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Medicinal services Museum Essay Medicinal services MUSEUM The Health Care Museum show is to affirmation the five most critical advance...
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
John Deweys interest and effort in education Essay
John Deweys interest and effort in education - Essay Example This scholarly work of John Dewey proves its significance from the time it’s conceived until this era more enhanced by technology. As a proponent of pragmatism (which means the realistic way to solving problems rather than obeying fixed rules) in the field of pedagogy, he is famous for the line: â€Å"Learning by doing.†In this book, Interest and Effort in Education, the main tenets that this author expresses are: the arguments between interest and effort, unified and divided activity,good teaching defined as â€Å"teaching of the future will make school life vital to youth, the provision of school experience wherein the child is wholeheartedly active in acquiring the ideas and skill needed to deal with the problems of his expanding life.†On the other hand â€Å"genuine interest is the accompaniment of identification, through action, of the self with some object or idea for the maintenance of self-initiated activity. Effort, as opposed to interest, implies a separation between the self and the fact to be mastered or task to be performed and sets up a habitual division of activities.†(Dewey, 1913, p. 14).Dewey describes in vivid and comprehensive detail of the educational setting of his time: its weaknesses and how his tenet could be of significance in the change that he hopes to develop. Moreover, his discussion on the strengths of the theory of interest and effort are equally well-compared contrasted.... It is an impressively structured work that is confident of its impact to the administrators and learners both. It discourages the society's continuous adherence to the already educational theories despite their weaknesses. He expresses the failure of most schools in maintaining student-motivation. Many students leave school for lack of interest. There are a lot of cases of school drop-outs that became successful in their chosen fields, most of them land in different business industries. Insufficient interesting training earned due to the goal of merely acquiring a certification or diploma, labeling them as "those who emerge from the schools, duly certified, too many are skillful merely in an outer show of information and manners which gives no surety that the major part of their inner impulses are capable of rational and easy self-direction." Dewey points out the true cause for student boredom and blames the unappealing method of teaching that stops students from continuing their education. The weakness of the schools rest on their inability to establish creative methods wherein students' personality , level and interest are well gauged. As Dewey puts it, "A child's character, knowledge and skill are not reconstructed by sitting in a room where events happen. Events must happen to him , in a way to bring a full and interested response. The teacher is only successful if there is a student response where change is visible. One of the striking points that Dewey stresses is "It is absurd to suppose that a child gets more intellectual or mental discipline when he goes at a matter unwillingly than when he goes at it out of the fullness of his heart." (Dewey, 1919,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Child Observation for Development Analysis
Child Observation for Development Analysis Kirsty Lynch Child Observation Study Introduction By the age of six, children are moving out of what Erikson called the initiative vs Guilt-purpose period and are moving into the industry vs inferiority-competence stage of their lives. This is a main developmental stage in the life of a child where many milestones are hoped to be achieved by. To demonstrate the developmental stage of a six year old child I have conducted this child observation study. The setting of this child observation takes place in what appears to be a computer room in a primary school. There are three students present in the room, two girls, Mackenzie and Isabella aged six and one boy, Noah who is also six years old. There is one female adult present in the observation, the children’s teacher. There are a small number of adults present in the background, this is because it is a communal computer room and these other adults are not part of the observation study. The activity that’s taking place is a teaching lesson in which the teacher is demonstra ting patterns to the children and asking the children, at first to work together to complete the pattern and then to individually finish the patterns themselves. The child who is the focus of this observation study is Noah, the six year old boy. Observations: Discussion: From observing Noah in his school environment, it is easier to see the developmental stage that he is at, the milestones that he has reached are quite evident and his developmental stage is quite clear and progressing well, however there are a few milestones which Noah should have reached by the age of six which it seems he has failed to reach, here I will discuss Noah’s Physical, Emotional and Cognitive development and I will link it in with developmental psychology to illustrate where Noah is at in his Development and where he should be. Physical Develop: Noah’s physical development seems to be normal for his age, in comparison to Isabella and Mackenzie he seems to be the same height and slightly broader which is normal for a boy of his age. By the age of six years old, children usually reach an average height of about three foot ten inches and they normally weigh about forty-six pounds. These are just average figures but from observing Noah he seems to fit into this profile, although it is hard to judge his weight from the observation, he appears a healthy weight for his height and age. At the age of six years old, children have a lot of energy and they enjoy engaging in activities which involve a lot of movement. In order to achieve these movements, children require the use of Gross motor skills (Clarke McDowel, 2006). It is evident that Noah has a lot of energy and that his gross motor skills are developing at an appropriate rate. Noah can’t sit easy, is constantly moving his arms and hands, he makes shapes with his hands and at one stage imitates a bird using hand movements. It can be seen that Noah has good muscle control and good co-ordination. Noah’s fine motor skills can also be seen. Fine motor skills require dexterity, which is the good use of hands and fingers. By six years of age children have reached the stage of being able to use many fine motor skills, such as tying their shoe laces, good hand control and good use of both of their hands (Clarke McDowel, 2006). Noah’s fine motor skills can be seen little by little throughout the observation, Noah uses both of his hands consistently to complete the puzzles and he has the ability to turn the shapes into objects, Noah does this when he makes the shape of a house out of the shapes on the table. Intellectual Development: Noah’s communication does not seem to be at the level that it should be at for a six year old child. By the age of six most children can maintain attention, concentrate and can sit quietly during activities. Noah however, lacked concentration and only paid attention when he was being giving attention for his turn; he was unable to hold his concentration during the other students turns. At times Noah’s speech was quite hard to understand, it was sometimes slightly slurred. A child of Noah’s age should have an extended vocabulary and should be able to explore the meaning and sounds of new words, their speech should be precise and clear by this age. Children tend to express themselves by using new words, making up stories and developing their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas together (Clarke McDowel, 2006). Noah did not seem to have an extended vocabulary and his speech seemed very limited at times, he only spoke when he was seeking attention or when he wanted acknowledgement or praise for completing a task. Emotional and Social Development: At six years of age children should be able to identify and convey feelings and interact with adults and other children. As children develop they learn how to show affection, manage aggravation and irritation and understand jealousy and sadness (Clarke McDowel, 2006). While Noah has reached most of this developmental stage there are a few points within this stage which Noah has not completely met yet. The milestones which Noah has achieved at this developmental stage in his emotional and social development are co-operation, solving problems, seeking attention and becoming competitive. Although he co-operated, most of the time, Noah was quite fidgety while awaiting his turn. Noah was quite competitive, which is normal for a child of his age, and he likes the attention to be focused on him. Noah asked the teacher to â€Å"look†at him a number of times and at one stage said â€Å"see, look, watch how fast I am†as he was seeking attention and praise from the teacher. His sense of security seems to be reliant on praise from adults that he trusts; in this case that was his teacher. However, Noah was also quite irritated when it was not his turn to complete the puzzle, he had to be asked a number of times to wait his turn, by this age Noah should have a sense of controlling irritation and following instructions set out by his teacher. Cognitive Development: Children play an enormous role in their own cognitive development. They do this by trying to understand what’s going on around them by organising, explaining, constructing, manipulating and predicting. We can see that Noah plays an active role in his cognitive development, he understands what is being asked of him, he knows what he is meant to do and constructs shapes and patterns with the pieces supplied by his teacher. At the age of six, children also see patterns in objects and actions of the world and they can often attempt to organize these patterns to try and explain the world. Noah demonstrates this when he sees a house in the shapes that are on the table, he then constructs a tree to go along with the house because in Noah’s perception of the world this is what is normal, houses, gardens, maybe trees in the garden or outside on the road. However, Noah also demonstrates some limitations in his cognitive development. Noah has trouble controlling his own attention, when the attention is on him Noah behaves and does what he is asked to do, he displays an intense interest in learning and takes pride in completing the patterns, but when it is Mackenzie or Isabella’s turn, Noah lacks attention, he is twisting and turning in his chair, fidgeting with his hands and looking around the room. Noah becomes slightly frustrated that he has to take turns, the attention isn’t on him and the learning does not come about as quickly as he would like because he has to wait. Developmental psychology: During the Initiative vs Guilt-purpose stage children desire to copy the actions of the people around them and they take initiative in creating a play situation. Noah has reached this developmental stage as he shows that he can take instructions and copy what the teacher does, the teacher demonstrates how to do the patterns and Noah is quick to copy what she does, he is able to complete the pattern and he is able to turn the task into a play situation, he illustrates this by building a house out of the shapes that he is working with. Noah has accomplished this milestone and is moving into the Industry vs Inferiority-competence stage, which is often referred to as the latency stage. This stage allows children to learn, create and accomplish a number of new skills and Knowledge and helps them to develop a sense of industry. Noah shows that he is competent in this stage by completing the patterns that the teacher gives him with ease and he takes pride in completing these tasks. However, this is also an incredibly social stage of development, where experiences of unresolved feelings of inferiority and inadequacy among other children can have problems in relation to competence and self-esteem. Noah seems to be constantly looking for attention, he can’t sit easy if it’s not his turn and if he is not been giving attention. He is constantly looking for acknowledgement and praise for completing his tasks, it’s as if he is trying to prove that he is capable and better than the other students at completing the task., he says â€Å"See, look, watch, watch how fast I am†. Freud says that during the Latency stage sexual urges remain subdued and that children tend to play and interact with the same sex peers. In this observation Noah is with the opposite sex, however, there is no indication as to whether Noah chooses to be in this group or whether the teacher specifically put him in this group for observational purposes. If Noah was placed in this group it could account for why he felt the need to prove his capability over the girls, it is hard to tell whether Noah would have acted the same if he was in a group with boys. Piaget’s preoperational stage is just coming to an end by the time a child is six years old. Piaget states that a child should have reached