wonderful Middle School Resource Room children. The experience of teaching in a rural farming community was an eye-opening experience and one that I will never forget. The following research has been based on the idea that children of poverty often do not achieve their highest potential in school. One way or another, it seems that grades are not important to them. In my opinion, grades are not important to the said students because they feel as though they do not have many opportunities such as getting a good paying job, acquiring lots of money and so on. Resource Room students often see themselves as inadequate in the area of knowledge, skills and brains. Hence, it is the duty of the teacher or teachers to help these students see what they have to offer the world, the job market and other sectors of success in the society. Although this is the case, it could not be denied that the main will of th ese students is to free themselves from poverty. How? Through short term schooling, earning minimum grades and planning to obtain a minimum wage paying job in the future. In this regard, understanding poverty and middle school resource room student achievement will allow teachers to begin to understand the students’ thinking, their rationale for school, their view concerning the importance of school, their patterns of displaying several behavioural reactions towards numerous situations concerning themselves and their education.
Monday, September 23, 2019
How is Jesus described in Matthew's Gospel as the fulfillment of Essay
How is Jesus described in Matthew's Gospel as the fulfillment of Jewish hope - Essay Example In addition, he expected, in some respects that the gentiles would adhere to some aspects of the Torah beyond the laws that were formed for status or social distinction. Therefore, any portrayal in the 1st century of Jesus, obviously, would reflect Jesus as a Jew as was the case. However, it is the Gospel of Matthew, among all the other Gospels, that stresses the Jewish origins of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, it is evident that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of the scriptures of the Jews in more than a dozen citations of fulfillment. Matthew starts by presenting Him as David’s son and an anointed king. Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew, is presented as the new coming of Moses, for example, in the birth narrative. In the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew alludes to the continued theme contending that Jesus was the prophet whom the Jews had been expecting like Moses, and this is addressed in Matthew chapters 5 to 73. Here, Jesus continues to affirm the validity of the Torah to h is followers. He exemplifies that his intention is not to abolish Moses’ law or the earlier prophets but that he had arrived to fulfill them. He also claims that not an iota will pass from the Torah until it is accomplished in its totality. Jesus also teaches that anyone who relaxes these laws, even the least of them, and causes other men to do so will be the least in heaven and vice versa. He finishes by stating that unless the righteousness of his followers exceeds the Pharisees and scribes, they will not see heaven. The followers of Jesus, therefore, were required to obey the Torah in a manner that was better than the Pharisees were. The Pharisees had a reputation, both in the Gospels and outside it for following the Torah carefully in their everyday life beyond what was practiced by other Jews4. This comes through as a key to the elucidation of the following material that Jesus quotes Moses’ law and interprets the law in a manner, which affirms in the strongest ter ms the laws’ original intent as Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew comprehended it. These do not seek to replace Moses’ law but, instead, present a radicalization of why God gave the laws in the view of Matthew. Some of those in the community that Matthew wrote the Gospel for, as well as Matthew himself, evidently went on placing importance on adhering to the Jewish law and continue being Jewish in this manner5. The Gospel of Matthew was written around the year 80-85 CE, which was about twenty years following the death of the apostle6. It is, therefore, clear that another person and it wrote this Gospel is likely that this person was trained in the law of the Jews as Matthew was. As with the rest of the Gospels, Matthew possesses a unique perspective since it interprets Jesus’ life for a specific audience. Matthew’s first readers constituted of Jews and Christian converts, who previously gentiles were living in Antioch. The first Christians were converts from Judaism, although when the church began to accept gentiles, conflicts abounded. For instance, they had to decide whether the later converts would be required to convert to Judaism first on being accepted into the Christian faith7. The argument was as to whether they would have to observe traditional customs of the Jews and follow the Law of Moses. The argument also
