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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Public Schools Where 75% of Students Score 10-15 on ACT
When youre considering to which public college or university to apply, sometimes its helpful to browse through schools who have students scoring similarly on the ACT as you did. If your ACT scores are completely lower or higher than 75% of the students who were accepted to a particular school, perhaps youd be better off searching for a school where students are more in your range, although exceptions are certainly made all the time. This is a list of colleges and universities where 75% of the accepted students scored above or at a 10 – 15 composite score on the ACT. What does this mean? The following public schools are accepting students who are scoring well below the national average on the ACT, which is a 21. If you have scored between a 10 – 15 on the ACT, then all is not lost! Perhaps one of these public universities would be a good fit! Please keep in mind that this list is for the composite ACT score – youll see ACT scores a bit lower or higher on particular sections (English, Mathematics, Reading, Science Reasoning), but the composite scores are always between 10 – 15. Remember that the 25th percentile score reflects what 75% of students have earned who were admitted. The 75th percentile score reflects what 25% of students have earned who were admitted. Typically, youll see higher scores in the latter category. More ACT Score Information How to Understand Score PercentilesWhats a Good ACT Score?Average National ACT ScoresACT Scoring 101: Scaled Vs. RawI Think I Got a Bad ACT Score - Now What? Public Universities Where 75% of Students Score a 10 – 15 on the ACT 1. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Tifton, GeorgiaWebsite: http://www.abac.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1375th Percentile: 17 2. Alabama State University Montgomery, Alabama Website: www.alasu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 3. California State University – Dominguez Hills Carson, CaliforniaWebsite: http://www.csudh.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 4. California State University – Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Website: http://www.calstatela.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 20 5. Central State University Wilberforce, OhioWebsite: http://www.centralstate.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 18 6. Fayetteville State University Fayetteville, North CarolinaWebsite: http://www.uncfsu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 7. Grambling State University Grambling, LouisianaWebsite: http://www.gram.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 19 8. Kentucky State University Frankfort, KentuckyWebsite: http://www.kysu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 9. Lyndon State College Lyndonville, VermontWebsite: http://www.lyndonstate.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 22 10. Mississippi Valley State University Itta Benna, MississippiWebsite: http://www.mvsu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 11. New Jersey City University Jersey City, New JerseyWebsite: http://www.njcu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 17 12. North Carolina Central University Durham, North CarolinaWebsite: http://www.nccu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 13. Pennsylvania State University – Dubois Dubois, PennsylvaniaWebsite: www.dubois.psu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 22 14. Prairie View A M University Prairie View, TexasWebsite: http://www.pvamu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 15. South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South CarolinaWebsite: http://www.scsu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 18 16. Southwest Tennessee Community College Mephis, TennesseeWebsite: http://www.southwest.tn.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 18 17. Sul Ross State University Alpine, TexasWebsite: http://www.sulross.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 21 18. Texas Southern University Houston, TexasWebsite: http://www.tsu.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 19 19. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Pine Bluff, ArkansasWebsite: http://www.uapb.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 19 20. University of Main at Machias Machias, MaineWebsite: http://www.umm.maine.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 25 21. University of South Carolina - Lancaster Lancaster, South CarolinaWebsite: http://www.usclancaster.sc.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1575th Percentile: 20 22. University of South Carolina - Salkehatchie Allendale, South CarolinaWebsite: http://www. uscsalkehatchie.sc.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1475th Percentile: 19 23. University of South Carolina - Union Union, South CarolinaWebsite: http://www.uscunion.sc.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1375th Percentile: 17 24. University of the Virgin Islands Charlotte Amalie, Virgin IslandsWebsite: http://www.uvi.edu ACT Composite: 25th Percentile: 1375th Percentile: 17
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Themes of Unity in the Grapes - 1599 Words