the milestone of being able to use basic logic but may still not be able to understand how other people perceive the environment (Crawford and Walker, 2003). Attachment: Attachment is the close, continuous relationship with at least one other person that children need in order to develop a confident, stable, integrated personality (Fawcett, 2009). Mary Ainsworth came up with the three different types of attachment that a child could experience; Securely attached being the usual, standard attachment where children explore by themselves and can sometimes show some signs of concern when they are separated from their parents but usually settle and continue to play. , Insecure Avoidant, where children seem indifferent on whether or not the parent is there and insecure ambivalent, where children experience great upset when the parent leaves and opposing reactions when the parent returns (Ainsworth et al, 1978). Children tend to view the person that they are attached to as a secure foundation, a source of reassurance and someone who encourages them and offers them guidance (Crawford and Walker, 2003). Noah shows this attachment with his teacher. He looks to his teacher for guidance when completing the patterns, and he seeks praise and encouragement from her upon completing the task, he asks her to â€Å"look†and â€Å"see†what he has done. It is difficult to determine Noah’s attachment with his teacher in such a short amount of time, he does not ignore the presence of his teacher, nor does he cling to his teacher, although Noah does seem to constantly be looking for the teachers attention, this could indicate a lack of attention at home, or having to seek attention at home. Tentative Conclusions: From observing Noah it is clear that his development is on the right track. Noah’s physical development is normal for his age and he has accomplished many of the physical milestones that a six year old should have accomplished. His intellectual development is at a slower development rate than the average child of Noah’s age. Speech and language therapy could be used in order to help Noah develop his speech and language to an appropriate level. Noah does not seem to engage in conversation much and with the help of a speech and language therapist this could encourage Noah to engage more in conversation with his peers and his teacher. Noah seems to enjoy play and he enjoys praise for completing tasks, Play Therapy could be a useful resource to help Noah understand how to control his irritations and to help him concentrate. Noah’s development is on the right track but with a little help from the likes of a speech and language therapist or a play therapy specialist, Noah’s development could be improved to an appropriate level for a six year old child. Reflexive Piece: When beginning this observation, I had my own idea of what a six year old child should be doing and how far along a six year olds development should be. I thought back to what I was like when I was six years old, I could remember being in school and doing well in school, but other than that my memory of being six was not great. However, I myself have two younger brothers, one who has just turned seven years old and one who is turning six this year. From my own experience of my younger brother’s developmental stages, I had a preconception that all six year olds behaved in a similar way and that most six year olds had met the same developmental markers. Some of my own professional experience also influenced me in the completion of this assignment. I had previously done a placement in The National Children’s Hospital and I worked alongside Play Specialists. The children I worked with were from infants to teenagers, but the majority of the children who were involved in the play therapy sessions were aged between four years old and nine years old. From working with those children the same age as Noah I could really see what Noah was excelling in and where Noah was lacking in some developmental stages. I had previously worked with a family whose child was at a slower developing rate than his peers and the work that I participated in with that family influenced my ideas of what could help Noah. This child was also six years of age but had not reached all of the milestones expected by the age of six; similarly, Noah had not reached some of the milestones that you would expect him to have reached. Word Count: 3,299 Bibliography: Ainsworth, M. D. S., Blehar, M. C., Waters, E. Wall, S., 1978. Patterns of Attachment: A psychological study of the strange ssituation. Hillsdale: NJ: Erlbaum. Clarke, P. McDowel, G., 2006. The Developing Child. Glencoe: McGraw-Hill. Crawford, K. Walker, J., 2003. Social Work and Human Development. s.l.:Learning Matters. Fawcett, M., 2009. Learning Through Child Observation. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Ingleby, E., 2006. Applied Psychology for Social Work. Glasgow: Learning Matters.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Difference Between Bullying and Harassment :: cyberbulling, code of conduct, schools
Bullying and harassment are two distinct words but have a quite similar meaning as well as effects. These effects result in people becoming overwhelmed and depressed because of the constant abuse whether verbal or physical from another person that does not consider the victim as of any value to this world. Although verbal and physical bullying have been taken care of most of the time, the number one type of bullying that has not yet been addressed and taken care of is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs online but, it is never taken care of by the school board because it is not happening in school and nothing is stated under the code of conduct to get involved with the situation. A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization that are to be followed. They are intended to help out an area by laying down ethics and support decisions made by people at the organization or work. A code of conduct exist everywhere whether businesses or schools, it is created to handle problems in a proper way. It is unbelievable to be know that the code of conduct does not state anything about the consequences for bullying and/or harassing an individual. They are not really required to be followed since it is just mostly expected behavior and can be easily broken without consequences. Although schools have a set of rules, they are rarely enforced and some don’t even do anything on when something occurs off campus. Cyber bullying is no different from verbal and physical bullying it has the same effects, it hurts innocent individuals and it should have the same consequences. Cyber bullying the majority of the time, occurs between the ages of 13-18. Most teens feel that by not telling someone that this is happening it will only make it worse, that the bullying will never stop. In the case of Megan Meier who was described by her parents as â€Å" bubbly, goofy†,was an average teenager who was full of life and had goals, that was before she committed suicide because of the effects of cyber bullying. In the Worse Cases of Bullying website it states â€Å" Met a boy, â€Å"Josh Evans†, online through her new Myspace account. Josh introduced himself via an email to her parents and, with their blessings, Megan continued her new friendship and soon became infatuated with him.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Amish Birthing Paper
The religious and cultural beliefs of the Amish, have led to variations in health care practices that are different from main stream American culture. The Amish believe in simple lifestyles and being â€Å"separate from the world,†this is hallmark for the Amish. They don't use modern conveniences that we do, such as electricity, computers, cars, and phones. They travel by horse and buggy, and grow their own gardens and raise their own cattle for food/milk. Their days are filled with hard work and simple pleasures. Babies are a welcomed gift in the Amish culture and are viewed as a blessing rom God. They believe the # of children they have should be left in God's hands, this is why it's forbidden to use birth control, because it would interfere with God's will. Amish families tend to be large; 6-10 kids is common, and occasionally there are families with up to 20 children born to one mother. When a woman gets pregnant; therapeutic abortions, amniocentesis, and other invasive prenatal diagnostic testing (that some of us may use) is not acceptable. They are happy â€Å"to take what God gives them. †The Amish usually have homebirths or give birth at birthing centers with a midwife. The only time they do hospital births, is when there is risk to the mother or the child. At the hospitals, routine interventions of labor and delivery are not used. IVs are available, but optional. Fetal heart rate monitoring is done intermittently by doppler. Amish women usually labor quietly while husbands support them by rubbing their backs, cooling them with hand fans, and holding their hands. Labor tends to be shorter than average and happen peacefully with controlled pushing. Most mothers breastfeed and are anxious to feed the baby after elivery, but some produce no breastmilk at first, because of the huge workload and stress of a large family, and can't feed the baby until the next day. So in the mean time, they give the baby things like jello water or watermelon seed tea, which is supposed to be good for preventing jaundice. Also, they usually don't pick out names before the delivery; they wait and see â€Å"who the baby looks like†before they name him/her. Amish folk wisdom is also an integral part of their prenatal practices, such as walking under a clothes line will result in still birth, or crawling through a window or nder a table will cause the umbilical cord to be wrapped around the baby's neck. Complications such as pregnancy-induced HTN and diabetes (which is higher in Americans) is low in the Amish culture, most likely due to the well-nourished state of the mom, because she eats home-cooked and self-preserved foods (instead of fast food, which is convenient for us. The greatest risk factor for the pregnant women is development of painful varicose veins because of all the heavy work they do. In preparing for the childbirth process, a 5 week formula is sometimes used in the ast 5 weeks of pregnancy to tone and calm the uterus, quiet the nerves, ease pain, and help make labor easier and on time. This formula has also been known to help with menstrual disorders, morning sickness, and hot flashes. It has been passed down from one generation to the next. This formula consists of 5 herbs including: 1. Red Rasberry leaves: relieves nausea and pain in labor. 2. Butcher's Broom Root: this herb is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and thrombosis. 3. Black Cohosh Root: relieves spastic muscles, dilates peripheral blood vessels, and helps reduce B/P. These actions help the terus and other muscles during labor. 4. Dong Quai Root: it is an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect and helps to treat swelling prior to labor. During labor it eases smooth muscle contractions and gives a general sedative effect. 5. Squaw Vine Root: Used to prepare the uterus for childbirth and speed up delivery and encourage regular contractions. It has an antispasmodic action. (This is about the only pain relief/ medications that they use to help with pregnancy/delivery, besides maybe Tylenol. ) A person's life philosophy and religious views profoundly impact the childbirth and parenting experience. Having a positive attitude toward the birthing process, a healthy lifestyle, and adequate support makes childbirth a better experience for the patient. Some nursing interventions that could be used; since varicose veins are the greatest complication for pregnant Amish women (from all of their house work and laundry they do), I would remind her that she should take frequent rest periods from standing and elevate her legs. Maybe if she has older children, they could do some of the house work while mom rests. I would remind her that medication is available for pain relief if she chooses to accept it. I would provide her and her family a warm and comfortable environment, to make them feel at home. I would also encourage the family to bring in home-cooked meals to help her and her husband feel at home. After delivery, if the mother started to feel too tired, and needed some rest I would care for the baby for short periods of time, and help with diaper changes and baths. As I mentioned before, the mother sometimes can't lactate at first and isn't able to feed the baby, so as a nurse I would offer bottles of formula to her so she could feed the baby until shes able to produce er own breastmilk (whether she accepted it or not would be up to her and her husband). The only time an Amish woman gets to rest is right after she has the baby, so the families usually have a â€Å"helper†around for 6 weeks to care for the other children, clean, cook, and do laundry. So before the family leaves the hospital/birthing center, I would make sure they had someone lined up to help them out for at least 6 weeks after birth. I would also make sure she, as well as the family, understands instructions and reasons why interventions are offered.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“Graduation†written by Maya Angelou Essay