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Macroeconomic theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Macroeconomic theory - Essay Example One consistent theme that emerges from current research is that the growth of real income and the overall macroeconomic stability - both internal and external - are mutually interdependent and both form an integral part of an adequate, consistently sustained process of economic development. The simple policy rules that follow are: This paper will attempt to address the second question, i.e. what distinguishes the countries that followed the optimal policy mix and hence succeeded from those which did not. Perhaps it is useful at this juncture to refer to the experience of the successful countries of Asia. Clearly the vast majority of developing economies have failed to lift their economic growth and living standard compared with a small group of Asian economies which excelled. In little over two decades the dynamic Asian economies were able to catch up their former colonial masters while others stagnated. Two distinguishing economic features of these successful economies stand out: The neo-classical economists... Two distinguishing economic features of these successful economies stand out: * openness or "neutral" trade regime; and * active government intervention. The neo-classical economists (e.g. Balassa, 1968; Bhagwati, 1978; Krueger, 1978; Little, 1979) emphasize the role of openness. On the other hand, there is a body of literature (e.g. Amsden, 1989; Lee, 1992; Sach, 1987; Wade, 1990) which emphasizes the role active government intervention played in achieving late industrialization. While both have some elements of truth, over-emphasis of one or the other misses important issues. For example, the neo-classical economists are at unease with the co-existence of high import protection with export orientation, and active government non-price interventions with market-oriented policies in some of these economies. On the other hand, the "statists" explanation of why in these economies state interventions did not go fatally wrong as in other developing countries depends crucially on the state being "strong". More fundamentally, though, they cannot explain how a "strong" state emerges, and why some strong dictators (e.g. Marcos or Idi Amin) did not maintain macroeconomic stability and wrecked their economies. One important shortcoming of both explanations is an inadequate focus on institutions. None of these approaches takes into account the formal and informal constraints and rigidities in which policy making occurs. This chapter reflects on institutional frameworks that are likely to induce optimal macroeconomic policy response by the government. Institutions and organizations Nobel Laureate economist, Douglas North (1990, p. 4) defines institutions as "any form of
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Doing Business in the U.K. Essay Example for Free
Doing Business in the U.K. Essay Business Etiquette UKThe United Kingdom (UK) is comprised of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is important not only to be aware of these geographical distinctions but also the strong sense of identity and nationalism felt by the populations of these four countries. The terms English and British are not interchangeable. British denotes someone who is from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. English refers to people from England. People from Scotland are referred to as Scots. People from England are not likely to take offence at being called â€Å"English†, whereas a Welsh, Scots, or Northern Irish person will. Cultural Diversity Formerly a very homogenous society, since World War II, Britain has become increasingly diverse as it has accommodated large immigrant populations. The mixture of ethnic groups and cultures make it difficult to define British as looking or acting in one particular manner. People may sound British and retain the cultural heritage of their forefathers while others may become more British than someone who can trace his/her lineage to the 5th century. The fact that the nation’s favourite dish is now a curry sums up the cultural mish-mash that is modern day Britain. Doing business in the UK The British are rather formal. Many from the older generation still prefer to work with people and companies they know or who are known to their associates. Younger businesspeople do not need long-standing personal relationships before they do business with people and do not require an intermediary to make business introductions. Nonetheless, networking and relationship building are often key to long-term business success. Rank is respected and businesspeople prefer to deal with people at their level. If at all possible, include an elder statesman on your team as he/she will present the aura of authority that is necessary to good business relationships in many companies. British communication styles The British have an interesting mix of communication styles encompassing both understatement and direct communication. Many older businesspeople or those from the upper class rely heavily upon formal use of established protocol. Most British are masters of understatement and do not use effusive language. If anything, they have a marked tendency to qualify their statements with such as perhaps or it could be. When communicating with people they see as equal to themselves in rank or class, the British are direct, but modest. If communicating with someone they know well, their style may be more informal, although they will still be reserved. Business meetings Punctuality is a very British trait. It is especially