John Steinbeck#8217;s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, is a moving account of the social plight of Dustbowl farmers and is widely considered an American classic. The novel takes place during the depression of the 1930s in Oklahoma and all points west to California. Steinbeck uses the Joad family as a specific example of the general plight of the poor farmers. The Joads are forced off of their farm in Oklahoma by the banks and drought, and they, like many other families of the time, head out for the promised land of California. They endure much hardship along the way, and they finally make it to California only to find that work is scarce and human labor and life are cheap. Tom Joad, the eldest son in the family, starts the book freshly†¦show more content†¦Peter Lisca, an extensive critic of Steinbeck#8217;s work, explains #8220;#8230;in is last meeting with his mother, in which he asserts his spiritual unity with all men, it is evident that he has moved from material and pe rsonal resentment to ethical indignation, from particulars to principles#8221; (Lisca 98). Tom clearly changes his feelings and life goals from selfish to self-less. The power of unity is emphasized through the main events of the novel when the Joads leave the government camp and in the strike at the peach fields. The best part of their arduous and depressing stay in California, is when the Joads get a space in the government camp at Weedpatch. The government camp governs and polices itself, has clean camp spaces and large bathrooms with modern conveniences. Here the migrants are free from the malicious deputies, who continually beat up the migrants and burn down their paper shacks at the edges of different towns. #8220;When the migrants band together to run the camp at Weedpatch, a camp that is clean, decent, orderly and without deputy sheriffs from outside, the people are beginning to move toward a social ideal#8221; (Bowden 199). When the Joads are forced to leave the camp for lack of work and food, they realize the power of the camp as a group of people as compared to the dangers outside of the camp that they continually face. When Tom is saying goodbye toShow MoreRelated Themes Of Unity In The Grapes Essay1489 Words  | 6 Pages John Steinbecks novel, The Grapes of Wrath, is a moving account of the social plight of Dustbowl farmers and is widely considered an American classic. The novel takes place during the depression of the 1930s in Oklahoma and all points west to California. Steinbeck uses the Joad family as a specific example of the general plight of the poor farmers. The Joads are forced off of their farm in Oklahoma by the banks and drought, and they, like many other families of the time, head out for the promisedRead More Grapes of Wrath Essay: Theme of Strength Through Unity987 Words  | 4 Pages Theme of Strength Through Unity in The Grapes of Wrathnbsp;nbsp; The traditional human family represents a necessary transition between self and community. In the difficult era of the 1930s, the familys role shifted to guard against a hostile outside world rather than to provide a link with it. With the drought in the Dust Bowl and other tragedies of the Great Depression, many were forced to look beyond the traditional family unit and embrace their kinship with others of similar necessityRead MoreScott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath1720 Words  | 7 PagesGreat Gatsby and John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath In the novels The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the authors present similar ideas, but use different methods to portray them. Similarities in themes can be made between the two texts; these include the pursuit of the American Dream and the use and misuse of wealth. Other themes are also central to each novel, the strength in unity and the influence of female charactersRead MoreAnalysis Of The Grape Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1236 Words  | 5 PagesThe Grape of Wrath is a novel that portrays the life of thousand Dust Bowl farmers using the Joad family. The Joad’s are a family who move from Oklahoma to California for new farming techniques and to live a better life. It uses the characters as moral lessons and to portray themes such as man’s inhumanity to man, dignity of wrath, and saving power of family and fellowship. Steinbeck uses multiple styles and narration to capture the movement of migrant farmers in the 1930s and the life of the JoadsRead More Grapes of Wrath Essay: Steinbecks Communist Manifesto1071 Words  | 5 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath as a Communist Manifesto       Steinbecks political views are quite evident within The Grapes of Wrath. The subject of much controversy, The Grapes of Wrath serves as a social protest and commentary. Steinbecks views as expressed through the novel tie directly into the Marxist ideals on communism.  Perhaps the first thing Steinbeck does in The Grapes of Wrath is establish the status quo. He sets up the farmers and the banks as the two main opposing forcesRead MoreBiblical Allusions to The Grapes of Wrath Essay example1457 Words  | 6 PagesBiblical Allusions to The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California, on February 27, 1902. He studied marine biology at Stanford University and then traveled east on a freighter through the Panama Canal. Steinbeck went to New York to work as a newspaper reporter but soon returned to California and held a variety of jobs while he wrote. Steinbeck published Tortilla Flat in 1935, Of Mice and Men in 1937, and The Red Pony in 1937, which established his reputation as a forcefulRead MoreRole Of Robert Steinbeck s The Grapes Of Wrath 1286 Words  | 6 PagesRobby LaRoy APLang 2 º Ms. Lehman 