Anticipation Imagine how it would feel to have someone of another race speak at your graduation and put your race down. This is the story of â€Å"Graduation†written by Maya Angelou. In this story we see how a young black girl awaits with great pride and anticipation her graduation day. When the day finally arrives, her dreams and expectations are shadowed by the speech that Mr. Donleavy, a white man, gave to the graduating class of 1940. At the end of the story we see how the class valedictorian, Henry Reed comes back with encouraging words that help the entire audience become alive and feel like they were on top again. Maya Angelou used a very important literary element in this story called tone. Tone is the attitude the speaker has towards themselves, their subjects, and their audience. In this case the speaker in this story is the young black girl. In the beginning of the story the black girl speaks with pride and self-confidence. She thinks very highly of herself when she states, â€Å"†¦I was going to be lovely. A walking model of all the various styles of fine hand sewing and it didn’t worry me that I was only twelve years old and merely graduating from the eighth grade†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The joy in her voice is felt when she stated â€Å"†¦my work alone had awarded me to a top place and I was going to be one of the first called in the graduating ceremonies. No absences, nor tardiness, and my academic work was among the best of the year†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Unfortunately pride and joy were not the only tone used by the speaker. In the middle of the story we see the girl angry and disappointed at the outcome of her graduation. As I described in the introduction, Mr. Donleavy addressed her graduating class with continuous remarks about the white class. He went on to say that â€Å"†¦the white kids were going to have a chance to become Galileo’s and Madame Curies and Edison’s and Gauguins †¦Ã¢â‚¬ The young girl couldn’t believe what she was hearing. â€Å"Graduation, hush-hush magic time of frills and gifts and congratulations and diploma, was finished for me before my name was called. The accomplishments was nothing. Donleavy had exposed us †¦Ã¢â‚¬ In this sentence we can actually feel the frustration and anger she felt. At the end of the story we see how her mood changed from being angry to feeling proud of herself and her race once again. This was the outcome of a poem read by her class valedictorian, Henry Reed. â€Å"The word of Patrick Henry had made such an impression on me that I had been able to stretch myself tall and trembling and, I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death †¦Ã¢â‚¬ In this sentence the young girl feels proud to be black and to be part of the graduating class of 1940. She put aside all the awful remarks made by Mr. Donleavy and rejoiced with the encouraging words given by Henry Reed. She was proud of her race and proud to be graduating due to her full academic accomplishments. In conclusion the story of â€Å"Graduation†was very interesting. It was able to fully demonstrate the literary element of tone. In my opinion, the message in this story is that we should all be proud of who we are, what we do, and where we come from. Pay less attention to what others say or think about you, and worry more about what you think and what you want to accomplish.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Hone Tuwhare essay
buy custom Hone Tuwhare essay Hone Tuwhare published it in 1964. It was the best-selling poem. He was the first person of Maori ancestry in New Zealand to write a book in English. Since then he was a famous poet and wrote several other poems. The theme of the poem was the anti-nuclear theme. He metaphorically used the sun, which has natural radiation, to represent the bomb. The bomb is a nuclear radiation. The poems title shows that the author is very convinced that ordinary sun does not exist. He attempts to prove this in his poem. He claims that sun can never be ordinary since it is the main source of human survival. The metaphor of the sun and the nuclear bomb shows that the bomb can never be a natural radiation. He then uses a tree as a natural metaphor to represent the presence of human life on the planet. In the first line, tree let your arms fall, the author uses the tree arms to represent the manmade military. The rest of the first stanza shows the tree and the sun are at different hierarchy levels. The use of axe and fire is a signal that the tree should avoid its traditions. This shows that there is a documented problem between the tree and the sun. In the second stanza, the writer continues to show the hierarchical differences between the tree and the sun. The sun reveals of how the tree will be when it accomplishes its plans. It reveals of how the landscape will be when the nuclear explosion gets accomplished. The author says tree let your naked arms fall. This means that the tree cannot be the servant of the sun. The sun has won. The line the fading green of your fading emanations shall not make pure again reveals how awful the world will look after the bomb. These polluted skies shows the nuclear gases effect on the sky, as they will not be clear again. The repeated negations in the second, last, stanza represent the metaphor negating the title of the poem. It even ends the stanza with no ordinary sun. The line, sap shall not rise again, to the moons pull shows gravitational power between the earth and the cosmos coming to a halt. In the poem the relationship between the sun and the tree ceases to exist. As the writer concludes, the tree is no longer the metaphor for human. The writer fails to use metaphors. He shows how the unheeding humans figures turn to the monstrous power, oblivious of the damage it has done. In the last stanza, the use of shadowless mountains, White Plains and drag sea floors shows the effects of the nuclear attacks. The whole poem is also a metaphor to represent the nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The people got permanent scars on their bodies. The nuclear bomb had an effect on their genes. In the poem, the effects relate to the fading green trees and blue skies. Bus Journey South by Hone Tuwhare In the poem Bus Journey South, he shows how a confused Maori member is when he finds himself in the south, where there are no Maori people. He uses the metaphor of his ego getting crushed into pocket size Gulliver pebbles. In the story of the giaant man Gulliver, pebbles were so tiny that he could barely see them with his naked eyes. This metaphor shows how the writers confidence and self-esteem had been diminished. In the last part of the poem he says I suck my Gulliver pebble: spit it out again. Too much. The metaphor here reveals to us his amazement about his surroundings. He shows the extent when he says too much. Too much also serves as a colloquial expression. The metaphor that shows the subject is the first three lines of the poem where the mountains stand away at a distance, radar like tracking, cutting my ego, down to a pocket size Gulliver pebble. Author treats the mountains like living creatures. He therefore believes in animism. The bus belches away represents the sound of the bus moving as it changes gears. The writer looks behind and feels the sadness of leaving. This is underlined in metaphor when he says dead leaves lying lightly by the road rise, pirouette and collapse in a twinkling whirlpool of amber light. Normally this is how leaves behave when a car passes by. The whole poem appears as a metaphor. Its role is to show how the community in New Zealand was perceived. It is also evident that Hone used colloquial expressions in his poems. He uses other stylistic figures like allegory and humor to write his poems. The use of the metaphors in his poems shows that they are essential in writing of poems. He was, therefore, announced as a legendary poet. Hone Tuwhare died in 2008. His poems have been turned into songs by some famous musicians. Buy custom Hone Tuwhare essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
Napster vs RIAA essays
Napster vs RIAA essays Napster is an ongoing controversy on the Web. Napster is a software program that allows anyone to find their favorite music by connecting them to the computers of millions of other users. It is the simplest way to find the MP3s they want, whenever they want, and share them with the world's largest community of music lovers. An estimated 20 million people have used Napster since it came out last year. With all the people who support Napster, there are just as many that want to see it shut down. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is suing Napster for copyright infringement. RIAA found that 87 percent of the songs transferred via Napster are copyrighted. (This case is currently in trial) Musicians such as Dr. Dre and Metallica also sued Napster and now anyone who tries downloading their music will be banned. Dr. Dre was quoted saying, Downloading my music without paying anything is equivalent to stealing food from my kids. Napster has been banned on campus servers at 40 percent of the nation's colleges and universities. Copyrighted material being transferred through Napster has also angered numerous labels. Major labels, such as Warner Music Group, BMG Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Sony Music have sued Napster. They already won one partial victory in the suit, when federal Judge Marilyn Hall Patel rejected Napster's first attempt to have the case dismissed. Now the industry wants more: It is asking the judge for a preliminary injunction against the company, aiming to stop a huge volume of recorded material from being swapped through Napster while the suit goes to trial. Napster allows its users to trade MP3-format music files over the Web, which violates music industry copyrights and robs artists of royalties for the reproductions, according to the RIAA. Napster says it is protected under the "fair use" doctrine, similar to the use of videotape recorder ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Tigris River of Ancient Mesopotamia
The Tigris River of Ancient Mesopotamia The Tigris River is one of two main rivers of ancient Mesopotamia, what is today modern Iraq. The name Mesopotamia means the land between two rivers, although perhaps it ought to mean the land between two rivers and a delta. It was the marshy lower ranges of the conjoined rivers that truly served as a cradle for the earliest elements of the Mesopotamian civilization, the Ubaid, in approximately 6500 BCE. Of the two, the Tigris is the river to the east (towards Persia, or modern Iran) while the ​Euphrates lies to the west. The two rivers run more or less parallel for their entire length through the rolling hills of the region. In some cases, the rivers have a rich wide riparian habitat, in others they are confined by a deep valley such as the Tigris as it rolls through Mosul. Together with their tributaries, the Tigris-Euphrates served as the cradle for the latter urban civilizations that evolved in Mesopotamia: the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. At its heyday in the urban periods, the river and its human-constructed hydraulic systems supported some 20 million inhabitants. Geology and the Tigris The Tigris is the second largest river in Western Asia, next to the Euphrates, and it originates near Lake Hazar in eastern Turkey at an elevation of 1,150 meters (3,770 feet). The Tigris is fed from snow which falls annually over the uplands of northern and eastern Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. Today the river forms the Turkish-Syrian border for a length of 32 kilometers (20 miles) before it crosses into Iraq. Only about 44 km (27 mi) of its length flows through Syria. It is fed by several tributaries, and the major ones are the Zab, Diyalah, and Kharun rivers. The Tigris joins the Euphrates near the modern town of Qurna, where the two rivers and the river Kharkah create a massive delta and the river known as Shatt-al-Arab. This conjoined river flows into the Persian Gulf 190 km (118 mi) south of Qurna. The Tigris is 1,180 miles (1,900 km) in length. Irrigation through seven millennia has changed the course of the river. Climate and Mesopotamia There are steep differences between maximum and minimum monthly flows of the rivers, and the Tigris differences are the sharpest, nearly 80 fold over a period of a year. The annual precipitation in the Anatolian and Zagros highlands exceeds 1 meter (39 inches). That fact has been credited with influencing the Assyrian King Sennacherib to develop the worlds first stone masonry water control systems, some 2,700 years ago. Did the variable water flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers create the ideal environment for the growth of the Mesopotamian civilization? We can only speculate, but there is no doubt that some of the earliest urban societies blossomed there. Ancient Cities on the Tigris: Baghdad, Nineveh, Ctesiphon, Seleucia, Lagash, and Basra.Alternate Names: Idigna (Sumerian, meaning running water); Idiklat (Akkadian); Hiddekel (Hebrew); Dijlah (Arabic); Dicle (Turkish). Source Altinbilek D. 2004. Development and management of the Euphrates–Tigris basin. International Journal of Water Resources Development 20(1):15-33.