important in business situations. In most cases, the people you are meeting will be on time. Always call if you will be even 5 minutes later than agreed. If you are kept waiting a few minutes, do not make an issue of it. How meetings are conducted is often determined by the composition of people attending. If everyone is at the same level, there is generally a free flow of ideas and opinions. If there is a senior ranking person in the room, that person will do most of the speaking. In general, meetings will be rather formal and always have a clearly defined purpose, which may include an agenda. There will be a brief amount of small talk before getting down to the business at hand. If you make a presentation, avoid making exaggerated claims. Make certain your presentation and any materials provided appear professional and well thought out. Be prepared to back up your claims with facts and figures. The British rely on facts, rather than emotions, to make decisions. Maintain eye contact and a few feet of personal space. After a meeting, send a letter summarising what was decided and the next steps to be taken. Basic British Etiquette Tips: Business Dress * Business attire is conservative. * Men should wear a dark coloured, conservative business suit. * Women should wear either a business suit or a conservative dress. Greetings * Shake hands with everyone at a meeting upon arrival. * Maintain eye contact during the greeting. Titles * Only medical doctors and the clergy use their professional or academic titles in business. * Most people use the courtesy titles or Mr, Mrs or Miss and their surname. (Mr and Mrs are words in the United Kingdom and do not require a period after them as they are not abbreviations.) * If someone has been knighted, they are called Sir followed by their first and surnames or Sir followed simply by their first name. * Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis. People under the age of 35 may make this move more rapidly than older British. Business Cards * Business cards are exchanged at the initial introduction without formal ritual. * The business card may be put away with only a cursory glance. Business Gifts * Business gift giving is not part of the business culture. * If you choose to give a gift, make certain it is small and tasteful. * Good gifts include desk accessories, a paperweight with your company logo, or a book about your home country. * Inviting someone out for a meal can be viewed as a gift. http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/etiquette/doing-business-uk.html http://books.google.com.my/books?id=1ccPcVjaRGMCpg=PA30lpg=PA30dq=how+to+bargain+with+britainsource=blots=FB64L7Wk6Fsig=6QVjUrzk4AcQ2OuUezZuyL64Mlwhl=ensa=Xei=2kALUeu0BcKPrgfjooH4Cwved=0CHAQ6AEwCA#v=onepageq=britishf=false
Friday, September 20, 2019
Timing Of The Special Warning Law Essay
Timing Of The Special Warning Law Essay Timing of the special warning is a matter for the interviewing officer. The warning can only be given in a post arrest, post caution interview. [1] There is no guidance in the Act as to when the special warning should be given but Codes E. 4.3C and C. 10.5A of the Codes of Practice are helpful. Code C concerns the detention and questioning of suspects and Code E concerns the tape recording of interviews with suspects: both state, when a suspect who is interviewed after arrest, fails or refuses to answer certain questions, or to answer them satisfactorily, after due warning, a court or jury may draw a proper inference from this silence under ss. 36 and 37 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. The use of after due warning indicates that the special warning should be given before questions are put to the suspect concerning objects, marks or substances or marks on such objects or being found at a place or about the time an offence has been committed. This is a common-sense approach. It would be an unnecessary burden for interviewing officers to be expected to judge, or know, whether an answer to questions is unsatisfactory or not. In many cases, the police only achieve discovery of an unsatisfactory answer after further enquiries. If a special warning is given then any later discovery of an unsatisfactory answer could be the subject of a proper inference using the statutory provisions of ss. 36 and 37. The chronology of the Act is also an indicator of when the special warning should be given. Section 36(1) has four parts: a) is the fact of the possession of objects, substances and marks; b) the belief of the officer that possession indicates participation in an offence; c) informing the suspect of the belief and the request for an explanation; d) the refusal or failure to explain. Item (c) is clearly the special warning. The warning must therefore come before any failure or refusal to answer. [2] The Police National Crime Faculty states that test questions should be asked before applying a special warning in their September 1996 update [3] when they assert however, a special warning should not be used in any circumstances until after a suspect has failed or refused to answer certain questions (Code C10.5A). This assertion makes no sense and flies in the face of the intention of the legislators. [4] The legislators interpretation is clearly right, the suspect should be warned of the sanction that could be applied, before