9/13/14 The Role of Unity in Survival During the great depression in the plains of Oklahoma, workers were forced out of their homes as their crops withered away to nothing and dust took over. The general feeling of these migrant workers during the late 20’s and early 30’s can be summarized by the struggle for survival showcased in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. In the novel, a family called the Joads makes their way westward in hopes of a better life forRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1967 Words  | 8 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck is the story which takes place in a time where opportunity is nil and desperation has overtaken American en masse. The story is told several viewpoints with majority of them being witnessed from Tom Joad and his family while others are from minor characters who share a similar circumstance or actively benefiting from the misfortunes of others. Larger businesses are overtaking others and placing profits above people. The care and welfare for other human becomesRead MoreSymbolism Of The Steinbeck s The Grapes Of Wrath 2259 Words  | 10 Pages Symbols In The Grapes of Wrath, the Joad family experiences many hardships on the journey to and in California, ranging from dying family members to a lack of sufficient food. In the third chapter of the novel, author John Steinbeck introduces a determined turtle who attempts to make its journey across a highway. The turtle is apparently nearly run over multiple times, and is actually hit by a car. This causes the turtle to be flipped on its shell, until it catches its footing and â€Å"littleRead More The Grapes of Wrath as Communist Propaganda Essay example1199 Words  | 5 Pages The Grapes of Wrath as Communist Propaganda nbsp; The Grapes of Wrath may be read as a direct indictment of the U.S. capitalist system of the early and mid twentieth century. Although the book on the surface level can fairly easily be read as anti-capitalist book, it goes further than that. The book both implicitly and explicitly advocates structural changes in the economic institutions of our country. Thus, it may be argued that the Grapes of Wrath is communist propaganda. Propaganda, according
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
National Integration Free Essays
India has many races, nationalities, castes, subscastes and communities but so far the heart of India is concerned it is one. It is true that societies that have been integrated into bonds of unity have always enjoyed peace, stability, prosperity and permanence. And those torn by mutual disruptive tendencies among various sections of the society have always been short lived and become non- existent. We will write a custom essay sample on National Integration or any similar topic only for you Order Now The national integration is the process of uniting different people from all walks of life into a single whole. The most serious problem being faced by India in present circumstances is, how to develop an atmosphere of national consciousness among so varied a people. Indians already have suffered for long periods, the pangs of enslavement and servitude. It is India in the whole world which has to suffer under foreign rulers for more than seven hundred years. The separatist tendencies among people and kings have always resulted in the fall of our kingdoms. Our country was always divided into large number of small kingdoms which were mostly at daggers end. There has been a lack of national consciousness. The internal disputes among the Rajput kings allowed Muslim invaders to establish their foothold here. Then the Britishers were able to create rifts between various kings and princes and thus established their supremacy. It was only overthrown when Indian nationhood joined together by unparallel acumen of some great Indian leaders who became creators of history. There is a need to make efforts for creating emotional integration or a sense of unity. The need of the hour is national integration. It should be taught at the very beginning, in all schools and colleges all over the country that India is one and only one. The differences between various cultures are just superficial and basically it is only one. What is needed is superior interpretations, synthesis of the power of the mind that can give rise to a vision of the whole and oneness. The school and college teaching material should be suitably revised wherein importance and need of oneness should be emphasised. From one end of the country to the other end, regular long distance tours must be conducted so as to foster emotional integration among the young students of our country. Steps must be taken to see that, there are no sectional appeals so that disunity among the people does not increase manifold. To bring about national integration, there are many techniques. It can be forced out, or can be made to strengthen from within the core of hearts. The result by way of exercise of power would always be weak, nsuccessful and it would be for a temporary phase only. But when the sense of national integration stems from within, it would be strong stable and ever-lasting. British government brought about national integration by way of their needs. For the first time during the British rule, the whole of India came to be governed from one centre and all regions of the country from West to East and South to North obeyed instructions and advice from the central power. This was because the God of free dom was the same and realized all over the country. The national