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Censorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Censorship - Essay Example There has always been a conflict regarding this issue as many people argue for and against drawing a protocol of guidelines on what can be said on the mass media. From the beginning of civilization, censorship has been used by groups as well as individuals to prevent and control artistic creations, information and ideas. The main causes of censorship are religion, politics and sex related issues. Censorship is particularly dominant in libraries, especially school libraries. The relationship between the libraries and censorship has always been tumultuous. The banning of certain ideas, thoughts and information in libraries as well as media is unconstitutional as the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and of the press. No individual or groups should forbid anyone from accessing information. As such, censorship should not be done in libraries as it restricts access to literature and is unconstitutional to limit the intellectual freedom of knowledge. Censorship is authoritarian and it hampers to the growth of literature. It is unjustifiable for libraries to limit the access to knowledge and dictate what is right and wrong in the works of literature. Censorship also undermines the faith of the intelligence of the readers and at the same time oppresses free thinking. It not only obstructs the growth of literature but also, the development of creativity in students. There are also many rationalizations that are used by people in favor of censorship in libraries. One of the common arguments in favor of censorship is that the information or a piece of literature which are deemed as dangerous or misleading by the standard of authorities must be suppressed as they can corrupt the youth. People who are in favor of censorship are also of the view that students should not be subjected to controversial issues in literature as these may lead them astray. Censorships are also solely motivated by morality and the belief that exposure to violence in literature causes stu dents to behave in a destructive ways. All these arguments do make sense. However, in reality this is an attempt to put students inside a bubble where they are protected from the issues of the outside world. There is no evidence to prove that fictional violence causes students to be become violent or that students who are exposed to violence in literature are prone to act violently. If literature is censored solely on the base of the actions of unstable people, no work of literature or art can survive. Many works of literature are banned in schools in the 90s: Of Mice and Men, Catcher in the Rye, The grapes of Wrath, Lord of the Flies etc are some examples. All these books are award winning classics and amazing literature in their own rights, which have the ability to influence people positively. Most frequently, books are censored by school libraries as they contain violence, sex, homosexuality and rebellious children. â€Å"Behind textbook controversies, are beliefs and values th at encompass more than curriculum decision in classroom†(June 1). But, the real question is why should students be prohibited from reading books which have lesbians as the main character or about gay couples? It is not that students are not aware of such issues and the reality is that the libraries are just dictating a norm of regulated rules as to how an individual should behave in society. The libraries are acting as
Friday, October 18, 2019
Managing Operations comparing Emirate Airlines and Cathay Pacific Essay
Managing Operations comparing Emirate Airlines and Cathay Pacific AirLine - Essay Example (Doganis, 2001) Emirates airline is an airline company which is based in Dubai, united emirates (UAE) in the Middle East. The company is the biggest airline in the region operating passenger service. It has more than 2,350 flights per week flying to more than 91 cities in over than 61 countries located in six continents. It offers cargo services by use of its Emirates Sky cargo name. The company is based in Dubai international airport. Over 50 % of flights movements in and out of the Dubai airport are carried out by Emirates airplanes, and it is projected that by 2010 the figure will increase to 70%. The airline was established in 1985 by the government of Dubai and it has had a phenomenal growth to be among the largest airline not only in Asia but in the whole world. Emirates has a very strong brand image has been able to get various international wards, and it is set high standards in the industry of aircraft purchasing, service, safety and innovation. In Asia it is ranked as the tenth largest ai rline, and it is ninth in terms of international passenger volume. (Directory, 2007) The airway company was formed way back in 1946 by an American pilot and business man Roy Farrell and an Australian pilot named Sydney de Kantzow. The two entrepreneurs started by operating in Shanghai, then they moved to Hong Kong and registered the company. The company carried out it services for a long time until it merged with BOAC in1960 and continued carrying out it service in Asia though many companies wanted to make an alliance with the company it has managed to run by itself. However the company had its share of problems brought about by Asian financial crisis and government policies. (Directory, 2007) How the wider economic environment impacts on their operations Various economic factors are indicators of the changing industry environment. These economical factors include; Fiscal policy rates, interest rate policy, currency exchange rates, consumer factors, quotas imposed on the product , import tariffs, inflation rate and national interests, expenditures, consumer wealth, etc. It is possible that the climate economy of the world dictates how the consumers of the aviation industry behave. Emirates airline has created an international fleet and increase its number of flights and destination in line with improved macro economy being witnessed in globally. However, the Cathay airline has been slow in changing it operations in relation to the wider economy. Cathay operations due they have been changing in response to the wider economy it is slow in doing so. (Doganis, 2001) What you consider the operations management issues facing the organizations Organizational effectiveness can be defined as the extent to which an organization has achieved its set objectives. Emirate Airline management effectiveness is reported to be high and it is argued that the main reason to its success is because of the measures taken by the entire management in response to changes in contemporary world of business. Emirates Airlines has been credited with building a strong human resource relationship which has enhanced the success of organization. The company recruits its employees based on their qualifications and their competence. Emirates Airlines have embarked on recruiting professionals that produces global culture. (Doganis, 2001) Emirates Airlines has also responded well in terms of new technologies that come up
Greenhouse gas emissions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Greenhouse gas emissions - Assignment Example Fluorinated gases in combination with chlorinated gases form chloro-fluoro carbon or CFC which are the major factors responsible for deteriorating the quality of Earths atmosphere. They are responsible for the depletion of Ozone layer, paving the way for harmful uv radiation in the planet. Green house gases take up and give off radiations in the thermal infrared range and hence lay the foundation for green house effect, a rise in temperature. Therefore, Green house gases greatly affect the temperature of the earth, causing an exponential rise in the planets temperature. This has resulted in alteration in surface climate, precipitation, famine and surface hydrology, transformation in the open environment, modifications in tropics, subtropics and in the monsoons, conversions in atmospheric conditions, climatic variations and melting of glaciers causing elevation of the sea level. The temperature of the planet is severely affected by these green house gases and the situation has become alarming. In view of this various countries have joined hands to reduce the use of those commodities which are responsible for the emission of GHGs. It is still only the beginning and we have a long way to march down to prevent the further deterioration of the
Volunteer work Bonaventure house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Volunteer work Bonaventure house - Essay Example During the time when most institutions never wanted to associate themselves with HIV/AIDS, Alexian brothers went ahead and committed themselves to promoting care for the HIV/AIDS victims. This was a time when even the most influential institutions such as churches and other religious institutions never wanted to associate with the disease and the populations infected with HIV/AIDS. The Bonaventure house in Chicago is guided by the vision of Alexian brothers to provide care, compassion, dignity and love for people who are marginalized in the society. It is this vision that people with HIV/AIDS are accorded transformed lives within a supportive and compassionate community. Today, the facility has 35 private rooms, a complete food service among other facilities such as a chapel, learning centre, television room, administrative centre and 24 hour staff care. These resources are coupled with family ambiance that affords the clients spiritual and social needs. The location of the facility also ensures that the residents get enough medical and recovery services throughout the year. I decided to volunteer at Bonaventure home after reading its history and the way the facility supported HIV/AIDS patients when stigma was at its peak in the world. The facility has reduced many HIV related deaths because it offers a helping hand to those who are considered outcast by the society. Although a lot of de-stigmatization has been done and awareness has been created, the fact still remains that many people are dying because of lack of love, medical care, and treatment therapies. However, Bonaventure has come in between to solve this problem and its something that need to be appreciated, embraced, emulated and duplicated all over the world. I am sure this can only happen if more people are exposed to the day to day events of Bonaventure home. The other reason was that when I arranged a pre-visit to the centre I found children reading to their
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank's Research Paper
How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank's performance - Research Paper Example In this way, the bank’s recruitment process can negatively be perceived, as of its failure in promoting diversity, equality and fairness. This problem could negatively affect the bank’s image in the market but also its performance since employees who are not appropriately skilled could not respond to the needs of their position. Employers use different selection methods to recruit and select appropriate people for the organization, because it is not possible to extract maximum output from the employees if they are not hired according to the right selection process. Positivistic paradigm will be adapted for the research that supports quantitative research approach. The present research will apply regression analysis to evaluate questionnaire. Moreover, Cronbach Alpha will be used for testing validity and reliability of the responses, which will be collected from the employees of the bank. For evaluating interview with HR manager, Thematic Analysis will be used by the res earch for making the result more authentic. The sample size of the questionnaire will be 50, and it will be based on simple random sampling. On the other hand, the HR manager of Masraf Al Rayan bank will be interviewed to find out the relationship of recruitment and selection process with performance of the bank. The establishment of effective recruitment policies is often considered as a key criterion for the success of organizations in the global market. In highly competitive industries, such as the bank industry, banks tend to use recruitment processes, which have been successfully used by competitors. Still, there are banks that prefer to keep their recruitment process simple, probably believing that the ability of each employee to respond to the needs of his position can be only proved in practice, i.e. after exposing the employee to daily organizational problems. It has been seen from past empirical studies that