questions begin, about incriminating articles or presence at a particular place. Useful analogies can be drawn: police have the power to take intimate samples, e.g. blood for the purpose of confirming or disproving a suspects involvement in a recordable offence. [5] Before a person is asked to provide the sample he must be warned that if he refuses without good cause, his refusal may harm his case if it comes to trial. Is there any essential difference between this provision and special warnings? The warning comes before the request: the suspect is informed of the sanction to be applied if he refuses the request. Another analogy would be a section 34 caution. A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it are put to him regarding his involvement or suspected involvemen[t]. [6] In this case, the caution comes before the questions. Again, is there any essential difference between this provision and a special warning? It makes clear and common sense to apply the warning before questions are put. Comments by Police when Solicitor advises suspect to make no comment. I agree it is right not to undermine the legal representative by stating to the suspect that remaining silent may not be in their interest. However, the Royal Commission study in 1993 [7] identified that legal representatives at police stations were frequently unqualified and untrained. [8] The Legal Advice and Assistance Regulations 1989 permit delegation by a solicitor to such unqualified clerks. The Royal Commission study also found that the incidence of advice to exercise the right to silence increased at police stations where the adviser was wholly experienced. [9] The case law to date clearly indicates that a mere assertion that a suspect should not answer questions on legal advice will not save them from an adverse inference. [10] Police should not be passive where non accredited or probationary representatives, unsuited to provide legal advice, advise suspects to remain silent to cover their own lack of knowledge or experience. [11] In those cases, police should consider contacting the solicitor to give them the opportunity to make alternative arrangements. [12] Reference is made in the memorandum to R v Condron and Condron. [13] It is suggested that the judgement simply gives guidance at court when the defence wish to challenge the drawing of inferences. That is not the meaning of the judgement. It clearly deals with a solicitor giving his clients advice not to answer questions from the police. The appeal court dealt with that by stating inter alia If the accused gave as a reason for not answering questions that he had been advised by his solicitor not to do so, that advice did not, in their Lordships judgement amount to a waiver of privilege. But equally that bare assertion was unlikely by itself to be regarded as a sufficient reason for not mentioning matters relevant to the defenc[e]. Prepared statements presented before interview or on charge. The memorandum refers to detailed advice prepared by the Criminal Justice office. I have read the detailed advice, which appears to state that suspects cannot be interviewed after charge except on information obtained after charge from sources other than the suspect. I am unable to discover the origin of this interpretation. Code C. 16.5 states that questions can be put where it is in the interests of justice that a person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed he might be prosecuted. There is no exclusion on information from the interviewee. It would be likely to be in the interests of justice where, for example, a suspect produced a detailed written explanation, after charge, especially where matters are raised, not previously covered by the interview. Need to record information disclosed before interview/charge. I agree with the sentiment of the paragraph. It would be a mistake to set a precedent requiring written disclosure in every case. Legal representatives frequently assert that all the prima facie evidence should be produced before interview or the suspect will be advised to remain silent. The origin of this advice are the recommendations of the Royal Commission that such a requirement be placed in the 3rd edition of the Codes of Practice. [14] The recommendations were not ratified and no such requirement exists. However, Doctor Eric Shepherd wrongly included the recommendation as a fact in his advice to legal representatives. [15] Police officers should be given guidance to equip them to deal with legal advisors who make assertions not based on legal requirements. Conclusions I have only briefly covered the matters raised in the proposed memorandum. I am willing to provide information that is more detailed if required. I hope that my views will be accepted in the way they are offered, i.e. helpful and qualified. The enclosed book is an in depth study of the matters mentioned above. The book contains critical comment about the stance taken by the Criminal Justice Office and the National Crime Faculty. It is the job of a master to critically comment. As uncomfortable as it is for the persons concerned I believe the comments are justified. It is to be hoped that the bodies criticised do not treat the comments personally, thereby clouding their judgement. Terence D. Inch M.A. LLM
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