unity became more emotional when the country fought a united struggle for freedom. Emotional integration is the basic foundation on which the main structure of national integration can be created. There is a rich cultural heritage in India. All of us are inheritors to several grand treasurers in the fields of music, dance, drama, fine arts and paintings, sculpture and theatre. Our seers and sages have left behind a tradition of piety, penance, conquest of passion and spiritual greatness. Our cultural unity is further exemplified by the great temples of the South, the caves of Khajuraho and Ajanta and Ellora which are glittering examples of proficiency of India in the field of architecture and sculpture. India classical music is built on the concept of ragas and talas. Each raga is regarded appropriage to a certain emotion, a certain mood suitable for a specified time of the day or night. In the modern times, people like Pandit Ravi Shanker have taken the Indian music to great heights in the whole world and thus have bridged the gap between the East and the West in the field of music. Today the intellectuals of Indian society can give the right direction as the country is standing at the crossroads of failures and achievements. The intellectuals must come out of their narrow cells of detachment and awake up to their responsibilities towards the general masses. Through national integration, we will prosper and flourish and dominate the others who are characterized by divisive forces. We will carry with us, a power and strength, solidity and solidarity and an element of cohesiveness which will impart to us further permanence and stay in present struggling world How to cite National Integration, Papers National Integration Free Essays National Integration National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religions and regions and speak different languages we recognize the fact that we are all one. This kind of integration is very important in the building of a strong and prosperous nation. We will write a custom essay sample on National Integration or any similar topic only for you Order Now ____(www. preservearticles. com) National integration is a positive aspect. It reduces socio-cultural and economic differences or inequalities and strengthens national unity and solidarity, which is not imposed by any authority. People share ideas, values and emotional bonds. It is feeling of unity within diversity. National identity is supreme. Cultural unity, constitution, territorial continuity, common economic problems, art, literature, national festivals, national flag, national anthem and national emblem etc promote National Integration. _____(wiki. answers. com) National Integration most simply and briefly means national unity. It is unity in diversity. It means unifying all the forces in the country so as to give the idea of one nation. ____(Nikky at www. indiastudychannel. com) Dr. S. RADHAKRISHNAN has rightly said that â€Å"National Integration cannot be built by brick and mortar, it cannot be built by chisel and hammer. It has to grow silently in the minds and hearts of men. The only process is the process of education†National Integration most simply and briefly means national unity. It is unity in diversity. It means unifying all the forces in the country so as to give the idea of one nation. National Integration involves :- 1)The sentiments of nationalism 2) The feeling of oneness. 3) Social, political, economic, linguistic and cultural unity. ) Common ideas of life and common code of behavior. 5) The ability to subordinate sectarian and parochial loyalties to loyalty of the nation. Obstacles to National Integration 1) Communalism The greatest menace to the national solidarity of a country is communalism. 2) Provincialism The second danger to national integration is provincialism. It springs from the same sentiments which work behind communalism. 3) Unemployment Unemployment intelligentsia is the greatest threat to national cohesion. It causes frustration, Complexes, conflicts, restless and discontentment. A frustrated youth is country’s worst enemy. 4) Lack of social sense In our country, we are self- centred and do not realize that we have duties towards them as they have towards us. 5) Casteism Even now it is the greatest curse for our national unity. Different castes look to the benefit of their own castes. They do not bother for national benefit. Thus constructive activities are stopped. Caste loyalties are strong impediments to the homogeneity of the nation. 6) Different political parties In our country there are many political parties. Out of these some work for the growth of the national unity but there are certain other parties which cause national disruption. 7) Lack of good leadership The success of democracy depends upon the good leaders. Most of our leaders are selfish and unscrupulous. They either work for their own wested interests. they do not care for the national interest. Such leaders stand as an obstacle is the path of national unity. 8) Frustrated youth Youth of today is sitting at the crossroads. He is frustrated because of the rampant corruption, favouritism, unemployment, uncertain future etc. ) Domicile restrictions Three are domicile restrictions in various colleges, especially in professional colleges in India. How can the people of all the states gather under one flag and how can all the communities and castes become indistinguishable if such barriers exist. 