The Evedentialist view Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Evedentialist view - Essay Example Does faith entertain the principle of seeing for the sake of believing as a reasonable school of thought when it comes to the principle of belief and religion? Evidentialist holds that facts speak for themselves and that the basis for believing will depend upon the degree of factual evidences that prove the validity of something. In Christian apologetics today, evidentialism seeks to show the truth of the religion by demonstrating its factuality compared to the classical views, which regard logic as the primary criterion of truth and faith. The evidentialist view assigns the criterion of belief on the basis of facts and not just reason2; one finds evidences and factual data that prove the existence of what is believed to be the truth. In the modern world, people, due to the availability of many points of view, do not tend to believe in something that is not proven or does not present enough facts. Evidentialism works on the principle of evidence based on witnessed and felt facts that prove the existence of something rather than on false beliefs based on pure reason. Moreover, the evidentialist view will denote a positive idea if applied to life principles but not to all aspects of life, especially religion, which works more on the principle of faith, not on the principle of facts. ... Evidentialism dominates the modern culture; every reasonable theory should be testable and should have factual data to support its existence. It is believed that visual capabilities provide a hard evidence of existence, unlike cognitions or thoughts which are not based on senses but are mere beliefs that provide less reliable evidence or sometimes none at all. Therefore, religion, which is not usually based on senses, cannot meet the standards set by the evidentialist viewpoint – that is why evidentialism supports the modern critique of religion3. There are some objections to evidentialism. It is argued that the idea of evidentialism is somewhat controversial. Firstly, it defies the principle of conservatism; it is governed more by the desire to avoid falsehood than the desire to arrive at the truth. Another argument states that if the principle of sufficient evidence works, people would be forced to abandon most of their beliefs. Furthermore, it states that evidentialism does not explain the way people come to most of their beliefs based on what they perceive to be reliable and trustworthy testimony of others, without requiring an extensive evaluation of the evidence that others have passed along4. Although evidentialism is plagued with contradictions as regards connecting facts with faith, one cannot deny the strength it has as a belief principle that justification is a reason-giving conception of arriving at true beliefs. It holds the idea that what a person really believes is something that is true and not based on myths and passed-on fallacies. Evidentialism, in my opinion, strives to achieve the greater good, because it
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank's Research Paper
How are staff recruitment practices affecting Al Rayyan bank's performance - Research Paper Example In this way, the bank’s recruitment process can negatively be perceived, as of its failure in promoting diversity, equality and fairness. This problem could negatively affect the bank’s image in the market but also its performance since employees who are not appropriately skilled could not respond to the needs of their position. Employers use different selection methods to recruit and select appropriate people for the organization, because it is not possible to extract maximum output from the employees if they are not hired according to the right selection process. Positivistic paradigm will be adapted for the research that supports quantitative research approach. The present research will apply regression analysis to evaluate questionnaire. Moreover, Cronbach Alpha will be used for testing validity and reliability of the responses, which will be collected from the employees of the bank. For evaluating interview with HR manager, Thematic Analysis will be used by the res earch for making the result more authentic. The sample size of the questionnaire will be 50, and it will be based on simple random sampling. On the other hand, the HR manager of Masraf Al Rayan bank will be interviewed to find out the relationship of recruitment and selection process with performance of the bank. The establishment of effective recruitment policies is often considered as a key criterion for the success of organizations in the global market. In highly competitive industries, such as the bank industry, banks tend to use recruitment processes, which have been successfully used by competitors. Still, there are banks that prefer to keep their recruitment process simple, probably believing that the ability of each employee to respond to the needs of his position can be only proved in practice, i.e. after exposing the employee to daily organizational problems. It has been seen from past empirical studies that
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Statement of Purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Of Purpose - Personal Statement Example While I took a course in Business Economy in college, I hold the strong opinion that if I combine this credential with accounting, then I would be able to put forth unrivalled competence in the job market. When it comes to my personal experience especially in the field of business and accounting, I feel privileged to report that I have vast experience at various capacities. Essentially, I have about four years of experience in various sectors and categories where I made significant contributions. I spent one year in an insurance company as a sales and service personnel where I oversaw tremendous sales of insurance policies to various clients. Additionally, I spent three years in a beauty salon as a customer service person. In this position, I interacted with various customers hence ensuring their utmost satisfactions throughout my time of stay at the company. As far as responsibilities carried are concerned, I evaluated the needs of the customers in addition to providing them with the best available products and services. Furthermore, I handled the daily book keeping duties of the store before reporting the results to the headquarters. I have to confess that these responsibilities were taxing despite their enormous benefits to my career path. Furthermore, I managed to learn the English language when my husband and I decided to move to the United States for purposes of work and study. In brief, I have had to overcome a myriad of challenges over the last seven years ranging from cultural adaptation to learning a foreign language. While in the United States, I managed to take several courses in accounting in community college and take all the necessary classes to satisfy the language classes in colleges and universities. I have also taken courses in bookkeeping and taxes advising in order to gain more insight into the world of accounting an d to enable me to become a competent consultant in future. Last but equally
Monday, October 14, 2019
Supply Chain Management Case Study: Turkish Airline
Supply Chain Management Case Study: Turkish Airline At present, many companies are usually seeing their profits and income slip through their fingers as result of the of process gaps existing in various departments. As clienteles, staffs, partners or dealers move through a companys business processes, new publically conscious tools can inhibit them from getting stuck in multifaceted processes. Therefore, there is a need for synchronizing and integrating various processes which include; operation process, market process, production and procurement process. If not, a lack of synchronization and integration of various business processes can deny many of the vital benefits resulting from employing commercial process management and business instructions management or any other solutions that guarantee operational competence and efficiency. Before looking at how Turkish airline can Synchronize and integrate operation process, market process, production and procurement process, there is a need for defining what is meant by each of the processes; Marketing process This is the marketing model that any company must find a way to realizeunsatisfiedconsumer needs and bring to market goods and services that fulfill those desires. The procedure of doing so can be exhibited in a series of steps that ensure unsatisfied consumers fulfill their desires. Operational processes These are the processes that ensure consistenttactic to all activities accomplished. There is no anycompany that can afford several ways to undertake activities, nor can it afford extraopenings to encouragedisaster from lack of documented and well-definedoperational process. Production process Production process is focused with transmuting a variety of inputs into yields that are essentialto the market. All production process encompasses a sequence of networks in a production chain. In every stage, value is added during production process. Procurement process This is a process thataida firm in acquiring goods and services from peripheral dealers. Having looked at the meaning of operation process, market process, production and procurement process, it is very clear that all this processes are very vital in the operation of any organization. Therefore, Turkish airline can Synchronize and integrate these processes in the following ways: In order for Turkish airline to Synchronize and integrate these processes at the correct time at the right place at the right quintets, so they can shrink the cost and upsurge customer services fulfillment simultaneously, they need to do matching. Matching is the process of collecting and relating all the similar activities in the organization. Through matching process, Turkish airline will be able to synchronize and integrate all the company processes. This will be done by putting all the related activities in every process then relate them. This will ensure employing a certain group of workers to work in those clustered processes from different departments (processes) in the company. This will help Turkish airline save a lot of money due to the reduction in the number of employees. This is because; one employee can work in different department within the same airline. Apart from synchronizing Market, operation, production and procurement processes, integration process would be very important integration in order to reduce operation cost and increase customer satisfaction. Integration, in Turkish airline, can be done by investigating affiliations across a corporate compendium in order to formtaxonomiesand unifyprocesses into a standardized system. To do this, it will include both merging and matching methods. Through integration, processes within the airline which are closely related will be unified thus forming one standardized system. This will help in saving time in saving customers, lower operation cost due to reduction in the number of employees and also be able to increase customers satisfaction due to the existence of a standardized system of operation. Outsource the Catering Since Turkish airline is a very big airline, it must outsource some services like catering because this is the service that requires a lot of working strategies. Turkish airline should therefore identify large company of caterers who have their in-house experts for nearly everything that is required to done in catering department in Turkish airline. It would be a way forward for Turkish airline to hire outside experts for special catering services that are required in order to cater for various kinds of the customers travelling in Turkish airline. By employing this catering company, the Turkish airline should divide the kind of miles to be offered to the travellers travelling in Turkish airline. This will ensure that customer only chose their preferred meal from the available set of food items and drinks available for every type of schedule. This will ensure that there is catering services for breakfast, lunch and dinner which will depend on the schedule of the airline. In doing this, Turkish airline will be able to save a lot of money by ensuring only food items prepared are suitable a certain type of travel schedule. It will also avoid inconvenience of the customers ordering something which is not available. Also, this will increase customer satisfactions since customers will be choosing items available in the menu for a certain schedule of the airline. This will help market Turkish airline since customers will be satisfied by the services being offered by the Turkish airline. This will therefore increase the number of returning customers and also help Turkish airline attract other new customers through the good thing being said by the old customers of Turkish airline. Supply Chain Management Supply chain management means the oversight of information, finances and materials as they shift in a procedure from the supplier to the manufacturer to the wholesaler to the retailer and to consumers. Supply chain management engrosses integrating and coordinating the flows both among and within companies. It is believed that, the final goal of all efficient supply chain management systems is to lower inventory, with the presumption that, all products are readily available when they are needed. Supply chain management surge can be subdivided into three key flows: The information flow The product flow The finances flow Products flow involves the faction of goods from the supplier to the customer, and all customers returns or service necessities. The data flow involves conveying orders as well as updating the delivery status. The financial flows consist of payment schedules, title and consignment ownership and credit terms provisions. There exist two key types of supply chain management software: execution applications and planning applications. Planning applications make use of advanced algorithms to examine the most appropriate means to fill orders. Execution applications pursue the physical characteristics of goods, materials management, and the financial information engrossing entire parties. Some supply chain management applications are focused on open information models, which support the distribution of information both outside and inside the enterprise. This is known as the comprehensive enterprise, and may include main suppliers, end customers and manufacturers of a particular company. This shared information might reside in varied data warehouses or database systems at several different companies and sites. By giving out the data upstream with the companys suppliers and the downstream with the companys clients, supply chain management applications have the capability to upgrade the market-to-time products, allow all parties and reduce costs in the supply chain management to better manage the current resources as well as plan for future necessities. Supply Chain In early 2008 AMR Research (2008b) reported that, firms in the Supply Chain Top 25 reported an average total stock market return for 2007 of 17.89%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had average returns of 6.43% and the SP 500 index had average returns of 3.53% during the same period (Hauser 2010, 446-462). At the time the Supply Chain Top 25 included firms in the computer, electronics, automotive, retail, beverage, health care, apparel, and pharmaceutical industries, indicating a widespread recognition of the value of effective supply chain practices. Later in 2008, when the stock markets were down substantially, the Supply Chain Top 25 was down significantly less than the DJIA and SP 500 indices (Hambrick 2009, 193-206). But it is not all good news for firms participating in supply chains. The downside of ineffective supply chain practices can have a substantial negative effect on firm performance as well. In a study of supply chain glitches, Holbrook (2007) found that when publically traded firms experienced supply chain disruptions, the average abnormal financial returns to firms over the subsequent two year period was close to -40%, and the equity risk of the firms increased at the same time. But supply chain problems are not limited to supply disruptions. Being introduced the design for the new 787 Dreamliner several years ago, but has had numerous production problems with supply availability, collaborative design and development challenges, and problems developing new materials for production (Holbrook 2007, 21-71). In a different industry, Ericsson experienced a supplier problem when a small fire eliminated supply of a critical cell phone chip, and the firm never recovered (Hauser 2010, 446-462). There are many examples of how firms have suffered from ineffective management of supply chains, but regardless of the specific causes firms recognize that mere participation in competitive supply chains does not mean the firm will gain potential benefits. These issues present a conundrum: why do some firms gain significant advantage for supply chains, while others do not and may even underperform relative to their competition? Why is this important? Because planning and implementing effective supply chain practices requires managers to make decisions today that affect how well firms will perform in the future, and the costs of poor decisions today have dramatic effects on future firm performance (Harland 2003, 51-62). Supply chain analysis Why do some firms achieve success with their supply chain practices while others underperform to their potential? One potential answer to this puzzle lies in understanding the difference between the breadth of an overall supply chain versus the effective span of control or influence that a firm has on its particular supply chain, and how the span of influence can be used to competitive advantage. For example, Toyota and Wal-Mart have worked to extend their span of control in supply chains beyond their immediate suppliers while working to implement strategic information systems that provide increased visibility of information in their supply chains to help improve flow of product, reduce inventories, and reduce overall supply chain costs (Hambrick 2009, 193-206). This increased visibility also provides early warning of problems that may be developing in the supply chain, providing additional reaction time that may mean the difference between a supply disruption and effective performance. The value of increased visibility has strategic benefits to firms. Some firms, particularly large firms that have the power of high purchase volumes to induce suppliers to participate in supply chain initiatives may do very well in return. But there are limits on span of control in multi-firm relationships and many firms do not achieve the ability to increase their span of control and leverage in supply chains (Habib 2007, 589-606). If a firm has a low-cost strategy, then the firm should optimize and coordinate the supply chain by having frequent and timely deliveries from suppliers to reduce the required level of inventory and achieve low cost. There are two types of generic strategies to achieve a competitive advantage: low-cost and differentiation strategies. A low-cost strategy enables a firm to design and produce a product more efficiently than its competitors. A differentiation strategy allows a firm to offer a variety of products to the customer with reliability and responsive services (Gutman 2002, 60-72). Functional products which are considered to have stable and predictable demand require an efficient process (efficient chains) to supply that product. On the other hand, innovative products which are considered to have unpredictable demand require a responsive supply chain. This match between product type and supply chain strategy will result in a better profit margin for the organization. An efficient supply chain strategy aims at cutting cost and eliminating non-value activities (Gordon 2007, 396-415). A responsive supply chain strategy tends to focus on being flexible and responsive to changes in customers demand. An agile supply chain strategy combines both risk-hedging and responsive supply chain strategies. In other words, it aims at being flexible and responsive to customers while pooling and sharing resources among suppliers (Glazer 2006, 1-19). Effective Supply Chain Span of Control What happens when a firms effective span of control in a supply chain is less that the span of the total supply chain? If the firm cannot see problems that occur beyond its supply chain span of control, the unforeseen problems can affect business continuity and supply chain performance with no prior warning. The Ericsson example above, where the customer was not aware of the extensive contamination of the chip production plant that resulted in months of delays, is but one example. And increased visibility is not a panacea. In 2003, When Apple was planning to launch its G5 computer using chips from IBM, the launch was delayed by a multi-state power outage because Apple was using a single source strategy in its supply chain for the CPU processor chip (Ghoshal 2007, 425-440). These issues of visibility, control, and coordination all fall under the realm of SCD. They require investments in developing specific capabilities that substitute for the internal control that would be available through vertical integration (Ganesan 2007, 1-19). This observation suggests that superior SCD provides another potential answer to the puzzle of why some firms performance better than others through the use of effective supply chain strategies. This leads to a discussion of SCD (Galunic 2010, 215-255). Capabilities As previously noted, when firms develop specific capabilities in supply chains these capabilities influence how the supply chain performs. Thus, once a capability is implemented it changes the behavior of the system. When the underlying behavior of a organizational system is systematically influenced, it is said to have properties that are identified with that behavior (Christopher 2007, 1-10). For example, firms develop capabilities to improve responsiveness in uncertain environments, and once successfully implemented these firms are said to have agility. Agility is one of many properties that have been identified in supply chains, as noted below. To build on this introduction to properties the discussion turns to defining the term properties and then examples of properties are provided within a supply chain context (Child 2005, 1-22). Supply Chain Relationship Structure Costs and benefits In choosing an SCRS, for every benefit there is a corresponding cost. With a modular SCRS, the expected increase in flexibility and responsiveness comes at the cost of more relationships to manage, more suppliers to qualify, more inter-firm interface standards to define/gain acceptance, and a spread of purchase volume commitments to more than one company, resulting in lower purchase volume leverage. For a firm employing a modular SCRS, the benefits of lower switching costs and responsiveness are traded-off by lower visibility to identify potential problems and the loss of lower total system costs that are available through more extensive coordination and communication practices (Holbrook 2007, 21-71). For an integrated SCRS, the advantages of higher visibility, improved coordination, lower inventories, and lower system cost come at the expense of investments in more integrated information systems, more human capital to maintain closer relationships, and lower flexibility and higher switching costs during dynamic competitive environments. When relationships are switched in an integrated SCRS, the new relationships and integrated processes have to be integrated over time, increasing investments in new suppliers and increasing human capital to aid in the transition. In addition, if a firm over-invests in a relationship, it negates some of the performance benefits, particularly financial performance (Harland 2003, 51-62). If a firm under-invests, it loses some of the potential benefits. Thus there are trade-offs that firms must consider between increased coordination and investment, and between control versus flexibility during environmental change. These SCRS-related costs and benefits need to be placed in the context of a firms desired strategic outcome.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
European Imperialism :: Papers
European expansion was almost a certainty. The continent was relatively poor place for agriculture, which pushed Europeans outside of Europe in search of new soil. Different countries sent explorers, like Columbus and Magellan, to find unknown trade routes to India and Asia. They stumbled onto new sources for raw materials and goods and Europe was suddenly substantially profiting. The exploration of Africa, Asia, and South America provided new wealth. It increased the standard of living for Europeans, introduced them to spices, luxurious goods, silver, and gold (class notes). Later revolutions and reformers throughout the 19th and 20th centuries transformed European society and continually provided the continent with new interests, experiences, and ideas. As a result, Europeans developed new technology, which enabled them to explore unknown territory and expand their influence overseas. European imperialism began in the 14th and 15th centuries. There were a variety of factors that allowed for expansion. First of all, because the population of Europe was low there was a potential for rapid population growth. Secondly, Europe was relatively small which made it venerable to invasion and provoked the need for strong armies. The fact that it was divided into states provoked the need for strong governments and because there was no one power that could change things in Europe they obtained a relatively strong freedom of thought. This solidarity gave Europe the power to send voyages and explorations around the globe to help find new resources. Futhermore, Europe sent explorers to find different and needed trade routes to Asia and India because the land routes were extremely long (class notes). Also, public opinion played an important role in the support of imperialism. Many people who weren't pleased with their economic and political status could migrate to new re gions to find other opportunities. Others were inspired to spread the word of Christianity and sought a new standard of living. But most importantly, Europeans were concerned with the quest for material goods and to grow rich (textbook pg. 878). There were many changes in the methods from early imperialism to late expansionism. For example, unlike "new imperialism" early European expansion focused on establishing trading posts in different countries, instead of actually taking over the land and adding empires like later imperialism.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
mussolini Essay -- essays research papers