10) Lack of national character In India, at every step disruptive tendencies such as adultration in food and beverages and even in life-sa ving drugs, bribery, black-marketing, smuggling etc are prevalent. Because of these tendencies, national integration faces a great danger. How to cite National Integration, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Impacts of Social Networking on Business Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Social Networking. Answer: Social Networking In this digital era, humans have developed digital platforms that bring human activities together around the world. Companies were skeptical about the durability of the use of social media and they thought it was just a passing phenomenon. In the early days of social media, it was seen as a platform that young people used to interact and that business could not benefit from it. Currently, almost every company has an account in social media where they conduct their operations such as marketing. Social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become marketing giants that every company is fighting to have a share of the services they provide as explained by Welton, T. (2015). Social networking applications use internet and companies create their profiles on a specific social network where they can connect to target customer groups. These platforms use different types of communication tools such as desktop, laptops, tablets and smartphones where users can access these platforms. Social networking also referred to as online community allows companies to share content to their followers who give feedback through responses and this creates an interactive communication between the company and the customers (NAKAYA, A. C. 2014). Social media managements provide companies with a seal that improves the validity and authenticity of information they post through verification of accounts as official company accounts. Research on the impact of social networks on companies around the globe shows how it has shaped the business dynamics over the past decade. This has been engineered by the increase in a number of social media platforms and the number of users across the globe. Increased globalization has impacted how companies conduct their online activities as information from one corner of the world could reach to different parts of the world with just one click on social media. Social media has got a lot of research but the area of study is still new and still developing, therefore, requires a lot of research to be done. This study focuses on addressing the overall impacts of social networking on business and how they can maximize them to their benefit. These impacts could either positively or negatively influence activities of the specific company on social media platforms as argued by Berlatsky, N. (2013). The literature on impacts of social media over the past decade have increased and more content is being created as social media broadens. Social media is no longer being used as a tool for families and friends to keep in touch but used to shape how companies approach marketing, public relations activities, education, innovation and also professionalism as explained by Nakaya, A. C. (2014). Social media has transformed communication from complex traditional marketing approaches to into a simpler platform which is more reliable and accessible in most parts of the world. Scope According to social media statistics, Australia research was done in 2016, the number of social media users is close to 24.3 million of the total population. This research will focus on the impacts of the use of social media on business operating both locally and on international markets. The impacts of social media have influenced approaches to marketing and strategies to expanding market share locally and globally. Social media took center stage just at the beginning of the 21st century, therefore, the research will cover all literature from mid-first decade of the 21st century to recent literature on the research area. The study will use secondary sources that are relevant to the research topic. The research topic is a relatively new; therefore, there are limited research works and more literature is being generated. Online academic journals and websites are the most relevant sources for the research topic and produced regularly and studies are improved each time a new research is done on the area (Mckinsey Global Institute, 2013). Therefore the study will use journals and websites to discuss the research topic and critically analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of the using of social media. Books are also an important source of the research as they have an in-depth discussion on the topic. The research will use the most recent research works on the research area to provide current issues in the area. The most relevant sources that will feature more in the research are sources written with the past decade as social media has developed and its use has expanded in the past 10 years. The research focuses on all segments of the world population groups that have access to social media. The research will entail different aspect of social media; companies, demographics of the users, the reason for use of social media, impacts of social media and also the extent of social media usage all over the world. The accessibility of these platforms depends on the internet accessibility in the region and also media censorship dynamics in the country or region (Wasko, M. M., Di Gangi, P. M. 2016). The study discusses how such countries have developed alternatives platforms to conduct same