The first World War left the entire world in a state of chaos, suffrage as well as separation; this was all mainly centred in Europe. The European countries were most effected by this war because it was so close to home. Italy, being such a new country saw these effects in an extreme way. The already regionalised country became more and more separated and saw all the crippling societal results of this war. Benito Mussolini was able to capitalize on the state the country found itself in. Mussolini and his fascist ideals were able to overthrow Italy and turn it into a dictatorship and lead it into the second World War behind Hitler’s Germany. Mussolini was able to successfully turn Italy into a dictatorship under a fascist regime because of the country’s internally divided war-torn society as well as the weak state of Italy’s minority governments which could not unite to oppose fascism and finally because of his ability to appeal to this country through a false sen se of security and nationalism. In the troubled postwar period Mussolini organized his followers in the Fasci di combattimento, which advocated aggressive nationalism as well as violently opposed the communists and socialists. Amid strikes, social unrest, and parliamentary breakdown, Mussolini preached forcible restoration of order and practised terrorism with armed groups. In 1921 he was elected to parliament and the National Fascist party was officially organized. Backed by nationalists and propertied interests, in October 1922, Mussolini sent the Fascists to March on Rome . King Victor Emmanuel III permitted them to enter the city and called on Mussolini to form a cabinet. This created the fascist regime under Mussolini. The fascist regime turned society into individuals who would just obey and distrust reason as well as understand violence as an essential tool to order. Ideally the country would transform into a totalitarian state; where the government would have total control over the lives of individuals and this would mean that anything is justified if it serves the states ands. Fascism emphasized victory, glorified war, is cruel to the weak, and is irrational and intolerant. Mussolini used the condition of the country to his advantage in his journey to becoming the dictator of Italy. Italian fascism had at least four principal phases. Until 1925, it was political action seeking an ideolog... ...inent invasion by the Allies of the Italian mainland at last caused a rebellion within the Fascist party. In July, 1943, the Fascist grand council refused to support his policy-dictated by Hitler- and the king dismissed him and had him placed under arrest. He was freed two months later by a daring German rescue party and became head of the Fascist puppet government set up in Northern Italy by Hitler. Italy unlike the rest of Europe was greatly affected by the first World War and the state that the country was left in made it vulnerable to the extremist view of Mussolini and was easily transformed into a dictatorship and lead into a fateful alliance with Germany. Mussolini and his fascist ideals were able to overthrow Italy and turn it into a dictatorship and lead it into the second World War behind Hitler’s Germany. Mussolini was able to successfully turn Italy into a dictatorship under a fascist regime because of the country’s internally divided war-torn society as well as the weak state of Italy’s minority governments which could not unite to oppose fascism and finally because of his ability to appeal to this country through a false sense of security and nationalism.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Discrimination Against LGBT Essay
To millions of Americans, the right to equality is being violated because of their sexual orientation. Federal and state Constitutional amendments that define marriage as between a man and a woman deny gay Americans these rights. These rights were/are violated when certain states ban gay marriage by law, when opposing gay marriage is based on religious views, and when pursuit of happiness is taken away from a gay american. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both give Americans the rights of Equal Protection Under Law, Freedom of Religion, and the Pursuit of Happiness. People who are LGBT are not getting treated equally and are even being discriminated in some cases. The fourteenth amendments states that there should be Equal Protection under the law. It protects individuals from arbitrary discrimination by government officials. In the map of the U.S. which showed which states allow gay marriage, only twenty one states allow some form of domestic partnership (â€Å" Current Status†) and the rest of the states ban gay equality. As a country, equality is banned by law. The democratic ideal of equality was violated in this case. In the first amendment, it states that there should be freedom of religion, which includes freedom from religion. This is the separation of church and state. In an interview with president Obama, it said in 2004, Obama cited his own views saying that christian marriage was between a man and a woman (â€Å"President†). This shows that sometimes opposition to gay marriage is based on religious groups’ agendas. In the first amendment, the establishment clause says that government cannot favor one religion over another. They should not make laws that ban gay marriage just because of one religion. In the declaration of independence, it says that pursuit of happiness an unalienable right that the people have. The pursuit of happiness means â€Å"The right to pursue any lawful business or vocation, in any manner not inconsistent with the equal rights of others, which may increase their prosperity or develop their faculties, so as to give them their highest enjoyment.†In some cases, if some one was found to be gay, they would often lose their job or lose friends, and they might not be treated the same way as they used to (The Associated Press). In 2001, Dennis and Judy Shepherd were denied the right to the pursuit of happiness because their son, Matthew was stolen in an act of violence because he was gay (â€Å"Obama†). It was pretty hard for Matthew’s parents after such a big loss. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both gives Americans the rights of Equal Protection Under Law, Freedom of Religion, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In these three cases people who are LGBT are not getting treated equally and are being discriminated. All people should be treated equally and should be able to get married.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cis Chapter 5 Study Guide
CS200-Chapter5-Homework Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____1. A(n) ____ is an input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer. a. |keyboard|c. |gamepad| b. |light pen|d. |stylus| ____2. As shown in the accompanying figure, a(n) ____ is a touch-sensitive display device. a. |stylus|c. |gamepad| b. |touch screen|d. |touch remote| ____3. A(n) ____ is a freestanding computer that includes a touch screen. a. |encoder|c. |modem| b. |kiosk|d. |telemeter| ____4.The Wii ____ is a motion-sensing input device that uses Bluetooth wireless technology to communicate with the Wii game console. a. |Tooth|c. |Remote| b. |Bluetool|d. |gamepad| ____5. On a ____, sometimes called a game controller, users press buttons or move sticks in various directions to activate events. a. |gamepad|c. |trackball| b. |Click Wheel|d. |touch screen| ____6. ____ is the process of entering data by speaking into a mic rophone. a. |MIDI|c. |Voice over| b. |Speech recognition|d. |Voice input| ____7. Voice input is part of a larger category of input called ____ input. a. |audible|c. |integrated| b. audio|d. |aural| ____8. Voice ____ is the process of entering input by speaking into a microphone. a. |recognition|c. |concatenation| b. |input|d. |indexing| ____9. Audio ____ is the process of entering any sound into the computer such as speech, music, and sound effects. a. |recognition|c. |concatenation| b. |input|d. |indexing| ____10. A(n) ____ is the smallest element in an electronic image. a. |bit|c. |pixel| b. |candela|d. |nit| ____11. As shown in the accompanying figure, a ____ is a video camera that displays its output on a Web page. a. |Web cam|c. |PC camera| b. |PDA|d. |video conference| ____12.A(n) ____ conference is a meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use a network or the Internet to transmit audio and video data. a. |video|c. |dynamic| b. |distance|d. |profession al| ____13. A(n) ____ cam enables a home or small business user to capture video and still images, send e-mail messages with video attachments, add live images to instant messages, broadcast live images over the Internet, and make video telephone calls. a. |online|c. |conference| b. |Web|d. |vid| ____14. A(n) ____ scanner works in a manner similar to a copy machine except it creates a file of the document in memory instead of a paper copy a. thermal|c. |flatbed| b. |drum|d. |rolling| ____15. A bar code ____ uses laser beams to read bar codes. a. |device|c. |processor| b. |cam|d. |reader| ____16. An MICR ____ converts MICR characters into a form the computer can process. a. |device|c. |processor| b. |cam|d. |reader| ____17. A fingerprint ____ captures curves and indentations in a fingerprint. a. |identifier|c. |reader| b. |biometer|d. |processor| ____18. ____ is data that has been processed into a useful form. a. |Concatenation|c. |Output| b. |Recognition|d. |Input| ____19. A ____ de vice is an output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information. . |processor|c. |graphical| b. |basal|d. |display| ____20. A(n) ____ is a display device that is packaged as a separate peripheral. a. |scanner|c. |monitor| b. |biometer|d. |both a and c| ____21. A(n) ____ monitor like the one shown in the accompanying figure, uses a liquid crystal display to produce images. a. |pixel|c. |plasma| b. |graphical|d. |LCD| ____22. ____ describes the difference in light intensity between the brightest white and darkest black that can be displayed on a monitor like the one in the accompanying figure. a. |Pixel pitch|c. |Contrast ratio| b. |Resolution|d. |Refresh rate| ____23.The quality of a monitor like the one in the accompanying figure depends primarily on its ____. a. |screen size|c. |base| b. |resolution|d. |voltage| ____24. ____ is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device. a. |Pixel depth|c. |Bit depth| b. |Color index|d. |Resolution| ____25 . A(n) ____ monitor is a display device that uses gas plasma technology, which sandwiches a layer of gas between two glass plates. a. |resolved|c. |plasma| b. |topology|d. |gaseous| ____26. For a display device like the one in the accompanying figure, all of the following are common sizes EXCEPT____ inches. . |15|c. |20| b. |17|d. |22| ____27. A(n) ____ monitor like the one in the accompanying figure is a desktop monitor that contains a cathode ray tube. a. |LCD|c. |plasma| b. |CRT|d. |PCX| ____28. ____ is a wireless technology for printing. a. |RFID|c. |Bluetooth| b. |Stylus|d. |Wii| ____29. Printer resolution is measured in ____. a. |pixels|c. |hertz| b. |dots per inch|d. |pages per minute| ____30. A(n) ____ printer is any category of printer that forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper without actually striking the paper. a. |character|c. |nonimpact| b. |laser|d. |ink-jet| ____31.A(n) ____ printer is a type of nonimpact printer that forms characters and graphics by spra ying tiny drops of liquid ink onto a piece of paper. a. |plasma|c. |ink-jet| b. |thermal|d. |dot-matrix| ____32. A(n) ____ generates images by pushing electrically heated pins against heat-sensitive paper. a. |laser printer|c. |photo-quality printer| b. |thermal printer|d. |ink-jet printer| ____33. A(n) ____ peripheral is a single device that looks like a copy machine but provides the functionality of a printer, scanner, copy machine, and perhaps a fax machine a. |multivariate|c. |multiple| b. |multifunction|d. multifaceted| ____34. A dot-matrix printer is a kind of ____ printer. a. |laser|c. |nonimpact| b. |plotter|d. |impact| ____35. A(n) ____ printer forms characters and graphics on a piece of paper by striking a mechanism against an inked ribbon that physically contacts the paper. a. |laser|c. |plotter| b. |impact|d. |ink-jet| ____36. A(n) ____ output device is a component of a computer that produces music, speech, or other sounds, such as beeps. a. |video|c. |aural| b. |audio|d . |sensory| ____37. To boost low bass sounds, surround sound speaker systems also include a ____. a. |headset|c. |subwoofer| b. graphics chips|d. |multifunction peripheral| ____38. ____ are audio output devices that rest inside the ear canal. a. |Faxes|c. |UPCs| b. |Audiophones|d. |Earbuds| ____39. The ____ requires any company with 15 or more employees to make reasonable attempts to accommodate the needs of physically challenged workers. a. |Sarbanes-Oxley Act|c. |Workers’ Protection Act| b. |ADA|d. |W3C Act| ____40. Two output options for blind users are ____. a. |Braille printer and headset| b. |voice output and Braille printer| c. |on-screen keyboard and head-mounted pointer| d. |head mounted pointer and voice recognition|True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____41. A wireless keyboard uses ultraviolet light waves to communicate with the computer. ____42. If a touch screen like the one in the accompanying figure recognizes multiple points of contact at the same time, it is known as a multi-touch screen. ____43. Many handheld game consoles have touch screens. ____44. Gamepads can communicate with a game console or personal computer via wired or wireless technology. ____45. Joysticks and wheels are typically wireless and not attached via a cable to a personal computer or game console. ___46. Musical instrument