activities. Many companies from different regions are increasingly dependent on social media for different purposes that include marketing, market analyses, feedback collection and education purposes. Tech companies have a social media presence through different sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Weibo. HP has 3.6 million followers on facebook globally; Samsung has 3 million followers on Facebook. Lenovo has 6 million followers on facebook. Apple has been reluctant to have social media accounts it has created support accounts such as App store, iTunes, and Beats1 on Facebook and Twitter and its followers have grown to thousands. Aims The aim of the research is to narrow this research topic to specifically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking on business (Gupta, V., Gupta, M. 2016). The study will focus on how companies mitigate risks of social networking and how they could maximize opportunities provided by the platform. The study will give a contribution to other research work and provide new perspectives on the impacts of social networking. Social media has become a sensation that nearly more than half of the world populations have access to services it provides. It also provides an understanding of the dynamics in the marketing of products and services provided by companies. Objectives The aims discussed above can be achieved by implementing the following objectives: Review literature on user experiences on social media networking and how it has shaped opinions and views about products and services. Establish improvement strategies that could be implemented by companies to increase user experience on the social media networking sites used by companies. Identify the demographics segments in social media to and in the creation of content for various segments. Identify the impacts of social media networking on business operation and how companies can utilize the opportunities presented by the social networking sites. Identify social media sites that favor the nature of companies product and services and provide rich customer experience on the site. Literature review Research on social networking has increased over the decade due to the increasing influence of the users, companies, and communities. The literature on the topic issue is continuously being shaped by the changes in social media sites and network. According to a survey done by New York Times (2016), the use of social media has impacted how companies operate and maintain their market shares. Social networking traditionally was used as a tool for keeping in touch with friends and families to now shaping politics, careers, culture, companies, and education. Social networking has impacted how companies operate in the market as they shift from traditional marketing approaches to digital marketing. Companies have shifted to using social media to market their brands and to increase awareness. Companies choose to use social media as it makes it easier for them to interact with customers and collection of feedback is immediate. The be fearless campaign created by Samsung aimed at empowering younger people to face their inner fears through virtual reality gadgets produced by the company. According to Gupta, V., Gupta, M. (2016) many of the tech companies have a social media strategy that focuses on engaging with customers on a personal level. Organizations identify platforms that provide interfaces that they could manipulate to suit their products. For example, Apple has more presence on Tumblr through the music account which is regularly updated. Online marketing results in offline conversations about the brand which creates awareness and results in increased referrals. Many small companies are adopting the strategy to increase their presence in the market by increasing the offli ne conversation. A lot of literature on digital marketing study the performance of products and how their ability to maintain or increase their market share. Many tech companies are competing for the same market share with similar products. Apple, Samsung, and Lenovo produce same products that are to be sold in the same market; therefore, the individual company has to identify a niche in the market to enable market penetration. This has increased the quality of the products are companies seek to create uniqueness to their products to increase market share. Samsung and Lenovo have a high social media presence unlike Apple hence the increased market share of these two companies in different countries across the world. Social networking provides companies with an inexpensive method of promoting the business while distributing content. Creation of Ads enables the business to reach the target audience without much effort. Samsung has a developed creative Ads featured on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter which features relatable stories to the companies gadgets. Such ads campaigns bring more success when shared to a bigger audience through a medium that most people are more engaged in at the time, for example, Super Bowl and Olympics provide advertising platforms that require advertising agencies to be creative on how to maximize the once in a while opportunity. Apple created Ads which show features of gadgets such as watches and displays specific features Running Ads on social networks such as Facebook and Linked is specific to customer groups, for example, these groups can be segmented into demographics, locality, interests, and behavior as explained by Cross, M. (2014). Their activities can