and balance board controllers communicate with game consoles via wired or wireless technology. ____47. The most expensive kind of digital camera is a field camera. ____48. One factor that affects the quality of a digital camera is its resolution. ____49. The only equipment necessary for a video conference is a Web cam. ____50. A digital video camera records video as an analog signal. ____51. RFID requires line-of-sight transmission. ____52. A bar code identifies the price, the manufacturer, and the size of the product. ____53.Exposure to a magnet or magnetic field can erase the content of a card’s magnetic stripe. _ ___54. Some newer keyboards and notebook computers have a fingerprint scanner built into them. ____55. Signature verification systems use a specialized pen and tablet. ____56. An ATM is a self-service banking machine that connects to a host computer through a network. ____57. Plasma monitors offer smaller screen sizes and lower display quality than LCD monitors, but are less expensive. ____58. All high-quality CRT monitors like the one shown in the accompanying figure comply with a set of standards that defines acceptable levels of EMR. ___59. Monitors like the one in the accompanying figure produce a small amount of electromagnetic radiation. ____60. Many different printers exist with varying speeds, capabilities, and printing methods. ____61. Operating in a manner similar to a copy machine, a dye-sublimation printer creates images using a laser beam and powdered ink, called toner. ____62. A disadvantage of multifunction peripherals is that they are significantly more expensive tha n if a user purchased each device separately. ____63. Most personal computers have a small internal speaker that emits high-quality sound. ____64.An on-screen keyboard is a graphic of a standard keyboard that is displayed on the user’s screen. ____65. Visually impaired users can change Windows Vista settings to increase the size or change the color of text, making it easier to read. CS200-Chapter5-Homework Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS:APTS:1DIF:PREF:190 OBJ:1 2. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:193 OBJ:3 3. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:SREF:193 OBJ:3 4. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:196 OBJ:5 5. ANS:APTS:1DIF:PREF:196 OBJ:5 6. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:198 OBJ:5 7. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:SREF:198 OBJ:5 8. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:198 OBJ:5 9. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:198 OBJ:5 10. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:198OBJ:5 11. ANS:APTS:1DIF:PREF:199 OBJ:5 12. ANS:APTS:1DIF:PREF:199 OBJ:5 13. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:199 OBJ:5 14. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:200 OBJ:5 15. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:201 OBJ:5 16. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:202 OBJ:5 17. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:202 OBJ: 5 18. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:206 OBJ:6 19. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:207 OBJ:6 20. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:207 OBJ:6 21. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:208 OBJ:6 22. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:SREF:209 OBJ:6 23. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:SREF:209 OBJ:6 24. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:209 OBJ:6 25. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:210 OBJ:6 26. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:SREF:210 OBJ:6 27. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:210 OBJ:6 28. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:SREF:212 OBJ:7 29.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:SREF:213 OBJ:7 30. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:213 OBJ:7 31. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:PREF:213 OBJ:7 32. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:215 OBJ:7 33. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:215 OBJ:7 34. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:217 OBJ:7 35. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:217 OBJ:7 36. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:217 OBJ:8 37. ANS:CPTS:1DIF:SREF:217 OBJ:8 38. ANS:DPTS:1DIF:PREF:218 OBJ:8 39. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:PREF:220 OBJ:9 40. ANS:BPTS:1DIF:SREF:221 OBJ:9 TRUE/FALSE 41. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:190 OBJ:1 42. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:193 OBJ:3 43. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:193 OBJ:3 44. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:196 OBJ:5 45. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:PREF:196 OBJ:5 46. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:196 OBJ:5 47.ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:197 OB J:5 48. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:198 OBJ:5 49. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:199 OBJ:5 50. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:PREF:199 OBJ:5 51. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:201 OBJ:5 52. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:201 OBJ:5 53. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:202 OBJ:5 54. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:202 OBJ:5 55. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:203 OBJ:5 56. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:PREF:204 OBJ:5 57. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:210 OBJ:6 58. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:211 OBJ:6 59. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:211 OBJ:6 60. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:211 OBJ:7 61. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:214 OBJ:7 62. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:215 OBJ:7 63. ANS:FPTS:1DIF:SREF:217 OBJ:8 64. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:220 OBJ:8 65. ANS:TPTS:1DIF:SREF:221 OBJ:9
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Families within great expectations Essay
The Gargerys can be described as a dysfunctional, sometimes brutal, family although there is some love as well. The violence at the heart of the family derives from Mrs Joe. She is resentful that she has had to take on the burden of her sister’s orphaned son, Pip. Mrs Joe is the dominant member of the family – unusually for Victorian times. She isn’t afraid of asserting her dominance by beating Pip, and, indeed, Joe either – all the more surprising since he is the local blacksmith. (This adds some humour to the book.) The discipline is fearsome, abusive, random and excessive. She may enjoy punishing Pip and ‘gets the Tickler’ at every opportunity. Pip’s relationship with Mrs. Joe clearly isn’t ideal. Pip depends greatly on his however. Pip is an orphan, and would quite probably be homeless if it wasn’t for her. Pip knows this and that’s why he has put up with his mistreatment/victimisation, timidly†¦ Pip tries to make the best of their relationship, but Mrs. Joe Gargery is too domineering, a fact respected by Pumblechook. She constantly says that she bought Pip by hand, degrading Pip in the process. There is, however, love in the family too – though it passes strictly between Joe and Pip. Joe comforts Pip, warns him when ‘Tickler’ is about, slips him food when Mrs Joe has forbidden it. There is shelter and a sense of correction can be gained as well. However, like every other ‘family’, there are uses of discipline evident. Pip’s relationship with Joe is a complete contrast. Joe respects Pip and vice versa. He is proud of Pip for he declares Pip is a scholar after Pip successfully wrote and read a letter. During the beginning of the novel Pip idolises Joe however once Pip has achieved Gentleman-hood he becomes ashamed of Joe. This shown by his apprehension when Joe comes to visit him in London. He also deceives him as to his reasons for failing to call on Joe and Biddy on his visits to Satis house. (We feel that Pip is unfair here, however his love for Magwitch makes up for it.) In contrast Joe stays faithful to Pip, and helps Pip recover after he has fallen ill. This touches Pip. It helps him become less snobbish and more mature. Joe’s simplicity and honesty makes him the real gentleman in our and later in Pip’s eyes. The other relationship in this grouping is that of Joe and Mrs. Joe. Mrs. Joe depends of Joe financially, however Joe’s need or even love of Mrs. Joe isn’t shown. Yet he mourns her passing. Joe’s simplicity and honesty are weaknesses in their relationship. In this relationship however, Mrs. Joe doesn’t brutally punish Joe, perhaps because she’s subtly afraid of him fighting back. A normal couple wouldn’t be in this type of predicament. It also helps our sympathy being lost towards Joe instead of Pip. The narrator (the older Pip) is very unemotional about the whole ordeal. He seems to understate the actions of the group and is somewhat detached. This implies that he is trying to hide the misery he had in his earlier years. Dickens also uses humour to try and deny the pain he suffered. â€Å"I often served her as a connubial missile†– Mrs. Joe enters the room and throws Pip across the room at Joe. It also understates the pain in a sense. Halfway through Chapter 2 Dickens uses some more understatement. Mrs. Havisham and Estella are a mysterious pair of characters. During the beginning of the novel they are portrayed as evil. They raise Pip’s expectations to an unrealistic level. Knowing that he should fail and have more misery. Miss. Havisham can perhaps be described as cold, ruthless, manipulative and masochistic. She wants take revenge on all men for the wrongs that was done to her by one man. She sits in the clothes she should had worn for her wedding and is surrounded by decaying things a darkened solemn room. She uses Estella cruelly as a porn to exact her revenge. She fails to forget the past and seems to constantly remind herself of the pain she apparently endured. Early on in the play she delights in the way Estella torments Pip and likes to keep her relatives guessing as to whom she will leave her money once she dies. She continues with her plan to use Estella as an instrument of revenge on the entire male sex until later in the novel she comes to realise she has created a monster. She accuses Estella of being hard and ungrateful but Estella says she cannot give love as she wasn’t given any herself. She tries to undo some of harm she has done by helping Pip with his plan for Herbert and she leaves her cousin Matthew a legacy of Pip’s recommendation. She dies distraught with guilt for what she has done for Pip and Estella. Estella can be best described as beautiful but heartless. In the first stage of the novel, she is a beautiful young girl. She has been brought up as a young lady, but uses her education to talk down to Pip and make him feel inferior. Estella is cruel to Pip yet loyal to Miss Havisham. She is bitter and twisted due to the strange upbringing she has received by Miss. Havisham. Estella does not fully realise that she is being used by the old woman and that she is, herself, little more than an agent for Miss Havisham revenge. Estella has been educated as an accomplished and sophisticated young lady. She warns Pip time and time again that she has no heart and can never love anyone. She tells Pip that he is only one to be so warned and that she fools of the other men. She seems to become tired of this way of life and is almost self-destructive in her determination to marry such a brutal and ill-mannered man as Bently Drummle. Even Mrs. Havisham tries to persuade her. At the end of the Novell, she is a widow and has little property left. Her hard experiences seemed to have softened her, and she implies that she regrets having rejected Pip’s love for her. She is contrite and humble as she confesses that she realises what she threw away when she rejected Pip’s love. She feels that the best she can hope for is that they can be friends. She is too humble to expect more. As a whole the two are merely colleagues at the beginning to novel. The young Estella is manipulated and mesmerised, yet she is too young to realise, and continues with her life as is was before. However the end of the novel the older Estella shows her real feelings about Miss. Havisham in an emotional scene. The one who Miss. Havisham has brought up to destroy men’s hearts has now destroyed the remains of hers. Miss. Havisham unsuccessfully uses Estella as her proxy and then becomes guilty. This leads to her painful (as if revenge was enacted on her) demise. The location of this grouping in inside ‘Satis House’. ‘Satis’ meaning ‘enough’ in Latin. This is ironic as Miss. Havisham clearly doesn’t have enough, she isn’t satisfied. There is something missing in Miss. Havisham’s life, marriage. It was shameful for a woman to not be married the Victorian era. This explains Miss. Havisham’s unwillingness to venture out of the house. If Satis House was to equate to Miss. Havisham, then it can be described as a prison. It stunts Estella’s growth. Estella is trapped inside of Miss. Havisham. She becomes Miss. Havisham.
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