be tracked and monitored which gives a business a perspective on how their operations can be improved. Lenovo developed internal social networking to improve employee engagement and empower external marketing through employees. In a report by McKinsey Global Institute (2013), it shows that distribution of information and data impacts the quality of products and services provided by companies. According to the report, companies that fully implement the use of social networking improve the interaction and build a highly skilled and knowledgeable staff which is turn increases the output. Social media is an important tool in sharing knowledge among different groups of professionals present in social media sites. Social networking brings together companies, therefore, fostering collaborations and linkages. Social media has impacted how companies are ranked as they popularity is determined by traffic on websites. Healey, J. (2011) argues that companies could benefit from using social media as users are directed to company websites resulting in increased traffic. Companies that receive more social media shares either Facebook or Twitter are likely to be ranked higher on Google search. Social media for business shows variations in popularity of business among social media users. The lack of official Apple account creates traffic to companies website through support accounts. Social networking gives a business pool of skilled personnel that could be assimilated to the company to improve performance and output. According to a report by the Staffing Industry (2013), the hiring of employees is increasingly being influenced by social media activities of an individual. LinkedIn is a social media application in which people create professional accounts aimed at linking them to potential employers. This application brings together professional communities where they could share knowledge and their experiences working in the different companies in the discussion. Through interaction, individuals could create an impression on potential employers which could eventually lead them to their dream careers as explained by HEADWORTH, A. (2015). Although social networking has positively influenced companies, there are setbacks in using social media that have affected their operations. Companies have been forced to change their approach to customer relations. Social media provides an interactive platform in which customers have more power to determine the success or failure of a product which is a difficult approach to companies that traditionally had a one-sided form of communication. This approach requires companies to approach marketing through a complex combination of relatable stories of the product to the culture of the target market. For example, the decision by Apple not to use social media for marketing has received some criticism from the customer and trend analyzers as they expect the company to follow digital marketing trend. The use of social media requires caution in all business practices as the spread of information has been revolutionized by the freedom information sharing. Many companies are finding it hard to contain information unlike before when information could be contained within the relevant circles of the organization (Nakaya, A. C. 2014). Social media has created an increase in publicity to companies that has resulted in vulnerability to damage to image and reputation in case of any damaging information going viral. The unfortunate event that has led to the jailing of Samsung officials has influenced opinions that people across the world has about the company. The Samsung Conglomerate scandal in South Korea has received a lot of media attention which has been engineered by online activities of social media users. Increased use of social media with limited control and regulation has increased activities that do not represent the official information about a company. Unauthorized representatives can give information to social network groups that do not represent the true image or operations of the organization. There are many scam accounts that do not represent company views and give false information about the company. This has influenced how these companies recruit employees by checking on social media activity of individuals before hiring them as explained by Wasko, M. M., Di Gangi, P. M. (2016). Employees are expected to be assertive on the use of social media to ensure that their posts do not compromise the reputation and the image of the organization. Conclusion Social networking has become crucial to operations of companies; therefore, management should devise ways to manage their use. Information is power and through social media, companies could harness this power for their own benefits (Welton, T., 2015). Sharing of information on social media last long compared to stories posted on webs considering the fact that more people in the contemporary society use social media to access and share information. Social media has revolutionized the circulation of information across the world and reshaped marketing among tech companies. Information spreads faster and more debates can be generated from a single issue. The world is moving at a faster pace compared to decades before social media took over the world. Although social media has brought some harm to business, it has done a lot good which cannot be written off as explained by WELTON, T. (2015) in his book Getting the Most from Social Networking: Social Networking Risks. 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